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# arti-client
High-level functionality for accessing the Tor network as a client.
## Overview
The `arti-client` crate aims to provide a safe, easy-to-use API for
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applications that want to use the Tor network to anonymize their traffic.
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This crate is part of [Arti](,
a project to implement [Tor]( in Rust. It is the
highest-level library crate in Arti, and the one that nearly all client-only
programs should use. Most of its functionality is provided by lower-level
crates in Arti.
### ⚠ Warnings ⚠
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Note that Arti is a work in progress; although we've tried to write all the
critical security components, you probably shouldn't use Arti in production
until it's a bit more mature. (That said, now is a _great_ time to try
our Arti on an experimental basis, so you can tell us what we need
to fix between now and the 1.0.0 release.)
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Also note that the APIs for this crate are not all yet
completely stable. We'll try not to break things without good
reason, and we'll follow semantic versioning when we do, but
please expect a certain amount of breakage between now and 1.0.0.
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The APIs exposed by lower-level crates in Arti are _even more
unstable_; they will break more often than those from
`arti-client`, for less reason.
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## Using `arti-client`
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The main entry point for this crate is the [`TorClient`], an object that
lets you make connections over the Tor network.
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### Connecting to Tor
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Calling [`TorClient::create_bootstrapped`] establishes a connection to the Tor
network, pulling in necessary state about network consensus as required.
This state gets persisted to the locations specified in the
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(This method requires you to initialize the client in an `async fn`. Consider
using the builder method, below, if that doesn't work for you.)
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// The client configuration describes how to connect to the Tor network,
// and what directories to use for storing persistent state.
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let config = TorClientConfig::default();
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// Start the Arti client, and let it bootstrap a connection to the Tor network.
// (This takes a while to gather the necessary directory information.
// It uses cached information when possible.)
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let tor_client = TorClient::create_bootstrapped(config).await?;
### Creating a client and connecting later
You might wish to create a Tor client immediately, without waiting for it to bootstrap (or
having to use an `await`). This can be done by making a [`TorClientBuilder`] with
[`TorClient::builder`], and calling [`TorClientBuilder::create_unbootstrapped`].
The returned client can be made to bootstrap when it is first used (the default), or not;
see [`BootstrapBehavior`] for more details.
// Specifying `BootstrapBehavior::OnDemand` means the client will automatically
// bootstrap when it is used. `Manual` exists if you'd rather have full control.
let tor_client = TorClient::builder()
### Using the client
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A client can then be used to make connections over Tor with
[`TorClient::connect`], which accepts anything implementing [`IntoTorAddr`].
This returns a [`DataStream`], an anonymized TCP stream type that implements
[`AsyncRead`](futures::io::AsyncRead) and
[`AsyncWrite`](futures::io::AsyncWrite), as well as the Tokio versions of
those traits if the `tokio` crate feature is enabled.
### Example: making connections over Tor
// Initiate a connection over Tor to, port 80.
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let mut stream = tor_client.connect(("", 80)).await?;
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use futures::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
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// Write out an HTTP request.
.write_all(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")
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// IMPORTANT: Make sure the request was written.
// Arti buffers data, so flushing the buffer is usually required.
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// Read and print the result.
let mut buf = Vec::new();
stream.read_to_end(&mut buf).await?;
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println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf));
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### More advanced usage
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This version of Arti includes basic support for "stream isolation": the
ability to ensure that different TCP connections ('streams') go over
different Tor circuits (and thus different exit nodes, making them originate
from different IP addresses).
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This is useful to avoid deanonymizing users by correlation: for example, you
might want a Tor connection to your bank and a Tor connection to an online
forum to use different circuits, to avoid the possibility of the two
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identities being linked by having the same source IP.
Streams can be isolated in two ways:
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- by calling [`TorClient::isolated_client`], which returns a new
[`TorClient`] whose streams will use a different circuit
- by generating [`IsolationToken`]s, and passing them in via [`StreamPrefs`]
to [`TorClient::connect`].
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## Multiple runtime support
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Arti uses the [`tor_rtcompat`] crate to support multiple asynchronous
runtimes; currently, both [Tokio]( and
[async-std]( are supported.
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The backend Arti uses for TCP connections ([`tor_rtcompat::TcpProvider`]) and for
creating TLS sessions ([`tor_rtcompat::TlsProvider`]) is also configurable using
this crate. This can be used to embed Arti in custom environments where you want
lots of control over how it uses the network.
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[**View the `tor_rtcompat` crate documentation**](tor_rtcompat) for more about these features.
## Feature flags
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* `tokio` (default) -- build with [Tokio]( support
* `native-tls` (default) -- build with the [native-tls](
crate for TLS support
* `async-std` -- build with [async-std]( support
* `rustls` -- build with the [rustls]( crate for TLS support
* `static` -- link with static versions of Arti's system dependencies, like SQLite and
OpenSSL (⚠ Warning ⚠: this feature will include a dependency on native-tls, even if you weren't
planning to use native-tls. If you only want to build with a static sqlite library, enable the
`static-sqlite` feature. We'll look for better solutions here in the future.)
* `static-sqlite` -- link with a static version of sqlite.
* `static-native-tls` -- link with a static version of `native-tls`. Enables `native-tls`.
* `experimental-api` -- build with experimental, unstable API support. Note
that these APIs are NOT covered by semantic versioning guarantees: we might
break them or remove them between patch versions.
* `error_detail` -- expose the `arti_client::Error` inner error type. Note
that this API is NOT covered by semantic versioning guarantees: we might
break it between patch versions.
Note that flags `tokio`, `native-tls`, `async-std`, `rustls` and `static` will enable
the flags of the same name on the [`tor_rtcompat`] crate.
License: MIT OR Apache-2.0