prepare_send_from: Add tests

When I added these tests, they didn't find any bugs in my own
implementation, but I did find a bug in futures::future::unfold.
See the in-code comment.
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Ian Jackson 2022-05-18 16:03:13 +01:00
parent 793782acc8
commit 426ff28b73
1 changed files with 122 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -290,3 +290,125 @@ where
#[allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] // why is this not the default in tests
mod test {
use super::*;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::future::poll_fn;
use futures::select_biased;
use futures::SinkExt as _;
use futures_await_test::async_test;
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct TestError(char);
async fn prepare_send() {
// Early versions of this used unfold quite a lot more, but it is not really
// convenient for testing. It buffers one item internally, and is also buggy:
// So we use mpsc channels, which (perhaps with buffering) are quite controllable.
// The eprintln!("FOR ...") calls correspond go the dprintln1() calls in the impl,
// and can check that each code path in the impementation is used,
// by turning on the dbug and using `--nocapture`.
eprintln!("-- disconnected ---");
eprintln!("FOR poll: output poll = IF.Err SO IF.Err");
let (mut w, r) = mpsc::unbounded::<usize>();
let ret = w.prepare_send_from(async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(12) }).await;
assert!(|_| ()).unwrap_err().is_disconnected());
eprintln!("-- buffered late disconnect --");
eprintln!("FOR poll: output poll = IF.Ok calling generator");
eprintln!("FOR poll: output flush = IF.Err SO IF.Err");
let (w, r) = mpsc::unbounded::<usize>();
let mut w = w.buffer(10);
let mut r = Some(r);
let ret = w
.prepare_send_from(poll_fn(move |_cx| {
assert!(|_| ()).unwrap_err().is_disconnected());
eprintln!("-- flushing before wait --");
eprintln!("FOR poll: output flush = IF.Ok SO Pending");
let (mut w, _r) = mpsc::unbounded::<usize>();
let () = select_biased! {
_ = w.prepare_send_from(poll_fn(
move |_cx| {
)) => panic!(),
_ = futures::future::ready(()) => { },
eprintln!("-- flush before wait is pending --");
eprintln!("FOR poll: output flush = Pending SO Pending");
let (mut w, _r) = mpsc::channel::<usize>(0);
let () = w.feed(77).await.unwrap();
let mut w = w.buffer(10);
let () = select_biased! {
_ = w.prepare_send_from(poll_fn(
move |_cx| {
)) => panic!(),
_ = futures::future::ready(()) => { },
eprintln!("-- flush before wait is pending --");
eprintln!("FOR poll: generator = Ready SO IF.Ok");
eprintln!("FOR send ...");
eprintln!("ALSO check that bufferinrg works as expected");
let sunk = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
let unfold = futures::sink::unfold((), |(), v| {
let sunk = sunk.clone();
async move {
Ok::<_, Infallible>(())
let mut unfold = Box::pin(unfold.buffer(10));
for v in [42, 43] {
// We can only do two here because that's how many we can actually buffer in Buffer
// and Unfold. Because our closure is always ready, the buffering isn't actually
// as copious as all that. This is fine, because the point of this test is to test
// *flushing*.
let ret = unfold
.prepare_send_from(async move { Ok::<_, Infallible>(v) })
let (msg, sendable) = ret.unwrap();
let msg = msg.unwrap();
assert_eq!(msg, v);
let () = sendable.send(msg).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*sunk.lock().unwrap(), &[]); // It's still buffered
select_biased! {
_ = unfold.prepare_send_from(futures::future::pending::<()>()) => panic!(),
_ = futures::future::ready(()) => { },
assert_eq!(*sunk.lock().unwrap(), &[42, 43]);