netdoc: Parser for outer layer of onion service descriptors.

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Nick Mathewson 2023-01-30 10:04:04 -05:00
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commit 6c4e9c8f1d
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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables, clippy::missing_panics_doc)] // TODO hs: remove.
mod desc_enc;
mod outer_layer;
use std::time::SystemTime;

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@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
//! Implement parsing for the outer layer of an onion service descriptor.
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use tor_cert::Ed25519Cert;
use tor_checkable::signed::SignatureGated;
use tor_checkable::timed::TimerangeBound;
use tor_checkable::Timebound;
use tor_llcrypto::pk::ed25519::{self, ValidatableEd25519Signature};
use crate::parse::{keyword::Keyword, parser::SectionRules, tokenize::NetDocReader};
use crate::types::misc::{UnvalidatedEdCert, B64};
use crate::{Pos, Result};
/// A more-or-less verbatim representation of the outermost layer of an onion
/// service descriptor.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(super) struct HsDescOuter {
/// The lifetime of this descriptor, in minutes.
/// This doesn't actually list the starting time or the end time for the
/// descriptor: presumably, because we didn't want to leak the onion
/// service's view of the wallclock.
pub(super) lifetime_minutes: u16,
/// A certificate containing the descriptor-signing-key for this onion
/// service (`KP_hs_desc_sign`) signed by the blinded ed25519 identity
/// (`HS_blind_id`) for this onion service.
pub(super) desc_signing_key_cert: Ed25519Cert,
/// A revision counter to tell whether this descriptor is more or less recent
/// than another one for the same blinded ID.
pub(super) revision_counter: RevisionCounter,
/// The encrypted contents of this onion service descriptor.
/// Clients will decrypt this; onion service directories cannot.
// TODO: it might be a good idea to just discard this immediately (after checking it)
// for the directory case.
pub(super) encrypted_body: Vec<u8>,
/// An `HsDescOuter` whose signatures have all been verified, but which has not
/// been checked for timeliness.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(super) struct HsDescOuterSigChecked(HsDescOuter);
/// An `HsDescOuter` whose signatures have not yet been verified, and whose
/// timeliness has not been checked.
pub(super) type UncheckedHsDescOuter = SignatureGated<TimerangeBound<HsDescOuter>>;
decl_keyword! {
HsOuterKwd {
"hs-descriptor" => HS_DESCRIPTOR,
"descriptor-lifetime" => DESCRIPTOR_LIFETIME,
"descriptor-signing-key-cert" => DESCRIPTOR_SIGNING_KEY_CERT,
"revision-counter" => REVISION_COUNTER,
"superencrypted" => SUPERENCRYPTED,
"signature" => SIGNATURE
/// Rules about how keywords appear in the outer layer of an onion service
/// descriptor.
static HS_OUTER_RULES: Lazy<SectionRules<HsOuterKwd>> = Lazy::new(|| {
use HsOuterKwd::*;
let mut rules = SectionRules::new();
impl HsDescOuter {
/// Try to parse an outer layer of an onion service descriptor from a string.
pub(super) fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<UncheckedHsDescOuter> {
// XXXX needs to be unchecked.
let mut reader = NetDocReader::new(s);
let result = HsDescOuter::take_from_reader(&mut reader).map_err(|e| e.within(s))?;
/// Extract an HsDescOuter from a reader.
/// The reader must contain a single HsDescOuter; we return an error if not.
fn take_from_reader(reader: &mut NetDocReader<'_, HsOuterKwd>) -> Result<UncheckedHsDescOuter> {
use crate::err::ParseErrorKind as EK;
use HsOuterKwd::*;
let mut iter = reader.iter();
let body = HS_OUTER_RULES.parse(&mut iter)?;
// Enforce that the object starts and ends with the right keywords, and
// find the start and end of the signed material.
let signed_text = {
let first_item = body
.expect("Somehow parsing worked though no keywords were present‽");
let last_item = body
.expect("Somehow parsing worked though no keywords were present‽");
if first_item.kwd() != HS_DESCRIPTOR {
return Err(EK::WrongStartingToken
if last_item.kwd() != SIGNATURE {
return Err(EK::WrongEndingToken
let s = reader.str();
let start_idx = first_item
.expect("Token came from nowhere within the string‽");
let end_idx = last_item
.expect("Token came from nowhere within the string‽");
// TODO: This way of handling prefixes does a needless
// allocation. Someday we could make our signature-checking
// logic even smarter.
let mut signed_text = b"Tor onion service descriptor sig v3".to_vec();
.expect("Somehow the first item came after the last‽")
// Check that the hs-descriptor version is 3.
let version = body.required(HS_DESCRIPTOR)?.required_arg(0)?;
if version != "3" {
return Err(EK::BadDocumentVersion
.with_msg(format!("Unexpected hsdesc version {}", version))
// Parse lifetime.
let lifetime_minutes = {
let tok = body.required(DESCRIPTOR_LIFETIME)?;
let lifetime_minutes: u16 = tok.parse_arg(0)?;
if !(30..=720).contains(&lifetime_minutes) {
return Err(EK::BadArgument
.with_msg(format!("Invalid HsDesc lifetime {}", lifetime_minutes))
// Parse certificate.
let (unchecked_cert, desc_signing_key) = {
let cert_tok = body.required(DESCRIPTOR_SIGNING_KEY_CERT)?;
let cert = cert_tok
.parse_obj::<UnvalidatedEdCert>("ED25519 CERT")?
.check_key(None) // require that the cert contains its signing key.
.map_err(|err| {
let key: ed25519::PublicKey = cert
.and_then(|id| id.try_into().ok())
.ok_or_else(|| {
.with_msg("Invalid ed25519 subject key")
(cert, key)
// Parse remaining fields, which are nice and simple.
let revision_counter = body.required(REVISION_COUNTER)?.parse_arg::<u64>(0)?.into();
let encrypted_body: Vec<u8> = body.required(SUPERENCRYPTED)?.obj("MESSAGE")?;
let signature = body.required(SIGNATURE)?.parse_arg::<B64>(0)?;
let signature = ed25519::Signature::from_bytes(signature.as_bytes())?;
// Split apart the unchecked certificate: its constraints will become
// our own.
let (desc_signing_key_cert, cert_signature) = unchecked_cert
// we already checked that there is a public key, so an error should be impossible.
.map_err(|e| EK::Internal.err().with_source(e))?;
let desc_signing_key_cert = desc_signing_key_cert.dangerously_assume_timely();
// Build our return value.
let expiration = desc_signing_key_cert.expiry();
let desc = HsDescOuter {
// You can't have that until you check that it's timely.
let desc = TimerangeBound::new(desc, ..expiration);
// And you can't have _that_ until you check the signatures.
let signatures: Vec<Box<dyn tor_llcrypto::pk::ValidatableSignature>> = vec![
Ok(SignatureGated::new(desc, signatures))
mod test {
// @@ begin test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@
//! <!-- @@ end test lint list maintained by maint/add_warning @@ -->
use super::*;
use tor_checkable::SelfSigned;
const TESTDATA: &str = include_str!("../../../testdata/hsdesc1.txt");
fn parse_good() -> Result<()> {
let desc = HsDescOuter::parse(TESTDATA)?;
let desc = desc
// TODO HS: Add checks for the specific fields here once I'm more
// confident that this is the example descriptor I'm using.