impl_standard_builder: Test the Deserialize impl

Test the Deserialize impl of every config struct.

This detects bugs like the one fixed in !502.

The macro now becomes more complex because it needs to take options.
Right now this tt-munching option parser is overkill, but this
leave space for further options in the future.
This commit is contained in:
Ian Jackson 2022-05-12 10:36:54 +01:00
parent 2255778afa
commit 86a3e006d3
2 changed files with 70 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ mod mut_cfg;
mod path;
pub use cmdline::CmdLine;
pub use config as config_crate;
pub use educe;
pub use err::{ConfigBuildError, ReconfigureError};
pub use mut_cfg::MutCfg;
@ -94,33 +95,87 @@ impl Reconfigure {
/// Defines standard impls for a struct with a `Builder`, incl `Default`
/// Generates:
/// * `impl Default for $Config`
/// * a self-test that this actually works
/// **Use this.** Do not `#[derive(Builder, Default)]`. That latter approach would produce
/// wrong answers if builder attributes are used to specify non-`Default` default values.
/// # Input syntax
/// ```
/// use derive_builder::Builder;
/// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// use tor_config::impl_standard_builder;
/// use tor_config::ConfigBuildError;
/// #[derive(Debug, Builder, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// #[builder(derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
/// #[builder(build_fn(error = "ConfigBuildError"))]
/// struct SomeConfigStruct { }
/// impl_standard_builder! { SomeConfigStruct }
/// #[derive(Debug, Builder, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
/// struct UnusualStruct { }
/// impl_standard_builder! { UnusualStruct: !Deserialize }
/// ```
/// # Requirements
/// `$Config`'s builder must have default values for all the fields,
/// or this macro-generated self-test will fail.
/// This should be OK for all elements of our configuration.
/// This should be OK for all principal elements of our configuration.
/// `$ConfigBuilder` must have an appropriate `Deserialize` impl.
/// # Options
/// * `!Deserialize` suppresses the test case involving `Builder: Deserialize`.
/// This should not be done for structs which are part of Arti's configuration,
/// but can be appropriate for other types that use [`derive_builder`].
/// # Generates
/// * `impl Default for $Config`
/// * a self-test that the `Default` impl actually works
/// * a test that the `Builder` can be deserialized from an empty [`config::Config`],
/// and then built, and that the result is the same as the ordinary default.
// The implementation munches fake "trait bounds" off the RHS.
// We're going to add at least one more option.
macro_rules! impl_standard_builder { {
} => {
macro_rules! impl_standard_builder {
$Config:ty $(: $($options:tt)* )?
} => { $crate::impl_standard_builder!{
@ ( try_deserialize ) $Config : $( $( $options )* )?
} };
@ ( $($try_deserialize:ident)? ) $Config:ty : $(+)? !Deserialize $( $options:tt )*
} => { $crate::impl_standard_builder!{
@ ( ) $Config : $( $options )*
} };
@ ( $($try_deserialize:ident)? ) $Config:ty : $(+)?
} => { $crate::paste!{
impl Default for $Config {
fn default() -> Self {
// unwrap is good because the test case above checks that it works!
// unwrap is good because one of the test cases above checks that it works!
[< $Config Builder >]::default().build().unwrap()
fn [< test_impl_Default_for_ $Config >] () { let _ = $Config::default(); }
} }
fn [< test_impl_Default_for_ $Config >] () {
let def = $Config::default();
$( // expands iff there was $try_deserialize, which is always try_deserialize
let empty_config = $crate::config_crate::Config::builder().build().unwrap();
let builder: [< $Config Builder >] = empty_config.$try_deserialize().unwrap();
let from_empty =;
assert_eq!(def, from_empty);
} };
mod test {

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@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ pub struct GuardUsage {
restrictions: GuardRestrictionList,
impl_standard_builder! { GuardUsage }
impl_standard_builder! { GuardUsage: !Deserialize }
/// List of socket restricteionesses, as configured
pub type GuardRestrictionList = Vec<GuardRestriction>;