tor-cell: Make EstablishIntro do signatures

The old code parsed and encoded a signature and a mac... but there
was no way to actually set them properly.  Now EstablishIntro is
built around an EstablishIntroBody, and has the ability to check
signatures and macs.

Because there is no way to handle one of these messages if we can't
check the signature, we no longer accept unrecognized `auth_key` types
in this message.

I've added a test to make sure that we can validate a message from the
C tor implementation, and a test to make sure we can validate our
own cells.  I also had to modify the previous tests so that their
keys were well-formed.
This commit is contained in:
Nick Mathewson 2023-02-27 15:38:47 -05:00
parent 0f88c5131f
commit 8c9a1a6fad
3 changed files with 315 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ default = []
experimental = ["experimental-udp", "hs"]
# Enable experimental UDP support.
experimental-udp = []
# "hs" = (all) hidden service support, either client or server
hs = ["tor-hscrypto"]

View File

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
use caret::caret_int;
use tor_bytes::{EncodeError, EncodeResult, Readable, Reader, Result, Writeable, Writer};
use tor_error::bad_api_usage;
use tor_hscrypto::ops::hs_mac;
use tor_llcrypto::{
pk::ed25519::{self, Ed25519Identity, ED25519_ID_LEN, ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN},
use tor_units::BoundedInt32;
use crate::relaycell::{hs::ext::*, hs::AuthKeyType, msg};
@ -122,66 +128,142 @@ decl_extension_group! {
/// A hidden services establishes a new introduction point,
/// by sending an EstablishIntro message.
/// The body of an EstablishIntro message, after the signature and MAC are
/// verified.
/// This tells the introduction point which key it should act as an introduction
/// for, and how.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EstablishIntro {
/// Introduction point auth key type and the type of
/// the MAC used in `handshake_auth`.
auth_key_type: AuthKeyType,
pub struct EstablishIntroBody {
/// The public introduction point auth key.
auth_key: Vec<u8>,
auth_key: Ed25519Identity,
/// A list of extensions on this cell.
extensions: ExtList<EstablishIntroExt>,
/// the MAC of all earlier fields in the cell.
handshake_auth: [u8; 32],
/// A signature using `auth_key` of all contents
/// of the cell.
sig: Vec<u8>,
impl msg::Body for EstablishIntro {
fn decode_from_reader(r: &mut Reader<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let auth_key_type = r.take_u8()?.into();
let auth_key_len = r.take_u16()?;
let auth_key = r.take(auth_key_len as usize)?.into();
let extensions = r.extract()?;
let handshake_auth = r.extract()?;
let sig_len = r.take_u16()?;
let sig = r.take(sig_len as usize)?.into();
Ok(EstablishIntro {
fn encode_onto<W: Writer + ?Sized>(self, w: &mut W) -> EncodeResult<()> {
w.write_u16(u16::try_from(self.auth_key.len()).map_err(|_| EncodeError::BadLengthValue)?);
/// A hidden services establishes a new introduction point, by sending an
/// EstablishIntro message.
/// This may represent either an outbound body that we're sending, or a decoded
/// body that we're receiving.
/// # Usage
/// This type is a good choice for handling an incoming EstablishIntro message
/// on a Relay, but not for generating an outgoing EstablishIntro message.
/// Onion services should not construct this message object; instead, they
/// should construct an [`EstablishIntroBody`], and then call its
/// `sign_and_encode` method.
#[derive(educe::Educe, Clone)]
pub struct EstablishIntro {
/// The underlying body of this, wrapped in authentication.
body: EstablishIntroBody,
/// The MAC of all earlier fields in the cell, using a key derived from the
/// handshake between the onion service and the introduction point.
/// This MAC binds the EstablishIntro message to a single circuit, and keeps
/// it from being replayed.
handshake_auth: CtByteArray<32>,
/// A textual record of all the fields in the
mac_plaintext: Vec<u8>,
/// A signature using `auth_key` of all contents of the cell.
/// This signature proves possession of `auth_key` and thereby ensures that
/// the request really comes from that key's holder.
/// (This field is boxed to manage variant size.)
sig: Box<ed25519::ValidatableEd25519Signature>,
impl Writeable for EstablishIntroBody {
fn write_onto<B: Writer + ?Sized>(&self, w: &mut B) -> EncodeResult<()> {
let auth_key_type = AuthKeyType::ED25519_SHA3_256;
let auth_key_len = ED25519_ID_LEN;
w.write_u16(u16::try_from(auth_key_len).map_err(|_| EncodeError::BadLengthValue)?);
w.write_u16(u16::try_from(self.sig.len()).map_err(|_| EncodeError::BadLengthValue)?);
impl EstablishIntro {
/// All arguments constructor
pub fn new(
auth_key_type: AuthKeyType,
auth_key: Vec<u8>,
handshake_auth: [u8; 32],
sig: Vec<u8>,
) -> Self {
Self {
/// A string that we prefix onto any establish_intro body before signing it.
const SIG_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"Tor establish-intro cell v1";
impl msg::Body for EstablishIntro {
fn decode_from_reader(r: &mut Reader<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let cursor_start = r.cursor();
let auth_key_type: AuthKeyType = r.take_u8()?.into();
let auth_key_len = r.take_u16()?;
// Only Ed25519 is recognized... and it *needs* to be recognized or else we
// can't verify the signature.
if auth_key_type != AuthKeyType::ED25519_SHA3_256 {
return Err(tor_bytes::Error::InvalidMessage(
format!("unrecognized authkey type {:?}", auth_key_type).into(),
if auth_key_len as usize != ED25519_ID_LEN {
return Err(tor_bytes::Error::InvalidMessage(
format!("Wrong authkey len {:?}", auth_key_len).into(),
let auth_key = r.extract()?;
let extensions = r.extract()?;
let cursor_mac = r.cursor();
let handshake_auth = r.extract()?;
let cursor_sig = r.cursor();
let sig_len = r.take_u16()?;
if sig_len as usize != ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN {
return Err(tor_bytes::Error::InvalidMessage(
format!("Wrong signature len {:?}", sig_len).into(),
let sig: ed25519::Signature = r.extract()?;
let mac_plaintext = r.range(cursor_start, cursor_mac).into();
let public_key = ed25519::PublicKey::try_from(&auth_key)
.map_err(|_| tor_bytes::Error::InvalidMessage("Invalid ed25519 key".into()))?;
let mut signed_material = Vec::from(SIG_PREFIX);
signed_material.extend(r.range(cursor_start, cursor_sig));
let sig = Box::new(ed25519::ValidatableEd25519Signature::new(
Ok(EstablishIntro {
body: EstablishIntroBody {
// Note: this is not the typical way to encode an EstablishIntro message. Actual onion services
// will use `sign_and_encode`.
fn encode_onto<W: Writer + ?Sized>(self, w: &mut W) -> EncodeResult<()> {
w.write_u16(u16::try_from(ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN).map_err(|_| EncodeError::BadLengthValue)?);
impl EstablishIntroBody {
/// All arguments constructor
pub fn new(auth_key: Ed25519Identity) -> Self {
Self {
extensions: Default::default(),
@ -196,8 +278,117 @@ impl EstablishIntro {
// TODO hs: we'll need accessors.
/// Sign and authenticate this body using a provided Ed25519 keypair and MAC
/// key.
/// The MAC key is derived from the circuit handshake between the onion
/// service and the introduction point. The Ed25519 keypair must match the
/// one given as the auth_key for this body.
// TODO hs: we will need some way to ensure that the mac is valid and well-signed. Possibly
// we should look into using a SignatureGated (if we can reasonably do so?)
// TODO hs: Is this the right return type?
pub fn sign_and_encode(
keypair: &ed25519::Keypair,
mac_key: &[u8],
) -> crate::Result<Vec<u8>> {
use tor_llcrypto::pk::ed25519::Signer;
if Ed25519Identity::from(&keypair.public) != self.auth_key {
return Err(crate::Error::Internal(bad_api_usage!("Key mismatch")));
let mut output = Vec::new();
let mac = hs_mac(mac_key, &output[..]);
let signature = {
let mut signed_material = Vec::from(SIG_PREFIX);
.expect("ed25519 signature len is somehow > u16::MAX"),
// TODO hs: we'll need accessors.
impl EstablishIntro {
/// Construct a new EstablishIntro message from its constituent parts.
/// # Limitations
/// This is really only useful for testing; it will construct a version of the
/// object whose signatures will probably never check as valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the body's public key is not a valid ed25519 public key
#[cfg(feature = "testing")]
pub fn from_parts_for_test(
body: EstablishIntroBody,
mac: CtByteArray<32>,
signature: ed25519::Signature,
) -> Self {
use tor_llcrypto::pk::ed25519::ValidatableEd25519Signature;
let sig = Box::new(ValidatableEd25519Signature::new(
body.auth_key.try_into().expect("Invalid public key"),
Self {
handshake_auth: mac,
mac_plaintext: vec![],
/// Check whether this EstablishIntro message is well-signed (with its
/// included key), and well authenticated with the provided MAC key.
/// On success, return the [`EstablishIntroBody`] describing how to function
/// as an introduction point for this service. On failure, return an error.
pub fn check_and_unwrap(
mac_key: &[u8],
) -> std::result::Result<EstablishIntroBody, EstablishIntroSigError> {
use tor_llcrypto::pk::ValidatableSignature;
// There is a timing side-channel here where, if an attacker wants, they
// could tell which of the two fields was incorrect. But that shouldn't
// be exploitable for anything.
// TODO use subtle here anyway, perhaps?
if hs_mac(mac_key, &self.mac_plaintext) != self.handshake_auth {
return Err(EstablishIntroSigError::Invalid);
if !self.sig.is_valid() {
return Err(EstablishIntroSigError::Invalid);
/// Consume this EstablishIntro message and return its body.
/// This is a "dangerous" function because it does not check correctness for the signature or the MAC.
pub fn dangerously_unwrap(self) -> EstablishIntroBody {
/// An error that has occurred while trying to validate an EstablishIntro message.
/// This error is deliberately uninformative.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum EstablishIntroSigError {
/// The authentication information on an EstablishIntro message was incorrect.
#[error("Invalid signature or MAC on ESTABLISH_INTRO message.")]

View File

@ -658,62 +658,112 @@ fn test_establish_rendezvous() {
#[cfg(feature = "hs")]
fn test_establish_intro() {
use tor_cell::relaycell::hs::{est_intro::*, AuthKeyType, UnrecognizedExt};
use tor_cell::relaycell::hs::{est_intro::*, UnrecognizedExt};
let cmd = RelayCmd::ESTABLISH_INTRO;
let auth_key_type = AuthKeyType::ED25519_SHA3_256;
let auth_key = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let auth_key = [0x33; 32].into();
let extension_dos =
DosParams::new(Some(1_i32), Some(2_i32)).expect("invalid EST_INTRO_DOS_EXT parameter(s)");
let handshake_auth = [1; 32];
let sig = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let sig = [0x15; 64]
.expect("those bytes aren't a signature");
assert_eq!(Into::<u8>::into(cmd), 32);
// Establish intro with one recognised extension
let mut es_intro = EstablishIntro::new(auth_key_type, auth_key, handshake_auth, sig);
let mut body = EstablishIntroBody::new(auth_key);
let es_intro = EstablishIntro::from_parts_for_test(body, handshake_auth.into(), sig);
"02 0004 00010203
"02 0020 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
01 01 13 02 01 0000000000000001 02 0000000000000002
0004 00010203",
0040 1515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515
// Establish intro with no extension
let auth_key = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let sig = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let body = EstablishIntroBody::new(auth_key);
let es_intro = EstablishIntro::from_parts_for_test(body, handshake_auth.into(), sig);
"02 0004 00010203
"02 0020 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
0004 00010203",
&EstablishIntro::new(auth_key_type, auth_key, handshake_auth, sig).into(),
0040 1515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515
// Establish intro with one recognised extension
// and one unknown extension
let auth_key = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let sig = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let extension_dos =
DosParams::new(Some(1_i32), Some(2_i32)).expect("invalid EST_INTRO_DOS_EXT parameter(s)");
let extension_unrecognized = UnrecognizedExt::new(2.into(), vec![0]);
let mut es_intro = EstablishIntro::new(auth_key_type, auth_key, handshake_auth, sig);
let mut body = EstablishIntroBody::new(auth_key);
let es_intro = EstablishIntro::from_parts_for_test(body, handshake_auth.into(), sig);
"02 0004 00010203
"02 0020 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
02 01 13 02 01 0000000000000001 02 0000000000000002 02 01 00
0004 00010203",
0040 1515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515
#[cfg(feature = "hs")]
fn establish_intro_roundtrip() {
use tor_bytes::Reader;
use tor_cell::relaycell::hs::est_intro::*;
let mut rng = testing_rng().rng_compat();
// Now, generate an ESTABLISH_INTRO message and make sure it validates.
use tor_llcrypto::{pk::ed25519, util::rand_compat::RngCompatExt};
let keypair = ed25519::Keypair::generate(&mut rng);
let body = EstablishIntroBody::new(keypair.public.into());
let mac_key = b"Amaryllidaceae Allium cepa var. proliferum";
let signed = body
.sign_and_encode(&keypair, &mac_key[..])
let mut r = Reader::from_slice(&signed[..]);
let parsed = EstablishIntro::decode_from_reader(RelayCmd::ESTABLISH_INTRO, &mut r).unwrap();
let parsed_body = parsed.clone().check_and_unwrap(&mac_key[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", parsed_body), format!("{:?}", body));
// But it won't validate if we have the wrong MAC key.
let check_error = parsed.check_and_unwrap(&mac_key[..3]);
#[cfg(feature = "hs")]
fn establish_intro_canned() {
use tor_bytes::Reader;
use tor_cell::relaycell::hs::est_intro::*;
// This message was generated by the C tor implementation, in a Chutney network.
let message = unhex(
"02 0020 75BC879BF697A9B12E1E10596FEF041127FECD11FDD80706AEAE35812EA74328
let mac_key = unhex("250CCAF964B17B621A58CD82DF5DAFD060BA5F28");
let mut r = Reader::from_slice(&message[..]);
let parsed = EstablishIntro::decode_from_reader(RelayCmd::ESTABLISH_INTRO, &mut r).unwrap();
let _parsed_body = parsed.check_and_unwrap(&mac_key[..]).unwrap();
#[cfg(feature = "hs")]
fn test_introduce() {