tor-hsservice: About half of an IPT Manager

There are many TODOs and no tests, but it does compile.
This commit is contained in:
Ian Jackson 2023-07-28 11:39:28 +01:00
parent b39b92b856
commit a117564140
6 changed files with 800 additions and 2 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -4639,6 +4639,7 @@ dependencies = [
"rand 0.8.5",
"rand_core 0.6.4",

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ postage = { version = "0.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["futures-tr
rand = "0.8.5"
rand_core = "0.6.2"
safelog = { path = "../safelog", version = "0.3.3" }
serde = { version = "1.0.103", features = ["derive"] }
thiserror = "1"
tor-async-utils = { path = "../tor-async-utils", version = "0.1.1" }
tor-basic-utils = { path = "../tor-basic-utils", version = "0.7.3" }

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ pub struct OnionServiceConfig {
// service's configuration, we want this to be the key for a map in
// which the service's configuration is stored. We'll see how the code
// evolves.
// (^ ipt_mgr::IptManager contains a copy of this nickname, that should be fixed too)
nickname: String,
/// Whether we want this to be a non-anonymous "single onion service".
@ -19,7 +20,8 @@ pub struct OnionServiceConfig {
anonymity: crate::Anonymity,
/// Number of intro points; defaults to 3; max 20.
num_intro_points: Option<u8>,
/// TODO HSS config this Option should be defaulted prior to the value ending up here
pub(crate) num_intro_points: Option<u8>,
// TODO HSS: I'm not sure if client encryption belongs as a configuration
// item, or as a directory like C tor does it. Or both?

View File

@ -16,7 +16,26 @@ use tor_error::Bug;
/// retrying things as necessary.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
pub enum StartupError {}
pub enum StartupError {
/// Unable to spawn task
// TODO too many types have an open-coded version of FooError::Spawn
// Instead we should:
// * Have tor_rtcompat provide a SpawnError struct which contains the task identifier
// * Have tor_rtcompat provide a spawn method that takes an identifier
// (and which passes that identifier to runtimes that support such a thing,
// including our own mock spawner)
// * Change every crate's task spawning and error handling to use the new things
// (breaking changes to the error type, unless we retain unused compat error variants)
#[error("Unable to spawn {spawning}")]
Spawn {
/// What we were trying to spawn
spawning: &'static str,
/// What happened when we tried to spawn it.
cause: Arc<SpawnError>,
/// An error which occurs trying to communicate with a particular client

View File

@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
//! IPT Manager
//! Maintains introduction points and publishes descriptors.
//! Provides a stream of rendezvous requests.
use std::any::Any;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime};
use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot};
use futures::select_biased;
use futures::task::SpawnExt as _;
use futures::{FutureExt as _, SinkExt as _, StreamExt as _};
use educe::Educe;
use postage::watch;
use rand::Rng as _;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tracing::{error, trace, warn};
use void::{ResultVoidErrExt as _, Void};
use tor_circmgr::hspool::HsCircPool;
use tor_error::internal;
use tor_linkspec::RelayIds;
use tor_netdir::NetDirProvider;
use tor_rtcompat::Runtime;
use crate::svc::ipt_establish;
use crate::timeout_track::{TrackingInstantOffsetNow, TrackingNow};
use crate::{FatalError, OnionServiceConfig, RendRequest, StartupError};
use ipt_establish::{IptEstablisher, IptStatus, IptStatusStatus, IptWantsToRetire};
use IptStatusStatus as ISS;
use TrackedStatus as TS;
/// Time for which we'll use an IPT relay before selecting a new relay to be our IPT
// TODO HSS IPT_RELAY_ROTATION_TIME should be tuneable. And, is default correct?
const IPT_RELAY_ROTATION_TIME: RangeInclusive<Duration> = {
/// gosh this is clumsy
const DAY: u64 = 86400;
Duration::from_secs(DAY * 4)..=Duration::from_secs(DAY * 7)
/// TODO HSS make HsNickname a newtype, somewhere more central, and document it properly
type HsNickname = String;
/// Persistent local identifier for an introduction point
/// Changes when the IPT relay changes, or the IPT key material changes.
/// (Different for different `.onion` services, obviously)
/// Is a randomly-generated byte string, currently 32 long.
// TODO HSS move IptLocalId somewhere more central?
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
struct IptLocalId([u8; 32]);
/// IPT Manager (for one hidden service)
pub(crate) struct IptManager<R, M> {
/// Immutable contents
imm: Immutable<R>,
/// Mutable state
state: State<R, M>,
/// Immutable contents of an IPT Manager
/// Contains things inherent to our identity, and
/// handles to services that we'll be using.
pub(crate) struct Immutable<R> {
/// Runtime
runtime: R,
/// Netdir provider
dirprovider: Arc<dyn NetDirProvider>,
/// Nickname
nick: HsNickname,
/// Output MPSC for rendezvous requests
/// Passed to IPT Establishers we create
output_rend_reqs: mpsc::Sender<RendRequest>,
/// Internal channel for updates from IPT Establishers (sender)
/// When we make a new `IptEstablisher` we use this arrange for
/// its status updates to arrive, appropriately tagged, via `status_recv`
status_send: mpsc::Sender<(IptLocalId, IptStatus)>,
/// State of an IPT Manager
pub(crate) struct State<R, M> {
/// Configuration
config: Arc<OnionServiceConfig>,
/// Channel for updates from IPT Establishers (receiver)
/// We arrange for all the updates to be multiplexed,
/// as that makes handling them easy in our event loop.
status_recv: mpsc::Receiver<(IptLocalId, IptStatus)>,
/// State: selected relays
relays: Vec<IptRelay>,
/// Signal for us to shut down
shutdown: oneshot::Receiver<Void>,
/// Mockable state, normally [`Real`]
/// This is in `State` so it can be passed mutably to tests,
/// even though the main code doesn't need `mut`
/// since `HsCircPool` is a service with interior mutability.
mockable: M,
/// Runtime (to placate compiler)
runtime: PhantomData<R>,
/// Mockable state in an IPT Manager - real version
pub(crate) struct Real<R: Runtime> {
/// Circuit pool for circuits we need to make
/// Passed to the each new Establisher
pub(crate) circ_pool: Arc<HsCircPool<R>>,
/// One selected relay, at which we are establishing (or relavantly advertised) IPTs
struct IptRelay {
/// The actual relay
relay: RelayIds,
/// The retirement time we selected for this relay
/// We use `SystemTime`, not `Instant`, because we will want to save it to disk.
planned_retirement: SystemTime,
/// IPTs at this relay
/// At most one will have [`IsCurrent`].
ipts: Vec<Ipt>,
/// One introduction point, representation in memory
struct Ipt {
/// Local persistent identifier
lid: IptLocalId,
/// Handle for the establisher; we keep this here just for its `Drop` action
/// The real type is `M::IptEstablisher`.
/// We use `Box<dyn Any>` to avoid propagating the `M` type parameter to `Ipt` etc.
establisher: Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync + 'static>,
/// Last information about how it's doing including timing info
status_last: TrackedStatus,
/// Until when ought we to try to maintain it
last_descriptor_expiry_including_slop: SystemTime,
/// Is this IPT current - should we include it in descriptors ?
/// `None` might mean:
/// * WantsToRetire
/// * We have >N IPTs and we have been using this IPT so long we want to rotate it out
is_current: Option<IsCurrent>,
/// Last information from establisher about an IPT, with timing info added by us
enum TrackedStatus {
/// Corresponds to [`IptStatusStatus::Faulty`]
/// Corresponds to [`IptStatusStatus::Establishing`]
Establishing {
/// When we were told we started to establish, for calculating `time_to_establish`
started: Instant,
/// Corresponds to [`IptStatusStatus::Good`]
Good {
/// How long it took to establish (if we could determine that information)
/// Can only be `Err` in strange situations.
time_to_establish: Result<Duration, ()>,
/// Token indicating that this introduction point is current (not Retiring)
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
struct IsCurrent;
/// Record of intro point establisher state, as stored on disk
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO HSS remove
struct StateRecord {
/// Relays
ipt_relays: Vec<RelayRecord>,
/// Record of a selected intro point relay, as stored on disk
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO HSS remove
struct RelayRecord {
/// Which relay?
relay: RelayIds,
/// The IPTs, including the current one and any still-wanted old ones
ipts: Vec<IptRecord>,
/// Record of a single intro point, as stored on disk
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[allow(dead_code)] // TODO HSS remove
struct IptRecord {
/// Used to find the cryptographic keys, amongst other things
lid: IptLocalId,
// TODO HSS other fields need to be here!
/// Instructions to the publisher
/// TODO HSS reconcile IptSetStatus with
enum IptSetStatus {
/// We have no idea which IPTs to publish.
/// We have some IPTs we could publish, but we're not confident about them.
/// We are sure of which IPTs we want to publish.
/// A set of introduction points as told to the publisher
/// TODO HSS reconcile IptSetStatus with
struct IptSetToPublish {
/// The actual introduction points
ipts: Vec<()>,
/// Return value from one call to the main loop iteration
enum ShutdownStatus {
/// We should continue to operate this IPT manager
/// We should shut down: the service, or maybe the whole process, is shutting down
impl From<oneshot::Canceled> for ShutdownStatus {
fn from(cancelled: oneshot::Canceled) -> ShutdownStatus {
impl rand::distributions::Distribution<IptLocalId> for rand::distributions::Standard {
fn sample<R: rand::Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> IptLocalId {
impl IptRelay {
/// Get a reference to this IPT relay's current intro point state (if any)
/// `None` means this IPT has no current introduction points.
/// That might be, briefly, because a new intro point needs to be created;
/// or it might be because we are retiring the relay.
fn current_ipt(&self) -> Option<&Ipt> {
.find(|ipt| ipt.is_current == Some(IsCurrent))
/// Get a mutable reference to this IPT relay's current intro point state (if any)
fn current_ipt_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Ipt> {
.find(|ipt| ipt.is_current == Some(IsCurrent))
/// Should this IPT Relay be retired ?
/// This is determined by our IPT relay rotation time.
fn should_retire(&self, now: &TrackingNow) -> bool {
now > &self.planned_retirement
/// Make a new introduction point at this relay
/// It becomes the current IPT.
fn make_new_ipt<R: Runtime, M: Mockable<R>>(
&mut self,
imm: &Immutable<R>,
mockable: &mut M,
) -> Result<(), FatalError> {
let (establisher, mut watch_rx) = mockable.make_new_ipt(imm, self.relay.clone())?;
// we'll treat it as Establishing until we find otherwise
let status_last = TS::Establishing {
let lid: IptLocalId = mockable.thread_rng().gen();
let mut status_send = imm.status_send.clone();
async move {
loop {
let Some(status) = else {
trace!("HS service IPT status task: establisher went away");
match status_send.send((lid, status)).await {
Ok(()) => {}
Err::<_, mpsc::SendError>(e) => {
// Not using trace_report because SendError isn't HasKind
trace!("HS service IPT status task: manager went away: {e}");
.map_err(|cause| FatalError::Spawn {
spawning: "IPT establisher watch status task",
cause: cause.into(),
let ipt = Ipt {
establisher: Box::new(establisher),
last_descriptor_expiry_including_slop: imm.runtime.wallclock(), // this'll do
is_current: Some(IsCurrent),
impl<R: Runtime, M: Mockable<R>> IptManager<R, M> {
/// Create a new IptManager
#[allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)] // TODO HSS remove
pub(crate) fn new(
runtime: R,
dirprovider: Arc<dyn NetDirProvider>,
nick: HsNickname,
config: Arc<OnionServiceConfig>,
output_rend_reqs: mpsc::Sender<RendRequest>,
shutdown: oneshot::Receiver<Void>,
mockable: M,
) -> Result<Self, StartupError> {
// TODO HSS load persistent state
// We don't need buffering; since this is written to by dedicated tasks which
// are reading watches.
let (status_send, status_recv) = mpsc::channel(0);
let imm = Immutable {
let state = State {
relays: vec![],
runtime: PhantomData,
let mgr = IptManager { imm, state };
/// Send the IPT manager off to run and establish intro points
pub(crate) fn launch_background_tasks(self) -> Result<(), StartupError> {
let runtime = self.imm.runtime.clone();
.map_err(|cause| StartupError::Spawn {
spawning: "ipt manager",
cause: cause.into(),
/// Iterate over the current IPTs
/// Yields each `IptRelay` at most once.
fn current_ipts(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&IptRelay, &Ipt)> {
.filter_map(|ir| Some((ir, ir.current_ipt()?)))
/// Iterate over the current IPTs in `Good` state
fn good_ipts(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&IptRelay, &Ipt)> {
.filter(|(_ir, ipt)| match ipt.status_last {
TS::Good { .. } => true,
TS::Establishing { .. } | TS::Faulty => false,
impl<R: Runtime, M: Mockable<R>> State<R, M> {
/// Find the `Ipt` with persistent local id `lid`
fn ipt_by_lid_mut(&mut self, needle: IptLocalId) -> Option<&mut Ipt> {
.find_map(|ir| ir.ipts.iter_mut().find(|ipt| ipt.lid == needle))
/// Choose a new relay to use for IPTs
fn choose_new_ipt_relay(&mut self, imm: &Immutable<R>) {
pick a random suitable relay
set retirement to something from now.checked_add(IPT_RELAY_ROTATION_TIME)
/// Update `self`'s status tracking for one introduction point
fn handle_ipt_status_update(&mut self, imm: &Immutable<R>, lid: IptLocalId, update: IptStatus) {
let Some(ipt) = self.ipt_by_lid_mut(lid) else {
// update from now-withdrawn IPT, ignore it (can happen due to the IPT being a task)
let IptStatus {
status: update,
n_faults: _,
} = update;
#[allow(clippy::single_match)] // want to be explicit about the Ok type
match wants_to_retire {
Err(IptWantsToRetire) => ipt.is_current = None,
Ok(()) => {}
let now = ||;
ipt.status_last = match update {
ISS::Establishing => TS::Establishing { started: now() },
ISS::Good => {
let time_to_establish = match &ipt.status_last {
TS::Establishing { started, .. } => {
// return () at end of ok_or_else closure, for clarity
#[allow(clippy::unused_unit, clippy::semicolon_if_nothing_returned)]
now().checked_duration_since(*started).ok_or_else(|| {
warn!("monotonic clock went backwards! (HS IPT)");
other => {
error!("internal error: HS IPT went from {:?} to Good", &other);
TS::Good { time_to_establish }
ISS::Faulty => TS::Faulty,
impl<R: Runtime, M: Mockable<R>> IptManager<R, M> {
/// Make some progress, if possible, and say when to wake up again
/// Examines the current state and attempts to improve it.
/// If `idempotently_progress_things_now` makes any changes,
/// it will return `None`.
/// It should then be called again immediately.
/// Otherwise, it returns the time in the future when further work ought to be done:
/// i.e., the time of the earliest timeout or planned future state change -
/// as a [`TrackingNow`].
fn idempotently_progress_things_now(&mut self) -> Result<Option<TrackingNow>, FatalError> {
/// Return value which means "we changed something, please run me again"
/// In each case, if we make any changes which indicate we might
/// want to restart, , we `return CONTINUE`, and
/// our caller will just call us again.
/// This approach simplifies the logic: everything here is idempotent.
/// (It does mean the algorithm can be quadratic in the number of intro points,
/// but that number is reasonably small for a modern computer and the constant
/// factor is small too.)
const CONTINUE: Result<Option<TrackingNow>, FatalError> = Ok(None);
// This tracks everything we compare it to, using interior mutability,
// so that if there is no work to do and no timeouts have expired,
// we know when we will want to wake up.
let now = TrackingNow::now(&self.imm.runtime);
// ---------- collect garbage ----------
// Rotate out an old IPT if we have >N good IPTs
if self.good_ipts().count() >= self.target_n_intro_points() {
for ir in &mut self.state.relays {
if ir.should_retire(&now) {
if let Some(ipt) = ir.current_ipt_mut() {
ipt.is_current = None;
return CONTINUE;
// Forget old IPTs (after the last descriptor mentioning them has expired)
for ir in &mut self.state.relays {
// When we drop the Ipt we drop the IptEstablisher, withdrawing the intro point
ir.ipts.retain(|ipt| {
ipt.is_current.is_some() || now < ipt.last_descriptor_expiry_including_slop
// No need to return CONTINUE, since there is no other future work implied
// by discarding a non-current IPT.
// Forget retired IPT relays (all their IPTs are gone)
.retain(|ir| !(ir.should_retire(&now) && ir.ipts.is_empty()));
// If we deleted relays, we might want to select new ones. That happens below.
// ---------- make progress ----------
// Consider selecting new relays and setting up new IPTs.
// Create new IPTs at already-chosen relays
for ir in &mut self.state.relays {
if !ir.should_retire(&now) && ir.current_ipt_mut().is_none() {
// We don't have a current IPT at this relay, but we should.
ir.make_new_ipt(&self.imm, &mut self.state.mockable)?;
return CONTINUE;
// Consider choosing a new IPT relay
// block {} prevents use of `n_good_ish_relays` for other (wrong) purposes
// We optimistically count an Establishing IPT as good-ish;
// specifically, for the purposes of deciding whether to select a new
// relay because we don't have enough good-looking ones.
let n_good_ish_relays = self
.filter(|(_ir, ipt)| match ipt.status_last {
TS::Good { .. } | TS::Establishing { .. } => true,
TS::Faulty => false,
if n_good_ish_relays < self.target_n_intro_points()
&& self.state.relays.len() < self.max_n_intro_relays()
return CONTINUE;
//---------- tell the publisher what to announce ----------
let very_recently: Option<TrackingInstantOffsetNow> = (|| {
// on time overflow, don't treat any as started establishing very recently
let fastest_good_establish_time = self
.filter_map(|(_ir, ipt)| match ipt.status_last {
TS::Good {
time_to_establish, ..
} => Some(time_to_establish.ok()?),
TS::Establishing { .. } | TS::Faulty => None,
// TODO HSS is this the right guess for IPT establishment?
// we could use circuit timings etc., but arguably the actual time to establish
// our fastest IPT is a better estimator here (and we want an optimistic,
// rather than pessimistic estimate).
// TODO HSS fastest_good_establish_time factor 2 should be tuneable
let very_recently = fastest_good_establish_time.checked_mul(2)?;
let started_establishing_very_recently = || {
.filter_map(|(_ir, ipt)| {
let started = match ipt.status_last {
TS::Establishing { started } => Some(started),
TS::Good { .. } | TS::Faulty => None,
(&started > very_recently.as_ref()?).then_some(())
let publish_set = || {
// TODO HSS calculate set of ipts to publish
// TODO HSS update each Ipt's last_descriptor_expiry_including_slop
IptSetToPublish { ipts: vec![] }
let publish_status = if self.good_ipts().count() >= self.target_n_intro_points() {
} else if self.good_ipts().next().is_none()
/* !... .is_empty() */
} else {
// TODO HSS tell all the being-published IPTs to start accepting introductions
let _ = publish_set; // TODO HSS send this to the IPT publisher
//---------- store persistent state ----------
// TODO HSS store persistent state
//---------- we didn't do anything - wait for something to happen ----------
/// Run one iteration of the loop
/// Either do some work, making changes to our state,
/// or, if there's nothing to be done, wait until there *is* something to do.
async fn run_once(&mut self) -> Result<ShutdownStatus, FatalError> {
if let Some(now) = self.idempotently_progress_things_now()? {
select_biased! {
() = now.wait_for_earliest(&self.imm.runtime).fuse() => {},
shutdown = &mut self.state.shutdown => return Ok(shutdown.void_unwrap_err().into()),
update = => {
let (lid, update) = update.ok_or_else(|| internal!("update mpsc ended!"))?;
self.state.handle_ipt_status_update(&self.imm, lid, update);
/// IPT Manager main loop, runs as a task
/// Contains the error handling, including catching panics.
async fn main_loop_task(mut self) {
loop {
match async {
.map_err(|_: Box<dyn Any + Send>| internal!("IPT manager crashed"))?
Err(crash) => {
error!("HS service {} crashed! {}", &self.imm.nick, crash);
Ok(ShutdownStatus::Continue) => continue,
Ok(ShutdownStatus::Terminate) => break,
/// Target number of intro points
pub(crate) fn target_n_intro_points(&self) -> usize {
.unwrap_or(3 /* TODO HSS should be a const */)
/// Maximum number of concurrent intro point relays
pub(crate) fn max_n_intro_relays(&self) -> usize {
// TODO HSS max_n_intro_relays should be configurable
// TODO HSS consider default, in context of intro point forcing attacks
self.target_n_intro_points() * 2
/// Mockable state for the IPT Manager
/// This allows us to use a fake IPT Establisher and IPT Publisher,
/// so that we can unit test the Manager.
pub(crate) trait Mockable<R>: Debug + Send + Sync + Sized + 'static {
/// IPT establisher type
type IptEstablisher: Send + Sync + 'static;
/// A random number generator
type Rng: rand::Rng + rand::CryptoRng;
/// Return a random number generator
fn thread_rng(&self) -> Self::Rng;
/// Call `IptEstablisher::new`
fn make_new_ipt(
&mut self,
imm: &Immutable<R>,
relay: RelayIds,
) -> Result<(Self::IptEstablisher, watch::Receiver<IptStatus>), FatalError>;
/// Call `Publisher::new_intro_points`
fn new_intro_points(&mut self, ipts: ()) {
todo!() // TODO HSS there should be no default impl; code should be in Real's impl
impl<R: Runtime> Mockable<R> for Real<R> {
type IptEstablisher = IptEstablisher;
/// A random number generator
type Rng = rand::rngs::ThreadRng;
/// Return a random number generator
fn thread_rng(&self) -> Self::Rng {
#[allow(unreachable_code)] // TODO HSS remove
fn make_new_ipt(
&mut self,
imm: &Immutable<R>,
relay: RelayIds,
) -> Result<(Self::IptEstablisher, watch::Receiver<IptStatus>), FatalError> {
todo!(), // TODO HSS IntroPointId lacks a constructor and maybe should change anyway
todo!(), // TODO HSS keypair ought to be provided by our caller
todo!(), // TODO HSS RequestDisposition ought to be provided by our caller
// TODO HSS add unit tests for IptManager
// Especially, we want to exercise all code paths in idempotently_progress_things_now

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
mod config;
mod err;
mod ipt_mgr;
mod keys;
mod req;
mod status;