channel padding: Introduce ChannelsConfig and reconfigure facility

Nothing geenrates config updates yet.
This commit is contained in:
Ian Jackson 2022-06-14 15:42:10 +01:00
parent 33ef338fe2
commit b5218a0c0e
4 changed files with 242 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -58,11 +58,13 @@ pub const CHANNEL_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 128;
mod circmap;
mod codec;
pub mod config;
mod handshake;
pub mod padding;
mod reactor;
mod unique_id;
pub use crate::channel::config::*;
use crate::channel::reactor::{BoxedChannelSink, BoxedChannelStream, CtrlMsg, Reactor};
pub use crate::channel::unique_id::UniqId;
use crate::circuit::celltypes::CreateResponse;
@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ use crate::util::ts::OptTimestamp;
use crate::{circuit, ClockSkew};
use crate::{Error, Result};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::time::Duration;
use tor_cell::chancell::{msg, ChanCell, CircId};
use tor_error::internal;
@ -288,7 +291,7 @@ impl Channel {
high_ms: 9500,
if std::env::var("ARTI_EXPERIMENTAL_CHANNEL_PADDING").unwrap_or_default() != "" {
if interim_enable_by_env_var() {
@ -339,6 +342,18 @@ impl Channel {
/// Reconfigure
/// Returns `Err` if the channel was closed earlier
pub fn reconfigure(
&mut self,
updates: Arc<ChannelsConfigUpdates>,
) -> StdResult<(), mpsc::SendError> {
.map_err(|e| e.into_send_error())
/// Return an error if this channel is somehow mismatched with the
/// given target.
pub fn check_match<T: ChanTarget + ?Sized>(&self, target: &T) -> Result<()> {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
//! Configuration influencing all channels in a Tor client
use educe::Educe;
use super::padding;
/// Generate most of the module: things which contain or process all config fields (or each one)
/// There is one call to this macro, which has as argument
/// the body of `struct ChannelsConfig`, with the following differences:
/// * field visibility specifiers are not specified; they are provided by the macro
/// * non-doc attributes that ought to be applied to fields in `ChannelsConfig`
/// are prefixed with `field`, e.g. `#[field educe(Default ...)]`;
/// this allows applying doc attributes to other items too.
/// Generates, fairly straightforwardly:
/// ```ignore
/// pub struct ChannelsConfig { ... } // containing the fields as specified
/// pub struct ChannelsConfigUpdates { ... } // containing `Option` of each field
/// pub fn ChannelsConfig::total_update(&self) -> ChannelsConfigUpdates;
/// pub fn ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder::$field(self, new_value: _) -> Self;
/// ```
/// Within the macro body, we indent the per-field `$( )*` with 2 spaces.
macro_rules! define_channels_config_and_automatic_impls { { $(
$( #[doc $($doc_attr:tt)*] )*
$( #[field $other_attr:meta] )*
$field:ident : $ty:ty
),* $(,)? } => {
/// Initial, and, overall, configuration for channels
/// This is used both to generate the initial configuration,
/// and to handle updates:
/// when used for handling updates,
/// it contains the last configuration that has bee implemented.
/// Central code managing all channels will contain a `ChannelsConfig`,
/// and use `ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder` to both update that config
/// and generate `ChannelsConfigUpdates` messages representing the changes.
/// `Default` is a placeholder to use pending availability of a netdir etc.
#[derive(Debug, Educe, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ChannelsConfig {
$( #[doc $($doc_attr)*] )*
$( #[$other_attr] )*
pub(crate) $field: $ty,
/// Reconfiguration message
/// Can contain updates to each of the fields in `ChannelsConfig`.
/// Constructed via [`ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder`],
/// which is obtained from [`ChannelsConfig::start_update`].
/// Sent to all channel implementations, when they ought to change their behaviour.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ChannelsConfigUpdates {
/// New value, if it has changed.
/// Having this contain `Option` allows the sender of an update to promise
/// that the value hasn't changed, and thereby allows the channel implementation
/// to avoid touching state that it doesn't need to (eg, timers).
pub(crate) $field: Option<$ty>,
impl ChannelsConfig {
/// Create an update message which sets *all* of the settings in `self`
/// Used during channel startup.
#[must_use = "total_update makes an updates message that must be sent to have effect"]
pub fn total_update(&self) -> ChannelsConfigUpdates {
ChannelsConfigUpdates {
$field: Some(self.$field.clone()),
impl<'c> ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder<'c> {
$( #[doc $($doc_attr)*] )*
/// (Adds this setting to the update, if it has changed.)
pub fn $field(mut self, new_value: $ty) -> Self {
if &new_value != &self.config.$field {
.get_or_insert_with(|| Default::default())
.$field = Some(new_value.clone());
self.config.$field = new_value;
} }
define_channels_config_and_automatic_impls! {
/// Whether to send padding
#[field educe(Default(expression = "interim_enable_by_env_var()"))]
padding_enable: bool,
/// Padding timing parameters
/// This is in abeyance if `send_padding` is `false`;
/// we still pass it because the usual case is that padding is enabled/disabled
/// rather than the parameters changing,
/// so the padding timer always keeps parameters, even when disabled.
padding_parameters: padding::Parameters
/// Placeholder function for saying whether to enable channel padding
/// This will be abolished in due course.
pub(crate) fn interim_enable_by_env_var() -> bool {
std::env::var("ARTI_EXPERIMENTAL_CHANNEL_PADDING").unwrap_or_default() != ""
/// Builder for a channels config update
/// Obtain this from `ChannelsConfig::update`,
/// call zero or more setter methods,
/// call [`finish`](ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder::finish),
/// and then send the resulting message.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if dropped. Instead, call `finish`.
pub struct ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder<'c> {
/// Tracking the existing config
config: &'c mut ChannelsConfig,
/// The update we are building
/// `None` means nothing has changed yet.
update: Option<ChannelsConfigUpdates>,
/// Make it hard to write code paths that drop this
drop_bomb: bool,
impl ChannelsConfig {
/// Start building an update to channel configuration
/// The builder **must not be dropped**, once created;
/// instead, [`finish`](ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder::finish) must be called.
/// So prepare your new values first, perhaps fallibly,
/// and only then create and use the builder and send the update, infallibly.
/// (This is because the builder uses `self: ChannelsConfig`
/// to track which values have changed,
/// and the values in `self` are updated immediately by the field update methods.)
/// # Panics
/// [`ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder`] panics if it is dropped.
pub fn start_update(&mut self) -> ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder {
ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder {
config: self,
update: None,
drop_bomb: true,
impl<'c> Drop for ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder<'c> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
assert!(!self.drop_bomb, "ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder dropped");
impl<'c> ChannelsConfigUpdatesBuilder<'c> {
/// Finalise the update
/// If nothing actually changed, returns `None`.
/// (Tracking this, and returning `None`, allows us to avoid bothering
/// every channel with a null update.)
/// If `Some` is returned, the update **must** be implemented,
/// since the underlying tracking [`ChannelsConfig`] has already been updated.
#[must_use = "the update from finish() must be sent, to avoid losing config changes"]
pub fn finish(mut self) -> Option<ChannelsConfigUpdates> {
self.drop_bomb = false;

View File

@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ impl<R: SleepProvider> Timer<R> {
/// longer than either of the configured values.)
/// Idempotent.
pub(crate) fn reconfigure(self: &mut Pin<&mut Self>, parameters: &Parameters) {
*self.as_mut().project().parameters = Some(parameters.prepare());

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::channel::{codec::CodecError, padding, unique_id, ChannelDetails};
use crate::channel::{codec::CodecError, config::*, padding, unique_id, ChannelDetails};
use crate::circuit::celltypes::{ClientCircChanMsg, CreateResponse};
use tracing::{debug, trace};
@ -68,6 +68,18 @@ pub(super) enum CtrlMsg {
/// Oneshot channel to send the new circuit's identifiers down.
tx: ReactorResultChannel<(CircId, crate::circuit::UniqId)>,
/// Enable/disable/reconfigure channel padding
/// `bool` is whether to send padding.
/// `padding::Parameters` is an optional update to the timing parameters;
/// if not present, previously stored parameters should be used.
/// The sender of these messages is responsible for the optimisation of
/// ensuring that "no-change" messages are elided.
/// This is done via a control message to avoid adding additional branches to the
/// main reactor `select!`.
/// Object to handle incoming cells and background tasks on a channel.
@ -215,6 +227,24 @@ impl<S: SleepProvider> Reactor<S> {
let _ = tx.send(ret); // don't care about other side going away
CtrlMsg::ConfigUpdate(updates) => {
let ChannelsConfigUpdates {
// List all the fields explicitly; that way the compiler will warn us
// if one is added and we fail to handle it here.
} = &*updates;
if let Some(parameters) = padding_parameters {
if let Some(enable) = padding_enable {
if *enable {
} else {