# tor-dirmgr Code to fetch, store, and update Tor directory information. ## Overview This crate is part of [Arti](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/arti/), a project to implement [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) in Rust. In its current design, Tor requires a set of up-to-date authenticated directory documents in order to build multi-hop anonymized circuits through the network. This directory manager crate is responsible for figuring out which directory information we lack, downloading what we're missing, and keeping a cache of it on disk. ## Compile-time features * `mmap` (default) -- Use memory mapping to reduce the memory load for reading large directory objects from disk. * `routerdesc` -- (Incomplete) support for downloading and storing router descriptors. * `compression` (default) -- Build support for downloading compressed documents. Requires a C compiler. * `bridge-client`: Provide APIs used to fetch and use bridge information. * `full` -- Enable all features above. ### Non-additive features * `static` -- Try to link with a static copy of sqlite3. ### Experimental and unstable features Note that the APIs enabled by these features are NOT covered by semantic versioning[^1] guarantees: we might break them or remove them between patch versions. * `experimental-api`: Add additional non-stable APIs to our public interfaces. * `dirfilter`: enable an experimental mechanism to modify incoming directory information before it is used. * `experimental`: Enable all the above experimental features. [^1]: Remember, semantic versioning is what makes various `cargo` features work reliably. To be explicit: if you want `cargo update` to _only_ make safe changes, then you cannot enable these features. License: MIT OR Apache-2.0