# Shadow-based integration test This is an integration test for arti that uses the [shadow](https://shadow.github.io/) simulator. It creates a simulation of a small Tor network, uses the `arti` client to perform some transfers across this simulated network, and validates that the transfers succeeded. ## Running locally To run locally, you'll need to install shadow itself somewhere on our `PATH`, following [shadow's installation instructions](https://shadow.github.io/docs/guide/supported_platforms.html). Next you'll need to install executables that will run inside the simulation, in the locations where [`shadow.yaml`](./shadow.yaml) expects to find them. * Install [`tgen`](https://github.com/shadow/tgen/) in `~/.local`. * Install [`tor`](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor) in `/usr/sbin`. Typically you can install it using your host system's package manager. * Build the `arti` client for target `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`, so that the binary is at: `../../target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/arti`. Once those are installed, you can invoke the [`run.sh`](./run.sh) script from this directory.