# caret `caret`: Integers with some named values. ## Crikey! Another Rust Enum Tool? Suppose you have an integer type with some named values. For example, you might be implementing a protocol where "command" can be any 8-bit value, but where only a small number of commands are recognized. In that case, you can use the [`caret_int`] macro to define a wrapper around `u8` so named values are displayed with their preferred format, but you can still represent all the other values of the field: ```rust use caret::caret_int; caret_int!{ struct Command(u8) { Get = 0, Put = 1, Swap = 2, } } let c1: Command = 2.into(); let c2: Command = 100.into(); assert_eq!(c1.to_string().as_str(), "Swap"); assert_eq!(c2.to_string().as_str(), "100"); assert_eq!(c1, Command::Swap); ``` This crate is developed as part of [Arti](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/arti/), a project to implement [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) in Rust. Many other crates in Arti depend on it, but it should be of general use. License: MIT OR Apache-2.0