This is a list of things we found ourselves wanting while we were using other crates. Some of these are probably a great idea; some of them are probably not. Step one for every one of these is to make sure that it really is a good idea. If it is, then let's carefully figure out what we need, THEN see whether that maintainers of the crate in question are open to having a feature that accomplishes what we want, and THEN offer to build it for them, if we know how. ================================================== rust itself: * specialization. * existential types. * async functions in traits (without #[async_trait]). dalek-crypto: * Upgrade to latest version of rand crate. ed25519-dalek: * defer signature verification without prehash mode. (I want a way, given a document D and a signature S, to construct a small object representing (SHA(D), S) so that I can check that signature later on without having to hold on to all of D.) phf: * A much cheaper hash function. rsa: (see arti#146 for discussion) * get raw signed data, to allow multiple signed formats. (Tor has some places in the specification where we say "a valid signature is a signature whose signed data _begins with_ the SHA256 of the document", to allow the possibility of adding a second hash to the future. But `rsa` has no way to say "check this signature and its padding, then give me the signed data.") crypto: (see arti#146 for discussion) * A key agreement trait, specifically for diffie-hellman operations. (Or do they have one already?) ed25519 trait: * Batch signature verification support. (or do they have this already?) native-tls: * Support for RFC5705 exporters where available. # Not actually using these crates: bitvec * more efficient bitwise operations. coarsetime: * Officially supported conversion to/from u64, OR an AtomicInstant type. ring: * static curve25519 pem: (see arti#146 for discussion) * should use multiline support, or at least not copy when decoding base64 multiline. * should be stricter? webpki: * Support for cert without extensions and/or without alpn tls-api: * Async support * Support for disabling certificate & hostname verification * Support for getting certificate (or does it have it?) * Support for RFC5705 exporters