rust itself: * specialization for u8. * generic arrays via associated consts or whatever it's called. * when an enum is c-like, implement try_into for numbers. (but see num_enum and many similar crates.) * stabilize traling_one() curve25519-dalek: * let me go from a montogmery point to a compressed edwards point. *-dalek: * let me use the right rand trait kthx ed25519-dalek: * defer signature verification without prehash mode. A signature future would be great. base64: * multiline support. phf: * much cheaper hash function rsa-der: * Support for RSA key without OID pem: * should use multiline support or at least not copy when decoding base64 multiline. * should be stricter? rsa: * oaep * if not oaep, raw? * get raw signed data to allow multiple signed formats. ring: * static curve25519 crypto: * key agreement trait ed25519 trait: * batch support. sha1: * implement digest trait. bitvec * more efficient bitwise operations.