
34 lines
717 B
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# binary_size: Build arti with a given set of options, and
# dump the binary size in a json format.
set -euo pipefail
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d -t arti_binsize."XX""XX""XX")
trap 'cd "$ORIGDIR" && rm -rf "$TMPDIR"' 0
RUST_TARGET=$(rustc -vV | sed -n 's|host: ||p')
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
echo "{"
echo " \"date\": \"$(date -u -Iseconds)\","
echo " \"head\": \"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\","
echo " \"default_target\": \"$RUST_TARGET\","
echo " \"options\": \"$*\","
cargo build --release "$@"
cp ./target/release/arti "$TMPDIR"
cd "$TMPDIR"
strip --strip-debug arti
gzip -9 -k arti
xz -9 -k arti
du -sb arti arti.gz arti.xz | sed -e 's/\(\S*\)\s\(\S*\)/ "\2": \1,/;'
echo "}"