
961 lines
38 KiB

from io import BytesIO
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import json
from bech32 import decode_bech32
from hash import hash_tapsighash
from helper import (
from script import (
from timelock import Locktime, Sequence
from witness import Witness
URL = {
"mainnet": "https://blockstream.info/api",
"testnet": "https://blockstream.info/testnet/api",
"signet": "https://mempool.space/signet/api",
class TxFetcher:
cache = {}
def get_url(cls, network="mainnet"):
return URL[network]
def fetch(cls, tx_id, network="mainnet", fresh=False):
if fresh or (tx_id not in cls.cache):
url = "{}/tx/{}/hex".format(cls.get_url(network), tx_id)
req = Request(url, headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"})
response = urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8").strip()
raw = bytes.fromhex(response)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"unexpected response: {response}")
tx = Tx.parse(BytesIO(raw), network=network)
# make sure the tx we got matches to the hash we requested
if tx.segwit:
computed = tx.id()
computed = hash256(raw)[::-1].hex()
if computed != tx_id:
raise RuntimeError(f"server lied: {computed} vs {tx_id}")
cls.cache[tx_id] = tx
cls.cache[tx_id].network = network
return cls.cache[tx_id]
def load_cache(cls, filename):
disk_cache = json.loads(open(filename, "r").read())
for k, raw_hex in disk_cache.items():
cls.cache[k] = Tx.parse_hex(raw_hex)
def dump_cache(cls, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
to_dump = {k: tx.serialize().hex() for k, tx in cls.cache.items()}
s = json.dumps(to_dump, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def sendrawtransaction(cls, signed_tx_hex_str, network="mainnet"):
"""Broadcasts a signed transaction."""
url = "{}/tx".format(cls.get_url(network=network))
req = Request(
url, data=signed_tx_hex_str.encode(), headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}
response = urlopen(req)
return response.read().decode("utf-8") # returns the txid if successful
class Tx:
command = b"tx"
def __init__(
self, version, tx_ins, tx_outs, locktime=None, network="mainnet", segwit=False
self.version = version
self.tx_ins = tx_ins
self.tx_outs = tx_outs
if locktime is None:
self.locktime = Locktime()
self.locktime = Locktime(locktime)
self.network = network
self.segwit = segwit
self._hash_prevouts = None
self._hash_sequence = None
self._hash_outputs = None
self._sha_prevouts = None
self._sha_amounts = None
self._sha_script_pubkeys = None
self._sha_sequence = None
self._sha_outputs = None
def __repr__(self):
tx_ins = "\n".join([str(txi) for txi in self.tx_ins])
tx_outs = "\n".join([str(txo) for txo in self.tx_outs])
return f"""
tx: {self.hash().hex()}
version: {self.version}
locktime: {self.locktime}
def clone(self):
tx_obj = self.__class__.parse(BytesIO(self.serialize()), network=self.network)
for tx_in_1, tx_in_2 in zip(self.tx_ins, tx_obj.tx_ins):
tx_in_2._value = tx_in_1._value
tx_in_2._script_pubkey = tx_in_1._script_pubkey
return tx_obj
def id(self):
"""Human-readable hexadecimal of the transaction hash"""
return self.hash().hex()
def hash(self):
"""Binary hash of the legacy serialization"""
return hash256(self.serialize_legacy())[::-1]
def vbytes(self):
if self.segwit:
return len(self.serialize()) - (len(self.serialize_witness()) + 2) * 3 // 4
return len(self.serialize())
def parse_hex(cls, s, network="mainnet"):
"""Parses a transaction from a hex string"""
raw_hex = bytes.fromhex(s)
stream = BytesIO(raw_hex)
return cls.parse(s=stream, network=network)
def parse(cls, s, network="mainnet"):
"""Parses a transaction from stream"""
# we can determine whether something is segwit or legacy by looking
# at byte 5
if s.read(1) == b"\x00":
parse_method = cls.parse_segwit
parse_method = cls.parse_legacy
# reset the seek to the beginning so everything can go through
s.seek(-5, 1)
return parse_method(s, network=network)
def parse_legacy(cls, s, network="mainnet"):
"""Takes a byte stream and parses a legacy transaction"""
# s.read(n) will return n bytes
# version has 4 bytes, little-endian, interpret as int
version = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
# num_inputs is a varint, use read_varint(s)
num_inputs = read_varint(s)
# each input needs parsing
inputs = []
for _ in range(num_inputs):
# num_outputs is a varint, use read_varint(s)
num_outputs = read_varint(s)
# each output needs parsing
outputs = []
for _ in range(num_outputs):
# locktime is 4 bytes, little-endian
locktime = Locktime.parse(s)
# return an instance of the class (cls(...))
return cls(version, inputs, outputs, locktime, network=network, segwit=False)
def parse_segwit(cls, s, network="mainnet"):
"""Takes a byte stream and parses a segwit transaction"""
# s.read(n) will return n bytes
# version has 4 bytes, little-endian, interpret as int
version = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
# next two bytes need to be 0x00 and 0x01, otherwise raise RuntimeError
marker = s.read(2)
if marker != b"\x00\x01":
raise RuntimeError(f"Not a segwit transaction {marker}")
# num_inputs is a varint, use read_varint(s)
num_inputs = read_varint(s)
# each input needs parsing, create inputs array
inputs = []
# parse each input and add to the inputs array
for _ in range(num_inputs):
# num_outputs is a varint, use read_varint(s)
num_outputs = read_varint(s)
# each output needs parsing, create outputs array
outputs = []
# parse each output and add to the outputs array
for _ in range(num_outputs):
# there is a witness for each input
for tx_in in inputs:
tx_in.witness = Witness.parse(s)
# locktime is 4 bytes, little-endian
locktime = Locktime.parse(s)
# return an instance of the class (cls(...))
return cls(version, inputs, outputs, locktime, network=network, segwit=True)
def serialize(self):
if self.segwit:
return self.serialize_segwit()
return self.serialize_legacy()
def serialize_legacy(self):
"""Returns the byte serialization of the transaction"""
# serialize version (4 bytes, little endian)
result = int_to_little_endian(self.version, 4)
# encode_varint on the number of inputs
result += encode_varint(len(self.tx_ins))
# iterate inputs
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
# serialize each input
result += tx_in.serialize()
# encode_varint on the number of outputs
result += encode_varint(len(self.tx_outs))
# iterate outputs
for tx_out in self.tx_outs:
# serialize each output
result += tx_out.serialize()
# serialize locktime (4 bytes, little endian)
result += self.locktime.serialize()
return result
def serialize_witness(self):
result = b""
# add the witness data for each input
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
# serialize the witness field
result += tx_in.witness.serialize()
return result
def serialize_segwit(self):
"""Returns the byte serialization of the transaction"""
# serialize version (4 bytes, little endian)
result = int_to_little_endian(self.version, 4)
# segwit marker b'\x00\x01'
result += b"\x00\x01"
# encode_varint on the number of inputs
result += encode_varint(len(self.tx_ins))
# iterate inputs
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
# serialize each input
result += tx_in.serialize()
# encode_varint on the number of inputs
result += encode_varint(len(self.tx_outs))
# iterate outputs
for tx_out in self.tx_outs:
# serialize each output
result += tx_out.serialize()
result += self.serialize_witness()
# serialize locktime (4 bytes, little endian)
result += self.locktime.serialize()
return result
def fee(self):
"""Returns the fee of this transaction in satoshi"""
# initialize input sum and output sum
input_sum, output_sum = 0, 0
# iterate through inputs
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
# for each input get the value and add to input sum
input_sum += tx_in.value(self.network)
# iterate through outputs
for tx_out in self.tx_outs:
# for each output get the amount and add to output sum
output_sum += tx_out.amount
# return input sum - output sum
return input_sum - output_sum
def sig_hash_legacy(self, input_index, redeem_script=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL):
"""Returns the integer representation of the hash that needs to get
signed for index input_index"""
# consensus bugs related to invalid input indices
DEFAULT = 1 << 248
if input_index >= len(self.tx_ins):
return DEFAULT
elif hash_type & 3 == SIGHASH_SINGLE and input_index >= len(self.tx_outs):
return DEFAULT
# create the serialization per spec
# start with version: int_to_little_endian in 4 bytes
s = int_to_little_endian(self.version, 4)
# next, how many inputs there are: encode_varint
s += encode_varint(len(self.tx_ins))
# loop through each input: for i, tx_in in enumerate(self.tx_ins)
for i, tx_in in enumerate(self.tx_ins):
sequence = tx_in.sequence
# if the input index is the one we're signing
if i == input_index:
# if the RedeemScript was passed in, that's the ScriptSig
if redeem_script:
script_sig = redeem_script
# otherwise the previous tx's ScriptPubkey is the ScriptSig
script_sig = tx_in.script_pubkey(self.network)
# Otherwise, the ScriptSig is empty
script_sig = None
if hash_type & 3 in (SIGHASH_NONE, SIGHASH_SINGLE):
sequence = Sequence(0)
# create a TxIn object with the prev_tx, prev_index and sequence
# the same as the current tx_in and the script_sig from above
new_tx_in = TxIn(
# add the serialization of the TxIn object
if i == input_index:
s += new_tx_in.serialize()
s += new_tx_in.serialize()
# add how many outputs there are using encode_varint
s += encode_varint(len(self.tx_outs))
# add the serialization of each output
for i, tx_out in enumerate(self.tx_outs):
if hash_type & 3 == SIGHASH_NONE:
elif hash_type & 3 == SIGHASH_SINGLE:
if i == input_index:
s += tx_out.serialize()
s += b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00"
s += tx_out.serialize()
# add the locktime using int_to_little_endian in 4 bytes
s += self.locktime.serialize()
# add SIGHASH_ALL using int_to_little_endian in 4 bytes
s += int_to_little_endian(hash_type, 4)
# hash256 the serialization
h256 = hash256(s)
# convert the result to an integer using big_endian_to_int(x)
return big_endian_to_int(h256)
def hash_prevouts(self):
if self._hash_prevouts is None:
all_prevouts = b""
all_sequence = b""
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
all_prevouts += tx_in.prev_tx[::-1] + int_to_little_endian(
tx_in.prev_index, 4
all_sequence += tx_in.sequence.serialize()
self._hash_prevouts = hash256(all_prevouts)
self._hash_sequence = hash256(all_sequence)
return self._hash_prevouts
def hash_sequence(self):
if self._hash_sequence is None:
self.hash_prevouts() # this should calculate self._hash_prevouts
return self._hash_sequence
def hash_outputs(self):
if self._hash_outputs is None:
all_outputs = b""
for tx_out in self.tx_outs:
all_outputs += tx_out.serialize()
self._hash_outputs = hash256(all_outputs)
return self._hash_outputs
def sig_hash_bip143(
if hash_type is None:
hash_type = SIGHASH_ALL
"""Returns the integer representation of the hash that needs to get
signed for index input_index"""
# grab the input being signed by looking up the input_index
tx_in = self.tx_ins[input_index]
# start with the version in 4 bytes, little endian
s = int_to_little_endian(self.version, 4)
# add the HashPrevouts and HashSequence
s += self.hash_prevouts()
hash_type & 3
s += self.hash_sequence()
# add the previous transaction hash in little endian
s += tx_in.prev_tx[::-1]
# add the previous transaction index in 4 bytes, little endian
s += int_to_little_endian(tx_in.prev_index, 4)
# for p2wpkh, we need to compute the ScriptCode
# Exercise 1: account for p2wsh. Check first for the existence of a WitnessScript
if witness_script:
# for p2wsh and p2sh-p2wsh the ScriptCode is the WitnessScript
script_code = witness_script
elif redeem_script:
# for p2sh-p2wpkh, get the hash160 which is the 2nd command of the RedeemScript
h160 = redeem_script.commands[1]
# the ScriptCode is the P2PKHScriptPubKey created using the hash160
script_code = P2PKHScriptPubKey(h160)
# get the script pubkey associated with the previous output (remember network)
script_pubkey = tx_in.script_pubkey(self.network)
# next get the hash160 in the script_pubkey. for p2wpkh, it's the second command
h160 = script_pubkey.commands[1]
# finally the ScriptCode is the P2PKHScriptPubKey created using the hash160
script_code = P2PKHScriptPubKey(h160)
# add the serialized ScriptCode
s += script_code.serialize()
# add the value of the input in 8 bytes, little endian
s += int_to_little_endian(tx_in.value(network=self.network), 8)
# add the sequence of the input in 4 bytes, little endian
s += tx_in.sequence.serialize()
# add the HashOutputs
if (hash_type & 3) not in (SIGHASH_SINGLE, SIGHASH_NONE):
s += self.hash_outputs()
s += self.tx_outs[input_index].serialize()
# add the locktime in 4 bytes, little endian
s += self.locktime.serialize()
# add the sighash (SIGHASH_ALL) in 4 bytes, little endian
s += int_to_little_endian(hash_type, 4)
# hash256 the whole thing, interpret the as a big endian integer using int_to_big_endian
return big_endian_to_int(hash256(s))
def sha_prevouts(self):
if self._sha_prevouts is None:
all_prevouts = b""
all_amounts = b""
all_script_pubkeys = b""
all_sequence = b""
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
all_prevouts += tx_in.prev_tx[::-1] + int_to_little_endian(
tx_in.prev_index, 4
all_amounts += int_to_little_endian(tx_in.value(self.network), 8)
all_script_pubkeys += tx_in.script_pubkey(self.network).serialize()
all_sequence += tx_in.sequence.serialize()
self._sha_prevouts = sha256(all_prevouts)
self._sha_amounts = sha256(all_amounts)
self._sha_script_pubkeys = sha256(all_script_pubkeys)
self._sha_sequences = sha256(all_sequence)
return self._sha_prevouts
def sha_amounts(self):
if self._sha_amounts is None:
self.sha_prevouts() # this should calculate self._sha_amounts
return self._sha_amounts
def sha_script_pubkeys(self):
if self._sha_script_pubkeys is None:
self.sha_prevouts() # this should calculate self._sha_script_pubkeys
return self._sha_script_pubkeys
def sha_sequences(self):
if self._sha_sequences is None:
self.sha_prevouts() # this should calculate self._sha_sequences
return self._sha_sequences
def sha_outputs(self):
if self._sha_outputs is None:
all_outputs = b""
for tx_out in self.tx_outs:
all_outputs += tx_out.serialize()
self._sha_outputs = sha256(all_outputs)
return self._sha_outputs
def sig_hash_bip341(self, input_index, ext_flag=0, hash_type=None):
"""Returns the root message being signed for p2tr"""
if hash_type is None:
tx_in = self.tx_ins[input_index]
s = b"\x00"
s += int_to_byte(hash_type)
s += int_to_little_endian(self.version, 4)
s += self.locktime.serialize()
if not hash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY:
s += self.sha_prevouts()
s += self.sha_amounts()
s += self.sha_script_pubkeys()
s += self.sha_sequences()
if (hash_type & 3) not in (SIGHASH_NONE, SIGHASH_SINGLE):
s += self.sha_outputs()
spend_type = ext_flag * 2
if tx_in.witness.has_annex():
spend_type += 1
s += int_to_byte(spend_type)
s += tx_in.prev_tx[::-1] + int_to_little_endian(tx_in.prev_index, 4)
s += int_to_little_endian(tx_in.value(), 8)
s += tx_in.script_pubkey().serialize()
s += tx_in.sequence.serialize()
s += int_to_little_endian(input_index, 4)
s += sha256(self.tx_outs[input_index].serialize())
if tx_in.witness.has_annex():
s += sha256(encode_varstr(tx_in.witness[-1]))
if ext_flag == 1:
tapleaf_hash = tx_in.witness.tap_leaf().hash()
# extension defined in BIP0342
s += tapleaf_hash + b"\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff"
return hash_tapsighash(s)
def sig_hash(self, input_index, hash_type=None):
# get the relevant input
tx_in = self.tx_ins[input_index]
# get the script_pubkey of the input
script_pubkey = tx_in.script_pubkey(network=self.network)
# grab the RedeemScript if we have a p2sh
if script_pubkey.is_p2sh():
# the last command of the ScriptSig is the raw RedeemScript
raw_redeem_script = tx_in.script_sig.commands[-1]
# convert to RedeemScript
redeem_script = RedeemScript.convert(raw_redeem_script)
redeem_script = None
# grab the WitnessScript if we have a p2wsh
if script_pubkey.is_p2wsh() or (redeem_script and redeem_script.is_p2wsh()):
# the last item of the Witness is the raw WitnessScript
raw_witness_script = tx_in.witness.items[-1]
# convert to WitnessScript
witness_script = WitnessScript.convert(raw_witness_script)
witness_script = None
# check to see if the ScriptPubKey or the RedeemScript is p2wpkh or p2wsh
if (
or (redeem_script and redeem_script.is_p2wpkh())
or script_pubkey.is_p2wsh()
or (redeem_script and redeem_script.is_p2wsh())
return self.sig_hash_bip143(
elif script_pubkey.is_p2tr():
if len(tx_in.witness) > 1:
ext_flag = 1
ext_flag = 0
return self.sig_hash_bip341(
input_index, ext_flag=ext_flag, hash_type=hash_type
return self.sig_hash_legacy(input_index, redeem_script, hash_type=hash_type)
def verify_input(self, input_index):
"""Returns whether the input has a valid signature"""
# get the relevant input
tx_in = self.tx_ins[input_index]
# combine the scripts
combined_script = tx_in.script_sig + tx_in.script_pubkey(self.network)
# evaluate the combined script
return combined_script.evaluate(self, input_index)
def verify(self):
"""Verify this transaction"""
if self.fee() < self.vbytes():
f"This transaction won't relay without having a fee of at least {self.vbytes()}"
return False
for i in range(len(self.tx_ins)):
if not self.verify_input(i):
return False
return True
def sign_p2pkh(self, input_index, private_key):
"""Signs the input assuming that the previous output is a p2pkh using the private key"""
# get the sig using get_sig_legacy
sig = self.get_sig_legacy(input_index, private_key)
# calculate the sec
sec = private_key.point.sec(compressed=private_key.compressed)
# finalize the input using finalize_p2pkh
self.tx_ins[input_index].finalize_p2pkh(sig, sec)
# return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
return self.verify_input(input_index)
def sign_p2wpkh(self, input_index, private_key):
"""Signs the input assuming that the previous output is a p2pkh using the private key"""
# get the sig using get_sig_segwit
sig = self.get_sig_segwit(input_index, private_key)
# calculate the sec
sec = private_key.point.sec(compressed=private_key.compressed)
# finalize the input using finalize_p2wpkh
self.tx_ins[input_index].finalize_p2wpkh(sig, sec)
# return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
return self.verify_input(input_index)
def sign_p2sh_p2wpkh(self, input_index, private_key):
"""Signs the input assuming that the previous output is a p2pkh using the private key"""
# use p2sh_p2wpkh_redeem_script to get the RedeemScript
redeem_script = private_key.point.p2sh_p2wpkh_redeem_script()
# get the sig using get_sig_segwit
sig = self.get_sig_segwit(input_index, private_key, redeem_script=redeem_script)
# calculate the sec
sec = private_key.point.sec(compressed=private_key.compressed)
# finalize the input using finalize_p2wpkh
self.tx_ins[input_index].finalize_p2wpkh(sig, sec, redeem_script)
# return whether sig is valid using self.verify_input
return self.verify_input(input_index)
def sign_p2tr_keypath(
self, input_index, private_key, hash_type=SIGHASH_DEFAULT, aux=b"\x00" * 32
sig = self.get_sig_taproot(
input_index, private_key, hash_type=hash_type, aux=aux
return self.verify_input(input_index)
def sign_input(
self, input_index, private_key, redeem_script=None, hash_type=SIGHASH_ALL
"""Signs the input by figuring out what type of ScriptPubKey the previous output was"""
# get the input
tx_in = self.tx_ins[input_index]
# find the previous ScriptPubKey
script_pubkey = tx_in.script_pubkey(network=self.network)
# if the script_pubkey is p2pkh, send to sign_p2pkh
if script_pubkey.is_p2pkh():
return self.sign_p2pkh(input_index, private_key)
# if the script_pubkey is p2wpkh, send to sign_p2wpkh
elif script_pubkey.is_p2wpkh():
return self.sign_p2wpkh(input_index, private_key)
# if the script_pubkey is p2sh and RedeemScript p2wpkh, send to sign_p2sh_p2wpkh
elif redeem_script and redeem_script.is_p2wpkh():
return self.sign_p2sh_p2wpkh(input_index, private_key)
elif script_pubkey.is_p2tr():
return self.sign_p2tr_keypath(input_index, private_key, hash_type=hash_type)
# else return a RuntimeError
raise RuntimeError("Unknown ScriptPubKey")
def get_sig_legacy(self, input_index, private_key, redeem_script=None):
# get the sig hash (z)
z = self.sig_hash_legacy(input_index, redeem_script=redeem_script)
# get der signature of z from private key
der = private_key.sign(z).der()
# append the SIGHASH_ALL with int_to_byte(SIGHASH_ALL)
return der + int_to_byte(SIGHASH_ALL)
def get_sig_segwit(
self, input_index, private_key, redeem_script=None, witness_script=None
# get the sig_hash (z)
z = self.sig_hash_bip143(input_index, redeem_script, witness_script)
# get der signature of z from private key
der = private_key.sign(z).der()
# append the SIGHASH_ALL with int_to_byte(SIGHASH_ALL)
return der + int_to_byte(SIGHASH_ALL)
def get_sig_taproot(
aux=b"\x00" * 32,
# get the sig_hash (z)
msg = self.sig_hash_bip341(input_index, ext_flag=ext_flag, hash_type=hash_type)
# get schnorr signature of z from private key
schnorr = private_key.sign_schnorr(msg, aux).serialize()
# append the sighash only if it's not SIGHASH_DEFAULT (0)
if hash_type:
return schnorr + int_to_byte(hash_type)
return schnorr
def check_sig_legacy(self, input_index, point, signature, redeem_script=None):
# get the sig_hash (z)
z = self.sig_hash_legacy(input_index, redeem_script)
# return whether the signature verifies
return point.verify(z, signature)
def check_sig_segwit(
self, input_index, point, signature, redeem_script=None, witness_script=None
# get the sig_hash (z)
z = self.sig_hash_bip143(input_index, redeem_script, witness_script)
# return whether the signature verifies
return point.verify(z, signature)
def is_coinbase(self):
"""Returns whether this transaction is a coinbase transaction or not"""
# check that there is exactly 1 input
if len(self.tx_ins) != 1:
return False
# grab the first input
first_input = self.tx_ins[0]
# check that first input prev_tx is b'\x00' * 32 bytes
if first_input.prev_tx != b"\x00" * 32:
return False
# check that first input prev_index is 0xffffffff
if first_input.prev_index != 0xFFFFFFFF:
return False
return True
def coinbase_height(self):
"""Returns the height of the block this coinbase transaction is in
Returns None if this transaction is not a coinbase transaction
# if this is NOT a coinbase transaction, return None
if not self.is_coinbase():
return None
# grab the first input
script_sig = self.tx_ins[0].script_sig
# get the next length bytes
command = script_sig.commands[0]
# convert the command from little endian to int
return little_endian_to_int(command)
def is_rbf_able(self):
# https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0125.mediawiki#Implementation_Details
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
if tx_in.sequence.is_rbf_able():
return True
return False
def find_utxos(self, address):
"""Returns transaction outputs that matches the address"""
h160 = decode_base58(address)
# utxos are a list of tuples: (hash, index, amount)
utxos = []
for index, tx_out in enumerate(self.tx_outs):
if tx_out.script_pubkey.hash160() == h160:
utxos.append((self.hash(), index, tx_out.amount))
return utxos
def get_input_tx_lookup(self):
"""Returns the tx lookup dictionary of hashes to the Tx objects
for all the input transactions."""
tx_lookup = {}
for tx_in in self.tx_ins:
tx_obj = TxFetcher.fetch(tx_in.prev_tx.hex(), network=self.network)
tx_lookup[tx_obj.hash()] = tx_obj
return tx_lookup
class TxIn:
def __init__(self, prev_tx, prev_index, script_sig=None, sequence=None):
self.prev_tx = prev_tx
self.prev_index = prev_index
if script_sig is None:
self.script_sig = Script()
self.script_sig = script_sig
if sequence is None:
self.sequence = Sequence()
self.sequence = Sequence(sequence)
self._value = None
self._script_pubkey = None
self.witness = Witness()
self.tap_script = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.prev_tx.hex()}:{self.prev_index}"
def parse(cls, s):
"""Takes a byte stream and parses the tx_input at the start
return a TxIn object
# s.read(n) will return n bytes
# prev_tx is 32 bytes, little endian
prev_tx = s.read(32)[::-1]
# prev_index is 4 bytes, little endian, interpret as int
prev_index = little_endian_to_int(s.read(4))
# script_sig is a variable field (length followed by the data)
# you can use Script.parse to get the actual script
script_sig = Script.parse(s)
# sequence is 4 bytes, little-endian, interpret as int
sequence = Sequence.parse(s)
# return an instance of the class (cls(...))
return cls(prev_tx, prev_index, script_sig, sequence)
def serialize(self):
"""Returns the byte serialization of the transaction input"""
# serialize prev_tx, little endian
result = self.prev_tx[::-1]
# serialize prev_index, 4 bytes, little endian
result += int_to_little_endian(self.prev_index, 4)
# serialize the script_sig
result += self.script_sig.serialize()
# serialize sequence, 4 bytes, little endian
result += self.sequence.serialize()
return result
def fetch_tx(self, network="mainnet"):
return TxFetcher.fetch(self.prev_tx.hex(), network=network)
def value(self, network="mainnet"):
"""Get the outpoint value by looking up the tx hash
Returns the amount in satoshi
if self._value is None:
# use self.fetch_tx to get the transaction
tx = self.fetch_tx(network=network)
# get the output at self.prev_index
self._value = tx.tx_outs[self.prev_index].amount
return self._value
def script_pubkey(self, network="mainnet"):
"""Get the scriptPubKey by looking up the tx hash
Returns a Script object
if self._script_pubkey is None:
# use self.fetch_tx to get the transaction
tx = self.fetch_tx(network=network)
# get the output at self.prev_index
self._script_pubkey = tx.tx_outs[self.prev_index].script_pubkey
return self._script_pubkey
def finalize_p2pkh(self, sig, sec):
"""Puts together the ScriptSig for a p2pkh input so the input verifies."""
# the ScriptSig for p2pkh is [sig, sec]
self.script_sig = Script([sig, sec])
def finalize_p2wpkh(self, sig, sec, redeem_script=None):
"""Puts together the ScriptSig and Witness for a p2wpkh input so the input verifies."""
# if the RedeemScript is given, the ScriptSig is a single element Script of its raw serialization
if redeem_script:
self.script_sig = Script([redeem_script.raw_serialize()])
# else the ScriptSig should be empty
self.script_sig = Script()
# the Witness for p2wpkh is [sig, sec]
self.witness = Witness([sig, sec])
def finalize_p2sh_multisig(self, signatures, redeem_script):
"""Puts together the signatures for a p2sh input so the input verifies."""
# the ScriptSig for p2sh multisig is [0, each signature, then the RedeemScript (raw-serialization)]
script_sig = Script([0, *signatures, redeem_script.raw_serialize()])
# set the witness of the input to be these items
self.script_sig = script_sig
def finalize_p2wsh_multisig(self, signatures, witness_script):
"""Puts together the signatures for a p2wsh input so the input verifies."""
# the format for multisig is [b'', each signature, then the WitnessScript (raw-serialization)]
items = [b"", *signatures, witness_script.raw_serialize()]
# set the witness of the input to be these items
self.witness = Witness(items)
def finalize_p2sh_p2wsh_multisig(self, signatures, witness_script):
"""Puts together the signatures for a p2sh-p2wsh input so the input verifies."""
# the format for multisig is [b'', each signature, then the WitnessScript (raw-serialization)]
items = [b"", *signatures, witness_script.raw_serialize()]
# set the witness of the input to be these items
self.witness = Witness(items)
# the RedeemScript is the p2wsh ScriptPubKey of the WitnessScript
redeem_script = witness_script.script_pubkey()
# set the ScriptSig of the tx_in to be a new script, which is just the RedeemScript raw-serialized
self.script_sig = Script([redeem_script.raw_serialize()])
def finalize_p2tr_keypath(self, sig):
self.witness = Witness([sig])
class TxOut:
def __init__(self, amount, script_pubkey):
self.amount = amount
self.script_pubkey = script_pubkey
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.amount}:{self.script_pubkey}"
def serialize(self):
"""Returns the byte serialization of the transaction output"""
# serialize amount, 8 bytes, little endian
result = int_to_little_endian(self.amount, 8)
# serialize the script_pubkey
result += self.script_pubkey.serialize()
return result
def parse(cls, s):
"""Takes a byte stream and parses the tx_output at the start
return a TxOut object
# s.read(n) will return n bytes
# amount is 8 bytes, little endian, interpret as int
amount = little_endian_to_int(s.read(8))
# script_pubkey is a variable field (length followed by the data)
# you can use Script.parse to get the actual script
script_pubkey = ScriptPubKey.parse(s)
# return an instance of the class (cls(...))
return cls(amount, script_pubkey)
def to_address(cls, address, amount):
"""Takes an address and an amount and makes a TxOut object"""
if address.startswith("bc1") or address.startswith("tb1"):
_, version, h = decode_bech32(address)
if version == 0:
if len(h) == 20:
script_pubkey = P2WPKHScriptPubKey(h)
elif len(h) == 32:
script_pubkey = P2WSHScriptPubKey(h)
raise ValueError(f"{address} is not a valid bech32 address")
elif version == 1:
if len(h) == 32:
script_pubkey = P2TRScriptPubKey(h)
raise ValueError(f"{address} is not a valid bech32 address")
raise ValueError(f"{address} is an unknown type of segwit address")
elif address[0] in ("3", "2"):
h = decode_base58(address)
if len(h) == 20:
script_pubkey = P2SHScriptPubKey(h)
raise ValueError(f"{address} is not a valid base58 p2sh address")
elif address[0] in ("1", "m", "n"):
h = decode_base58(address)
if len(h) == 20:
script_pubkey = P2PKHScriptPubKey(h)
raise ValueError(f"{address} is not a valid base58 p2pkh address")
raise ValueError(f"{address} is an unknown or invalid type of address")
return cls(amount=amount, script_pubkey=script_pubkey)