lightning-signinvoice -- Low-level invoice signing ===================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **signinvoice** *invstring* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **signinvoice** RPC command signs an invoice. Unlike **createinvoice** it does not save the invoice into the database and thus does not require the preimage. The *invstring* parameter is of bolt11 form, but the final signature is ignored. Minimal sanity checks are done. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **bolt11** (string): the bolt11 string [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) On failure, an error is returned. The following error codes may occur: - -1: Catchall nonspecific error. AUTHOR ------ Carl Dong <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-createinvoice(7), lightning-invoice(7), lightning-listinvoices(7), lightning-delinvoice(7), lightning-getroute(7), lightning-sendpay(7), lightning-offer(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:9348784bd3daaed1cd35b29b2e5c91ea17bc8e11bf5bb6e1de9a098241cb74d6)