lightning-bkpr-inspect -- Command to show onchain footprint of a channel =================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **bkpr-inspect** *account* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **bkpr-inspect** RPC command lists all known on-chain transactions and associated events for the provided account. Useful for inspecting unilateral closes for a given channel account. Only valid for channel accounts. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object containing **txs** is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains: - **txid** (txid): transaction id - **fees_paid_msat** (msat): Amount paid in sats for this tx - **outputs** (array of objects): - **account** (string): Account this output affected - **outnum** (u32): Index of output - **output_value_msat** (msat): Value of the output - **currency** (string): human-readable bech32 part for this coin type - **credit_msat** (msat, optional): Amount credited to account - **debit_msat** (msat, optional): Amount debited from account - **originating_account** (string, optional): Account this output originated from - **output_tag** (string, optional): Description of output creation event - **spend_tag** (string, optional): Description of output spend event - **spending_txid** (txid, optional): Transaction this output was spent in - **payment_id** (hex, optional): lightning payment identifier. For an htlc, this will be the preimage. - **blockheight** (u32, optional): Blockheight of transaction [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) AUTHOR ------ niftynei is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-listbalances(7), lightning-listfunds(7), lightning-listpeers(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:9df98d40e1ed1b0c72f4a4e8c00d243e10f159b99c534818f04631ec3d17a445)