lightning-newaddr -- Command for generating a new address to be used by Core Lightning ====================================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **newaddr** [ *addresstype* ] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **newaddr** RPC command generates a new address which can subsequently be used to fund channels managed by the Core Lightning node. The funding transaction needs to be confirmed before funds can be used. *addresstype* specifies the type of address wanted; i.e. *p2sh-segwit* (e.g. `2MxaozoqWwiUcuD9KKgUSrLFDafLqimT9Ta` on bitcoin testnet or `3MZxzq3jBSKNQ2e7dzneo9hy4FvNzmMmt3` on bitcoin mainnet) or *bech32* (e.g. `tb1qu9j4lg5f9rgjyfhvfd905vw46eg39czmktxqgg` on bitcoin testnet or `bc1qwqdg6squsna38e46795at95yu9atm8azzmyvckulcc7kytlcckxswvvzej` on bitcoin mainnet). The special value *all* generates both address types for the same underlying key. If no *addresstype* is specified the address generated is a *bech32* address. To send an on-chain payment _from_ the Core Lightning node wallet, use `withdraw`. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **bech32** (string, optional): The bech32 (native segwit) address - **p2sh-segwit** (string, optional): The p2sh-wrapped address [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) ERRORS ------ If an unrecognized address type is requested an error message will be returned. AUTHOR ------ Felix <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-listfunds(7), lightning-fundchannel(7), lightning-withdraw(7), lightning-listtransactions(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:0d4165582ac09b6f130bd6910873f5073ab7ff852711fa1fb45177726a978899)