lightning-disableinvoicerequest -- Command for removing an invoice request ========================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **(WARNING: experimental-offers only)** **disableinvoicerequest** *invreq\_id* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **disableinvoicerequest** RPC command disables an invoice\_request, so that no further invoices will be accepted (and thus, no further payments made).. We currently don't support deletion of invoice\_requests, so they are not forgotten entirely (there may be payments which refer to this invoice\_request). RETURN VALUE ------------ Note: the returned object is the same format as **listinvoicerequest**. [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **invreq\_id** (hash): the SHA256 hash of all invoice\_request fields less than 160 - **active** (boolean): whether the invoice\_request is currently active (always *false*) - **single\_use** (boolean): whether the invoice\_request will become inactive after we pay an invoice for it - **bolt12** (string): the bolt12 string starting with lnr - **used** (boolean): whether the invoice\_request has already been used - **label** (string, optional): the label provided when creating the invoice\_request [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-invoicerequest(7), lightning-listinvoicerequest(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:364b694d88e34dbd9e8e7c2f2d1631acbc199c14b8cdf87364b4f7c517705dbf)