lightning-preapprovekeysend -- Ask the HSM to preapprove a keysend payment (low-level) ================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **preapprovekeysend** *destination* *payment\_hash* *amount\_msat* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **preapprovekeysend** RPC command submits the *destination*, *payment\_hash*, and *amount\_msat* parameters to the HSM to check that they are approved as a keysend payment. *destination* is a 33 byte, hex-encoded, node ID of the node that the payment should go to. *payment\_hash* is the unique identifier of a payment. *amount\_msat* is the amount to send in millisatoshi precision; it can be a whole number, or a whole number with suffix `msat` or `sat`, or a three decimal point number with suffix `sat`, or an 1 to 11 decimal point number suffixed by `btc`. Generally the **preapprovekeysend** request does not need to be made explicitly, it is automatically generated as part of a **keysend** request. By default, the HSM will approve all **preapprovekeysend** requests. If a remote signer is being used it might decline an **preapprovekeysend** request because it would exceed velocity controls, is not covered by allowlist controls, was declined manually, or other reasons. If a remote signer declines a **preapprovekeysend** request a subsequent attempt to pay the keysend anyway will fail; the signer will refuse to sign the commitment. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an empty object is returned. [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) AUTHOR ------ Ken Sedgwick <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-keysend(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:b0793c2fa864b0ce3bc6f1618135f28ac551dfd1b8a0127caac73fd948e62d9d)