lightning-recover -- Reinitialize Your Node for Recovery ======================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **recover** *hsmsecret* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **recover** RPC command wipes your node and restarts it with the `--recover` option. This is only permitted if the node is unused: no channels, no bitcoin addresses issued (you can use `check` to see if recovery is possible). *hsmsecret* is either a codex32 secret starting with "cl1" as returned by `hsmtool getcodexsecret`, or a raw 64 character hex string. NOTE: this command only currently works with the `sqlite3` database backend. RETURN VALUE ------------ On success, an empty object is returned, and your node is restarted. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-hsmtool(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:9cfaa9eb4609b36accc3e3b12a352c00ddd402307e4461f4df274146d12f6eb0)