lightning-setconfig -- Dynamically change some config options ============================================================= SYNOPSIS -------- **setconfig** *config* [*val*] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **setconfig** RPC command allows you set the (dynamic) configuration option named by `config`: options which take a value (as separate from simple flag options) also need a `val` parameter. This new value will *also* be written at the end of the config file, for persistence across restarts (and any old value commented out). You can see what options are dynamically adjustable using lightning-listconfigs(7). Note that you can also adjust existing options for stopped plugins; they will have an effect when the plugin is restarted. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object containing **config** is returned. It is an object containing: - **config** (string): name of the config variable which was set - **source** (string): source of configuration setting (`file`:`linenum`) - **dynamic** (boolean): whether this option is settable via setconfig (always *true*) - **plugin** (string, optional): the plugin this configuration setting is for - **set** (boolean, optional): for simple flag options - **value\_str** (string, optional): for string options - **value\_msat** (msat, optional): for msat options - **value\_int** (integer, optional): for integer options - **value\_bool** (boolean, optional): for boolean options [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) ERRORS ------ The following error codes may occur: - -32602: JSONRPC2\_INVALID\_PARAMS, i.e. the parameter is not dynamic, or the val was invalid. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible for this feature. SEE ALSO -------- lightningd-config(5), lightning-listconfigs(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:9acb35e4b599c17e776ed0bf37b2e55022968ca10cb9d467c2e3f1f8e8d88662)