.TH "LIGHTNING-STOP" "7" "" "" "lightning-stop" .SH NAME lightning-stop - Command to shutdown the c-lightning node\. .SH SYNOPSIS \fBstop\fR .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBstop\fR is a RPC command to shut off the c-lightning node\. .SH EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST .nf .RS { "id": 82, "method": "stop", "params": {} } .RE .fi .SH RETURN VALUE On success, the command will return a empty object\. Once it has returned, the daemon has cleaned up completely, and if desired may be restarted\. .SH AUTHOR Vincenzo Palazzo \fI wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command\. .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:b080fabf70873cb5383ea28d79fba5be5abe1a60ebd9bf280419d2e590dfb762