#!/usr/bin/make PKG=client VERSION := $(shell poetry version -s) # You can set these variables from the command line. SPHINXOPTS = SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build SOURCEDIR = docs BUILDDIR = build SDIST_FILE = "dist/pyln-${PKG}-$(VERSION).tar.gz" BDIST_FILE = "dist/pyln_${PKG}-$(VERSION)-py3-none-any.whl" ARTEFACTS = $(BDIST_FILE) $(SDIST_FILE) check: check-source check-pytest check-source: check-flake8 check-mypy check-version # We want to create an env for this directory. check-version: poetry env remove -q python3 || true poetry env use python3 poetry install [ "`poetry run python3 -c 'from pyln import $(PKG); print($(PKG).__version__)'`" = "$(VERSION)" ] || exit 1 check-flake8: flake8 --ignore=E501,E731,W503,E741 pyln tests check-pytest: pytest tests check-mypy: # MYPYPATH=$(PYTHONPATH) mypy --namespace-packages --follow-imports=skip tests pyln # Having versions in two places sucks, but so does every other option :( # See https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/144 upgrade-version: if [ -z "$(NEW_VERSION)" ]; then echo "Set NEW_VERSION!" >&2; exit 1; fi poetry version $(NEW_VERSION) sed 's/^__version__ = .*/__version__ = "$(NEW_VERSION)"/' < pyln/$(PKG)/__init__.py > pyln/$(PKG)/__init__.py.new && mv pyln/$(PKG)/__init__.py.new pyln/$(PKG)/__init__.py $(SDIST_FILE) $(BDIST_FILE): poetry build prod-release: check-version $(ARTEFACTS) poetry publish