lightning-deprecations -- Command to enable/disable deprecated APIs =================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **deprecations** *enable* DESCRIPTION ----------- (Added *v24.02*) The **deprecations** RPC command overrides the global `allow-deprecated-apis` flag for further RPC commands on this same connection. In particular, setting *enable* to `false` will neither accept deprecated parameters or commands, nor output deprecated fields. This is equivalent to the config option `allow-deprecated-apis`, but can be used on useful for developer testing to ensure you don't accidentally rely on deprecated features. EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST -------------------- ```json { "id": 82, "method": "deprecations", "params": { "enable": false } } ``` RETURN VALUE ------------ On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned: - -32602: Error in given parameters. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> wrote the initial version of this man page. RESOURCES --------- Main web site: