#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Temporary keysend plugin until we implement it in C This plugin is just used to test the ability to receive keysend payments until we implement it in `plugins/keysend.c`. Most of this code is borrowed from the noise plugin. """ from pyln.client import Plugin, RpcError from pyln.proto.onion import TlvPayload, Tu32Field, Tu64Field from binascii import hexlify import os import hashlib import struct plugin = Plugin() TLV_KEYSEND_PREIMAGE = 5482373484 def serialize_payload(n, blockheight): """Serialize a legacy payload. """ block, tx, out = n['channel'].split('x') payload = hexlify(struct.pack( "!cQQL", b'\x00', int(block) << 40 | int(tx) << 16 | int(out), int(n['amount_msat']), blockheight + n['delay'])).decode('ASCII') payload += "00" * 12 return payload def buildpath(plugin, node_id, payload, amt, exclusions): blockheight = plugin.rpc.getinfo()['blockheight'] route = plugin.rpc.getroute(node_id, amt, 10, exclude=exclusions)['route'] first_hop = route[0] # Need to shift the parameters by one hop hops = [] for h, n in zip(route[:-1], route[1:]): # We tell the node h about the parameters to use for n (a.k.a. h + 1) hops.append({ "type": "legacy", "pubkey": h['id'], "payload": serialize_payload(n, blockheight) }) pl = TlvPayload() pl.fields.append(Tu64Field(2, amt)) pl.fields.append(Tu32Field(4, route[-1]['delay'])) for f in payload.fields: pl.add_field(f.typenum, f.value) # The last hop has a special payload: hops.append({ "type": "tlv", "pubkey": route[-1]['id'], "payload": hexlify(pl.to_bytes()).decode('ASCII'), }) print(f"Keysend payload {hexlify(pl.to_bytes())}") return first_hop, hops, route def deliver(node_id, payload, amt, payment_hash, max_attempts=5): """Do your best to deliver `payload` to `node_id`. """ exclusions = [] payment_hash = hexlify(payment_hash).decode('ASCII') for attempt in range(max_attempts): plugin.log("Starting attempt {} to deliver message to {}".format(attempt, node_id)) first_hop, hops, route = buildpath(plugin, node_id, payload, amt, exclusions) onion = plugin.rpc.createonion(hops=hops, assocdata=payment_hash) plugin.rpc.sendonion( onion=onion['onion'], first_hop=first_hop, payment_hash=payment_hash, shared_secrets=onion['shared_secrets'], ) try: plugin.rpc.waitsendpay(payment_hash=payment_hash) return {'route': route, 'payment_hash': payment_hash, 'attempt': attempt} except RpcError as e: failcode = e.error['data']['failcode'] failingidx = e.error['data']['erring_index'] if failcode == 16399 or failingidx == len(hops): return { 'route': route, 'payment_hash': payment_hash, 'attempt': attempt + 1 } plugin.log("Retrying delivery.") # TODO Store the failing channel in the exclusions raise ValueError('Could not reach destination {node_id}'.format(node_id=node_id)) @plugin.method('keysend') def keysend(node_id, amount, plugin): payload = TlvPayload() payment_key = os.urandom(32) payment_hash = hashlib.sha256(payment_key).digest() payload.add_field(TLV_KEYSEND_PREIMAGE, payment_key) res = deliver( node_id, payload, amt=amount, payment_hash=payment_hash ) return res plugin.run()