.TH "LIGHTNING-LISTPAYS" "7" "" "" "lightning-listpays" .SH NAME lightning-listpays - Command for querying payment status .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlistpays\fR [bolt11] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBlistpay\fR RPC command gets the status of all \fIpay\fR commands, or a single one if \fIbolt11\fR is specified\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an array of objects is returned\. Each object contains: \fIbolt11\fR the \fIbolt11\fR argument given to \fIpay\fR (see below for exceptions)\. \fIstatus\fR one of \fIcomplete\fR, \fIfailed\fR or \fIpending\fR\. \fIpayment_preimage\fR (if \fIstatus\fR is \fIcomplete\fR) proves payment was received\. \fIlabel\fR optional \fIlabel\fR, if provided to \fIpay\fR\. \fIamount_sent_msat\fR total amount sent, in "NNNmsat" format\. For old payments (pre-0\.7) we didn’t save the \fIbolt11\fR string, so in its place are three other fields: \fIpayment_hash\fR the hash of the \fIpayment_preimage\fR which will prove payment\. \fIdestination\fR the final destination of the payment\. \fIamount_msat\fR the amount the destination received, in "NNNmsat" format\. These three can all be extracted from \fIbolt11\fR, hence are obsolete\. .SH AUTHOR Rusty Russell \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-pay\fR(7), \fBlightning-paystatus\fR(7), \fBlightning-listsendpays\fR(7)\. .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR