#include "config.h" #include "../../wire/fromwire.c" #include "../../wire/tlvstream.c" #include "../../wire/towire.c" #include "../amount.c" #include "../bigsize.c" #include "../blindedpath.c" #include "../blindedpay.c" #include "../blinding.c" #include "../features.c" #include "../hmac.c" #include "../json_parse.c" #include "../json_parse_simple.c" #include "../onion_encode.c" #include "../sphinx.c" #include "../type_to_string.c" #include "../../wire/onion_wiregen.c" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* Generated stub for mvt_tag_str */ const char *mvt_tag_str(enum mvt_tag tag UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "mvt_tag_str called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for new_onionreply */ struct onionreply *new_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *contents TAKES UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "new_onionreply called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for node_id_from_hexstr */ bool node_id_from_hexstr(const char *str UNNEEDED, size_t slen UNNEEDED, struct node_id *id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "node_id_from_hexstr called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for pubkey_from_node_id */ bool pubkey_from_node_id(struct pubkey *key UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "pubkey_from_node_id called!\n"); abort(); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ #if 0 /* Updated each time, as we pretend to be Alice, Bob, Carol */ static struct secret mykey; static void test_ecdh(const struct pubkey *point, struct secret *ss) { if (secp256k1_ecdh(secp256k1_ctx, ss->data, &point->pubkey, mykey.data, NULL, NULL) != 1) abort(); } #endif static bool json_to_tok(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, const jsmntok_t **tokp) { *tokp = tok; return true; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *json; size_t i; jsmn_parser parser; jsmntok_t toks[5000]; const jsmntok_t *t, *hops_tok; struct blinded_path *bpath; struct pubkey *ids; u8 **onionhops, *associated_data, *onion, *expected_onion; struct short_channel_id initscid; struct sphinx_path *sp; struct secret session_key, *path_secrets; u32 final_cltv; struct amount_msat initial_amount, final_amount; u32 path_fee_base_msat, path_fee_proportional_millionths, path_cltv_delta; common_setup(argv[0]); if (argv[1]) json = grab_file(tmpctx, argv[1]); else { char *dir = getenv("BOLTDIR"); json = grab_file(tmpctx, path_join(tmpctx, dir ? dir : "../bolts", "bolt04/blinded-payment-onion-test.json")); if (!json) { printf("test file not found, skipping\n"); goto out; } } jsmn_init(&parser); if (jsmn_parse(&parser, json, strlen(json), toks, ARRAY_SIZE(toks)) < 0) abort(); bpath = tal(tmpctx, struct blinded_path); assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, toks, "{generate:{session_key:%," "associated_data:%," "final_amount_msat:%," "final_cltv:%," "blinded_payinfo:{fee_base_msat:%,fee_proportional_millionths:%,cltv_expiry_delta:%}," "blinded_route:{introduction_node_id:%,blinding:%,hops:%}}}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_secret, &session_key), JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_tok_bin_from_hex, &associated_data), JSON_SCAN(json_to_msat, &final_amount), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &final_cltv), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &path_fee_base_msat), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &path_fee_proportional_millionths), JSON_SCAN(json_to_u32, &path_cltv_delta), JSON_SCAN(json_to_pubkey, &bpath->first_node_id), JSON_SCAN(json_to_pubkey, &bpath->blinding), JSON_SCAN(json_to_tok, &hops_tok)) == NULL); bpath->path = tal_arr(bpath, struct onionmsg_hop *, hops_tok->size); json_for_each_arr(i, t, hops_tok) { bpath->path[i] = tal(bpath->path, struct onionmsg_hop); assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, t, "{blinded_node_id:%,encrypted_data:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_pubkey, &bpath->path[i]->blinded_node_id), JSON_SCAN_TAL(bpath->path[i], json_tok_bin_from_hex, &bpath->path[i]->encrypted_recipient_data)) == NULL); } assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, toks, "{generate:{full_route:{hops:%}}}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_tok, &hops_tok)) == NULL); /* We have to read scid from first hop contents, since it's made up */ assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, hops_tok + 1, "{tlvs:{outgoing_channel_id:%}}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_short_channel_id, &initscid)) == NULL); initial_amount = final_amount; assert(amount_msat_add_fee(&initial_amount, path_fee_base_msat, path_fee_proportional_millionths)); /* FIXME: Test vector actually claims total_amount_msat is 150000msat! */ struct amount_msat total_amount; assert(amount_msat_add(&total_amount, final_amount, AMOUNT_MSAT(50000))); onionhops = blinded_onion_hops(tmpctx, final_amount, final_cltv, total_amount, bpath); /* Prepend Alice: poor thing doesn't speak blinding! (But doesn't charge fees!) */ tal_resize(&onionhops, tal_count(onionhops) + 1); memmove(onionhops + 1, onionhops, (tal_count(onionhops) - 1) * sizeof(*onionhops)); onionhops[0] = onion_nonfinal_hop(onionhops, &initscid, initial_amount, final_cltv + path_cltv_delta); ids = tal_arr(tmpctx, struct pubkey, hops_tok->size); json_for_each_arr(i, t, hops_tok) { u8 *payload; assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, t, "{payload:%,pubkey:%}", JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_tok_bin_from_hex, &payload), JSON_SCAN(json_to_pubkey, &ids[i])) == NULL); assert(memeq(payload, tal_bytelen(payload), onionhops[i], tal_bytelen(onionhops[i]))); } /* Now, create onion! */ sp = sphinx_path_new_with_key(tmpctx, associated_data, &session_key); for (i = 0; i < tal_count(ids); i++) sphinx_add_hop_has_length(sp, &ids[i], onionhops[i]); onion = serialize_onionpacket(tmpctx, create_onionpacket(tmpctx, sp, ROUTING_INFO_SIZE, &path_secrets)); assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, toks, "{generate:{onion:%}}", JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_tok_bin_from_hex, &expected_onion)) == NULL); assert(memeq(expected_onion, tal_bytelen(expected_onion), onion, tal_bytelen(onion))); /* FIXME: unwrap and test! */ #if 0 struct onionpacket *op; struct pubkey *blinding; assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, toks, "{decrypt:{hops:%}}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_tok, &hops_tok)) == NULL); op = parse_onionpacket(tmpctx, expected_onion, tal_bytelen(expected_onion), NULL); blinding = NULL; json_for_each_arr(i, t, hops_tok) { struct route_step *rs; struct secret ss; const u8 *serialized; assert(json_scan(tmpctx, json, t, "{node_privkey:%,onion:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_secret, &mykey), JSON_SCAN_TAL(tmpctx, json_tok_bin_from_hex, &expected_onion)) == NULL); serialized = serialize_onionpacket(tmpctx, op); assert(memeq(expected_onion, tal_bytelen(expected_onion), serialized, tal_bytelen(serialized))); if (blinding) { assert(unblind_onion(blinding, test_ecdh, &op->ephemeralkey, &ss)); } else { test_ecdh(&op->ephemeralkey, &ss); } rs = process_onionpacket(tmpctx, op, &ss, associated_data, tal_bytelen(associated_data), true); assert(memeq(rs->raw_payload, tal_bytelen(rs->raw_payload), onionhops[i], tal_bytelen(onionhops[i]))); if (rs->nextcase == ONION_FORWARD) op = rs->next; else op = NULL; blinding = tal(tmpctx, struct pubkey); /* Alice doesn't have a blinding! */ if (json_scan(tmpctx, json, t, "{next_blinding:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_pubkey, blinding)) != NULL) blinding = NULL; } assert(!op); #endif out: common_shutdown(); }