lightning-decodepay -- Command for decoding a bolt11 string (low-level) ======================================================================= SYNOPSIS -------- **decodepay** *bolt11* [*description*] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **decodepay** RPC command checks and parses a *bolt11* string as specified by the BOLT 11 specification. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object is returned, containing: - **currency** (string): the BIP173 name for the currency - **created\_at** (u64): the UNIX-style timestamp of the invoice - **expiry** (u64): the number of seconds this is valid after *timestamp* - **payee** (pubkey): the public key of the recipient - **payment\_hash** (hash): the hash of the *payment\_preimage* - **signature** (signature): signature of the *payee* on this invoice - **min\_final\_cltv\_expiry** (u32): the minimum CLTV delay for the final node - **amount\_msat** (msat, optional): Amount the invoice asked for - **description** (string, optional): the description of the purpose of the purchase - **description\_hash** (hash, optional): the hash of the description, in place of *description* - **payment\_secret** (hash, optional): the secret to hand to the payee node - **features** (hex, optional): the features bitmap for this invoice - **payment\_metadata** (hex, optional): the payment\_metadata to put in the payment - **fallbacks** (array of objects, optional): onchain addresses: - **type** (string): the address type (if known) (one of "P2PKH", "P2SH", "P2WPKH", "P2WSH", "P2TR") - **hex** (hex): Raw encoded address - **addr** (string, optional): the address in appropriate format for *type* - **routes** (array of arrays, optional): Route hints to the *payee*: - hops in the route: - **pubkey** (pubkey): the public key of the node - **short\_channel\_id** (short\_channel\_id): a channel to the next peer - **fee\_base\_msat** (msat): the base fee for payments - **fee\_proportional\_millionths** (u32): the parts-per-million fee for payments - **cltv\_expiry\_delta** (u32): the CLTV delta across this hop - **extra** (array of objects, optional): Any extra fields we didn't know how to parse: - **tag** (string): The bech32 letter which identifies this field (always 1 characters) - **data** (string): The bech32 data for this field [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) Technically, the *description* field is optional if a *description\_hash* field is given, but in this case **decodepay** will only succeed if the optional *description* field is passed and matches the *description\_hash*. In practice, these are currently unused. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-pay(7), lightning-getroute(7), lightning-sendpay(7). [BOLT \#11]( RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:a5939424a8e93fc4e79a702753b58fa3da4e4c5efa00571d46dd35c9a68ea38e)