.TH "LIGHTNING-AUTOCLEANINVOICE" "7" "" "" "lightning-autocleaninvoice" .SH NAME lightning-autocleaninvoice - Set up auto-delete of expired invoice .SH SYNOPSIS \fBautocleaninvoice\fR [\fIcycle_seconds\fR] [\fIexpired_by\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBautocleaninvoice\fR RPC command sets up automatic cleaning of expired invoices\. Autoclean will be done every \fIcycle_seconds\fR seconds\. Setting \fIcycle_seconds\fR to 0 disables autoclean\. If not specified, this defaults to 3600 (one hour)\. Every autoclean cycle, expired invoices, which have already been expired for at least \fIexpired_by\fR seconds, will be deleted\. If \fIexpired_by\fR is not specified, this defaults to 86400 (one day)\. On startup of the daemon, no autoclean is set up\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an object is returned, containing: .RS .IP \[bu] \fBenabled\fR (boolean): whether invoice autocleaning is active .RE If \fBenabled\fR is \fItrue\fR: .RS .IP \[bu] \fBexpired_by\fR (u64): how long an invoice must be expired (seconds) before we delete it .IP \[bu] \fBcycle_seconds\fR (u64): how long an invoice must be expired (seconds) before we delete it .RE .SH AUTHOR ZmnSCPxj \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-delexpiredinvoice\fR(7), \fBlightning-delinvoice\fR(7) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:607f888f8c0228257fbeeb382262be93191f1da2be1fdebcf619b500889e349a