lightning-listsendpays -- Low-level command for querying sendpay status ======================================================================= SYNOPSIS -------- **listsendpays** [*bolt11*] [*payment\_hash*] [*status*] [*index* [*start*] [*limit*]] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **listsendpays** RPC command gets the status of all *sendpay* commands (which is also used by the *pay* command), or with *bolt11* or *payment\_hash* limits results to that specific payment. You cannot specify both. It is possible filter the payments also by *status*. Note that there may be more than one concurrent *sendpay* command per *pay*, so this command should be used with caution. If neither *bolt11* or *payment\_hash* is specified, `index` controls ordering, by `created` (default) or `updated`. If `index` is specified, `start` may be specified to start from that value, which is generally returned from lightning-wait(7), and `limit` can be used to specify the maximum number of entries to return. RETURN VALUE ------------ Note that the returned array is ordered by increasing *id*. [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object containing **payments** is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains: - **created\_index** (u64): 1-based index indicating order this payment was created in *(added v23.11)* - **id** (u64): old synonym for created\_index - **groupid** (u64): Grouping key to disambiguate multiple attempts to pay an invoice or the same payment\_hash - **payment\_hash** (hash): the hash of the *payment\_preimage* which will prove payment - **status** (string): status of the payment (one of "pending", "failed", "complete") - **created\_at** (u64): the UNIX timestamp showing when this payment was initiated - **amount\_sent\_msat** (msat): The amount sent - **partid** (u64, optional): Part number (for multiple parts to a single payment) - **updated\_index** (u64, optional): 1-based index indicating order this payment was changed (only present if it has changed since creation) *(added v23.11)* - **amount\_msat** (msat, optional): The amount delivered to destination (if known) - **destination** (pubkey, optional): the final destination of the payment if known - **label** (string, optional): the label, if given to sendpay - **bolt11** (string, optional): the bolt11 string (if pay supplied one) - **description** (string, optional): the description matching the bolt11 description hash (if pay supplied one) - **bolt12** (string, optional): the bolt12 string (if supplied for pay: **experimental-offers** only). If **status** is "complete": - **payment\_preimage** (secret): the proof of payment: SHA256 of this **payment\_hash** If **status** is "failed": - **erroronion** (hex, optional): the onion message returned [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) AUTHOR ------ Christian Decker <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-listpays(7), lightning-sendpay(7), lightning-listinvoice(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:d2c1dbc5953bb86579edf048ee02752d776e763d90729d46339d9a27412d2021)