lightning-unreserveinputs -- Release reserved UTXOs =================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **unreserveinputs** *psbt* [*reserve*] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **unreserveinputs** RPC command releases (or reduces reservation) on UTXOs which were previously marked as reserved, generally by lightning-reserveinputs(7). The inputs to unreserve are the inputs specified in the passed-in *psbt*. If *reserve* is specified, it is the number of blocks to decrease reservation by; default is 72. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object containing **reservations** is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains: - **txid** (txid): the transaction id - **vout** (u32): the output number which was reserved - **was\_reserved** (boolean): whether the input was already reserved (usually `true`) - **reserved** (boolean): whether the input is now reserved (may still be `true` if it was reserved for a long time) If **reserved** is *true*: - **reserved\_to\_block** (u32): what blockheight the reservation will expire [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) On failure, an error is reported and no UTXOs are unreserved. The following error codes may occur: - -32602: Invalid parameter, i.e. an unparseable PSBT. AUTHOR ------ niftynei <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-unreserveinputs(7), lightning-signpsbt(7), lightning-sendpsbt(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:2957a85bf8b9d70f8e253d6646f31aa9c2f135c7a161fd52d0e86d933adc3c57)