import logging import pytest import random import utils from concurrent import futures from test_lightningd import NodeFactory from time import time from tqdm import tqdm num_workers = 480 num_payments = 10000 @pytest.fixture def executor(): ex = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) yield ex ex.shutdown(wait=False) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def bitcoind(): bitcoind = utils.BitcoinD(rpcport=28332) bitcoind.start() info = bitcoind.rpc.getblockchaininfo() # Make sure we have segwit and some funds if info['blocks'] < 432: logging.debug("SegWit not active, generating some more blocks") bitcoind.generate_block(432 - info['blocks']) yield bitcoind try: bitcoind.rpc.stop() except Exception: bitcoind.proc.kill() bitcoind.proc.wait() @pytest.fixture def node_factory(request, bitcoind, executor): nf = NodeFactory(, bitcoind, executor) yield nf nf.killall([False] * len(nf.nodes)) def test_single_hop(node_factory, executor): l1 = node_factory.get_node() l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(l2.rpc.getinfo()['id'], 'localhost:%d' % l2.port) l1.openchannel(l2, 4000000) print("Collecting invoices") fs = [] invoices = [] for i in tqdm(range(num_payments)): invoices.append(l2.rpc.invoice(1000, 'invoice-%d' % (i), 'desc')['payment_hash']) route = l1.rpc.getroute(l2.rpc.getinfo()['id'], 1000, 1)['route'] print("Sending payments") start_time = time() def do_pay(i): p = l1.rpc.sendpay(route, i) r = l1.rpc.waitsendpay(p['payment_hash']) return r for i in invoices: fs.append(executor.submit(do_pay, i)) for f in tqdm(futures.as_completed(fs), total=len(fs)): f.result() diff = time() - start_time print("Done. %d payments performed in %f seconds (%f payments per second)" % (num_payments, diff, num_payments / diff)) def test_single_payment(node_factory, benchmark): l1 = node_factory.get_node() l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(l2.rpc.getinfo()['id'], 'localhost:%d' % l2.port) l1.openchannel(l2, 4000000) def do_pay(l1, l2): invoice = l2.rpc.invoice(1000, 'invoice-{}'.format(random.random()), 'desc')['bolt11'] benchmark(do_pay, l1, l2) def test_invoice(node_factory, benchmark): l1 = node_factory.get_node() def bench_invoice(): l1.rpc.invoice(1000, 'invoice-{}'.format(time()), 'desc') benchmark(bench_invoice) def test_pay(node_factory, benchmark): l1 = node_factory.get_node() l2 = node_factory.get_node() l1.rpc.connect(l2.rpc.getinfo()['id'], 'localhost:%d' % l2.port) l1.openchannel(l2, 4000000) invoices = [] for _ in range(1, 100): invoice = l2.rpc.invoice(1000, 'invoice-{}'.format(random.random()), 'desc')['bolt11'] invoices.append(invoice) def do_pay(l1, l2): benchmark(do_pay, l1, l2) def test_start(node_factory, benchmark): benchmark(node_factory.get_node)