.TH "LIGHTNING-LISTPAYS" "7" "" "" "lightning-listpays" .SH NAME lightning-listpays - Command for querying payment status .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlistpays\fR [bolt11] [payment_hash] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBlistpay\fR RPC command gets the status of all \fIpay\fR commands, or a single one if either \fIbolt11\fR or \fIpayment_hash\fR was specified\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an object containing \fBpays\fR is returned\. It is an array of objects, where each object contains: .RS .IP \[bu] \fBpayment_hash\fR (hex): the hash of the \fIpayment_preimage\fR which will prove payment (always 64 characters) .IP \[bu] \fBstatus\fR (string): status of the payment (one of "pending", "failed", "complete") .IP \[bu] \fBcreated_at\fR (u64): the UNIX timestamp showing when this payment was initiated .IP \[bu] \fBdestination\fR (pubkey, optional): the final destination of the payment if known .IP \[bu] \fBlabel\fR (string, optional): the label, if given to sendpay .IP \[bu] \fBbolt11\fR (string, optional): the bolt11 string (if pay supplied one) .IP \[bu] \fBbolt12\fR (string, optional): the bolt12 string (if supplied for pay: \fBexperimental-offers\fR only)\. .RE If \fBstatus\fR is "pending" or "complete": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBamount_sent_msat\fR (msat): the amount we actually sent, including fees .IP \[bu] \fBamount_msat\fR (msat, optional): the amount the destination received, if known .RE If \fBstatus\fR is "complete": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBpreimage\fR (hex): proof of payment (always 64 characters) .IP \[bu] \fBnumber_of_parts\fR (u64, optional): the number of parts for a successful payment (only if more than one)\. .RE If \fBstatus\fR is "failed": .RS .IP \[bu] \fBerroronion\fR (hex, optional): the error onion returned on failure, if any\. .RE The returned array is ordered by increasing \fBcreated_at\fR fields\. .SH AUTHOR Rusty Russell \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-pay\fR(7), \fBlightning-paystatus\fR(7), \fBlightning-listsendpays\fR(7)\. .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:9b593ed02c10b34ae6f36f91963da0a244df0c3963aaa990e7477008fd3af18d