#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; u8 version; beint32_t belen, becsum; size_t off; setup_locale(); if (argc > 2) errx(1, "Need the filename of a gossip store, or stdin"); if (argc == 2) { fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) err(1, "Opening %s", argv[1]); } else fd = STDIN_FILENO; if (read(fd, &version, sizeof(version)) != sizeof(version)) errx(1, "Empty file"); if (version != GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION) warnx("UNSUPPORTED GOSSIP VERSION %u (expected %u)", version, GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION); printf("GOSSIP VERSION %u\n", version); off = 1; while (read(fd, &belen, sizeof(belen)) == sizeof(belen) && read(fd, &becsum, sizeof(becsum)) == sizeof(becsum)) { struct amount_sat sat; u32 msglen = be32_to_cpu(belen); u8 *msg, *inner; bool deleted = (msglen & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_DELETED_BIT); msglen &= ~GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_DELETED_BIT; msg = tal_arr(NULL, u8, msglen); if (read(fd, msg, msglen) != msglen) errx(1, "%zu: Truncated file?", off); if (be32_to_cpu(becsum) != crc32c(0, msg, msglen)) warnx("Checksum verification failed"); if (deleted) { printf("%zu: DELETED\n", off); } else if (fromwire_gossip_store_channel_amount(msg, &sat)) { printf("%zu: channel_amount: %s\n", off, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &sat)); } else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT) { printf("%zu: channel_announcement: %s\n", off, tal_hex(msg, msg)); } else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE) { printf("%zu: channel_update: %s\n", off, tal_hex(msg, msg)); } else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT) { printf("%zu: node_announcement: %s\n", off, tal_hex(msg, msg)); } else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_GOSSIPD_LOCAL_ADD_CHANNEL) { printf("%zu: local_add_channel: %s\n", off, tal_hex(msg, msg)); } else if (fromwire_gossip_store_private_update(msg, msg, &inner)) { printf("%zu: private channel_update: %s\n", off, tal_hex(msg, inner)); } else { warnx("%zu: Unknown message %u", off, fromwire_peektype(msg)); } off += sizeof(belen) + sizeof(becsum) + msglen; tal_free(msg); } return 0; }