from fixtures import * # noqa: F401,F403 from pathlib import Path from pyln.testing.utils import env, TEST_NETWORK import subprocess import pytest # Skip the entire module if we don't have Rust. pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif( env('RUST') != '1', reason='RUST is not enabled skipping rust-dependent tests' ) def test_rpc_client(node_factory): l1 = node_factory.get_node() bin_path = Path.cwd() / "target" / "debug" / "examples" / "cln-rpc-getinfo" rpc_path = Path(l1.daemon.lightning_dir) / TEST_NETWORK / "lightning-rpc" out = subprocess.check_output([bin_path, rpc_path], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) assert(b'0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518' in out) def test_plugin_start(node_factory): """Start a minimal plugin and ensure it is well-behaved """ bin_path = Path.cwd() / "target" / "debug" / "examples" / "cln-plugin-startup" l1 = node_factory.get_node(options={"plugin": str(bin_path), 'test-option': 31337}) l2 = node_factory.get_node() cfg = l1.rpc.listconfigs() p = cfg['plugins'][0] p['path'] = None # The path is host-specific, so blank it. expected = { 'name': 'cln-plugin-startup', 'options': { 'test-option': 31337 }, 'path': None } assert expected == p # Now check that the `testmethod was registered ok"testmethod") == { 'help': [ { 'command': 'testmethod ', 'category': 'plugin', 'description': 'This is a test', 'verbose': 'This is a test' } ], 'format-hint': 'simple' } assert l1.rpc.testmethod() == "Hello" l1.connect(l2) l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Got a connect hook call') l1.daemon.wait_for_log(r'Got a connect notification')