/* Simple simulator for protocol. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define A_LINEX 50 #define B_LINEX 195 #define A_TEXTX 45 #define B_TEXTX 200 #define LINE_HEIGHT 5 #define STEP_HEIGHT 10 #define LETTER_WIDTH 3 #define TEXT_STYLE "style=\"font-size:4;\"" struct commit_tx { /* inhtlcs = htlcs they offered, outhtlcs = htlcs we offered */ u32 inhtlcs, outhtlcs; /* This is a simple counter, reflecting fee updates. */ u32 fee; }; /* We keep one for them, one for us. */ struct commit_info { struct commit_info *prev; /* How deep we are */ unsigned int number; /* Have sent/received revocation secret. */ bool revoked; /* Have their signature, ie. can be broadcast */ bool counterparty_signed; }; /* A "signature" is a copy of the commit tx state, for easy diagnosis. */ struct signature { struct commit_tx f; }; /* What are we doing: adding or removing? */ #define ADDING 0x1000 #define REMOVING 0x2000 #define PENDING 0x001 /* Change is pending. */ #define COMMITTED 0x002 /* HTLC is in commit_tx */ #define REVOKED 0x004 /* Old pre-change tx revoked */ #define OWNER 0x020 /* This side owns it */ #define OURS LOCAL(OWNER) #define THEIRS REMOTE(OWNER) #define LOCAL_ 0 #define REMOTE_ 6 #define SIDE(flag,local_or_remote) ((flag) << local_or_remote) #define OTHER_SIDE(flag,local_or_remote) ((flag) << (6 - local_or_remote)) #define LOCAL(flag) SIDE(flag, LOCAL_) #define REMOTE(flag) SIDE(flag, REMOTE_) enum htlc_state { NONEXISTENT = 0, /* When we add a new htlc, it goes in this order. */ SENT_ADD_HTLC = ADDING + OURS + REMOTE(PENDING), SENT_ADD_COMMIT = SENT_ADD_HTLC - REMOTE(PENDING) + REMOTE(COMMITTED), RECV_ADD_REVOCATION = SENT_ADD_COMMIT + REMOTE(REVOKED), RECV_ADD_ACK_COMMIT = RECV_ADD_REVOCATION + LOCAL(COMMITTED), SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION = RECV_ADD_ACK_COMMIT + LOCAL(REVOKED) - ADDING, /* When they remove an htlc, it goes from SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION: */ RECV_REMOVE_HTLC = REMOVING + OURS + LOCAL(PENDING) + LOCAL(COMMITTED) + REMOTE(COMMITTED), RECV_REMOVE_COMMIT = RECV_REMOVE_HTLC - LOCAL(PENDING) - LOCAL(COMMITTED), SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION = RECV_REMOVE_COMMIT + LOCAL(REVOKED), SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT = SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION - REMOTE(COMMITTED), RECV_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION = SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT - REMOVING + REMOTE(REVOKED), /* When they add a new htlc, it goes in this order. */ RECV_ADD_HTLC = ADDING + THEIRS + LOCAL(PENDING), RECV_ADD_COMMIT = RECV_ADD_HTLC - LOCAL(PENDING) + LOCAL(COMMITTED), SENT_ADD_REVOCATION = RECV_ADD_COMMIT + LOCAL(REVOKED), SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT = SENT_ADD_REVOCATION + REMOTE(COMMITTED), RECV_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION = SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT + REMOTE(REVOKED), /* When we remove an htlc, it goes from RECV_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION: */ SENT_REMOVE_HTLC = REMOVING + THEIRS + REMOTE(PENDING) + LOCAL(COMMITTED) + REMOTE(COMMITTED), SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT = SENT_REMOVE_HTLC - REMOTE(PENDING) - REMOTE(COMMITTED), RECV_REMOVE_REVOCATION = SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT + REMOTE(REVOKED), RECV_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT = RECV_REMOVE_REVOCATION - LOCAL(COMMITTED), SENT_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION = RECV_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT + LOCAL(REVOKED) - REMOVING }; static const char *htlc_statename(enum htlc_state state) { switch (state) { case NONEXISTENT: return "NONEXISTENT"; case SENT_ADD_HTLC: return "SENT_ADD_HTLC"; case SENT_ADD_COMMIT: return "SENT_ADD_COMMIT"; case RECV_ADD_REVOCATION: return "RECV_ADD_REVOCATION"; case RECV_ADD_ACK_COMMIT: return "RECV_ADD_ACK_COMMIT"; case SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION: return "SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION"; case RECV_REMOVE_HTLC: return "RECV_REMOVE_HTLC"; case RECV_REMOVE_COMMIT: return "RECV_REMOVE_COMMIT"; case SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION: return "SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION"; case SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT: return "SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT"; case RECV_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION: return "RECV_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION"; case RECV_ADD_HTLC: return "RECV_ADD_HTLC"; case RECV_ADD_COMMIT: return "RECV_ADD_COMMIT"; case SENT_ADD_REVOCATION: return "SENT_ADD_REVOCATION"; case SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT: return "SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT"; case RECV_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION: return "RECV_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION"; case SENT_REMOVE_HTLC: return "SENT_REMOVE_HTLC"; case SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT: return "SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT"; case RECV_REMOVE_REVOCATION: return "RECV_REMOVE_REVOCATION"; case RECV_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT: return "RECV_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT"; case SENT_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION: return "SENT_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION"; } return tal_fmt(NULL, "UNKNOWN STATE %i", state); } static const char *htlc_stateflags(const tal_t *ctx, enum htlc_state state) { char *flags = tal_strdup(ctx, ""); #define ADD_STATE(flags, flag) \ if (state & flag) \ tal_append_fmt(&flags, #flag ","); ADD_STATE(flags, ADDING); ADD_STATE(flags, REMOVING); ADD_STATE(flags, OURS); ADD_STATE(flags, THEIRS); ADD_STATE(flags, LOCAL(PENDING)); ADD_STATE(flags, LOCAL(COMMITTED)); ADD_STATE(flags, LOCAL(REVOKED)); ADD_STATE(flags, REMOTE(PENDING)); ADD_STATE(flags, REMOTE(COMMITTED)); ADD_STATE(flags, REMOTE(REVOKED)); if (strends(flags, ",")) flags[strlen(flags)-1] = '\0'; return flags; } struct htlc { enum htlc_state state; /* 0 means this is actually a new fee, not a HTLC. */ unsigned int id; }; static u32 htlc_mask(unsigned int htlc) { if (htlc > 32) errx(1, "HTLC number %u too large", htlc); if (!htlc) errx(1, "HTLC number can't be zero"); return (1U << (htlc-1)); } /* Make commit tx for local/remote */ static struct commit_tx make_commit_tx(struct htlc **htlcs, int local_or_remote) { size_t i, n = tal_count(htlcs); int committed_flag = SIDE(COMMITTED, local_or_remote); struct commit_tx tx = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!(htlcs[i]->state & committed_flag)) continue; if (!(htlcs[i]->state & SIDE(OWNER, local_or_remote))) { /* We don't apply fee changes to each other. */ if (htlcs[i]->id) tx.outhtlcs |= htlc_mask(htlcs[i]->id); } else { if (!htlcs[i]->id) tx.fee++; else tx.inhtlcs |= htlc_mask(htlcs[i]->id); } } return tx; } struct peer { int infd, outfd, cmdfd, cmddonefd; /* For drawing svg */ char *text; char *io; /* All htlcs. */ struct htlc **htlcs; /* Last one is the one we're changing. */ struct commit_info *local, *remote; }; static struct htlc *find_htlc(struct peer *peer, unsigned int htlc_id, int side) { size_t i, n = tal_count(peer->htlcs); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((peer->htlcs[i]->state & side) && peer->htlcs[i]->id == htlc_id) return peer->htlcs[i]; } return NULL; } static struct htlc *new_htlc(struct peer *peer, unsigned int htlc_id, int side) { size_t n = tal_count(peer->htlcs); /* Fee changes don't have to be unique. */ if (htlc_id && find_htlc(peer, htlc_id, side)) errx(1, "%s duplicate new htlc %u", side == OURS ? "Our" : "Their", htlc_id); tal_resize(&peer->htlcs, n+1); peer->htlcs[n] = tal(peer, struct htlc); peer->htlcs[n]->state = NONEXISTENT; peer->htlcs[n]->id = htlc_id; return peer->htlcs[n]; } static void htlc_changestate(struct htlc *htlc, enum htlc_state old, enum htlc_state new) { if (htlc->state != old) errx(1, "htlc was in state %s not %s", htlc_statename(htlc->state), htlc_statename(old)); htlc->state = new; } struct state_table { enum htlc_state from, to; }; static bool change_htlcs_(struct peer *peer, const struct state_table *table, size_t n_table) { size_t i, n = tal_count(peer->htlcs); bool changed = false; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { size_t t; for (t = 0; t < n_table; t++) { if (peer->htlcs[i]->state == table[t].from) { htlc_changestate(peer->htlcs[i], table[t].from, table[t].to); changed = true; break; } } } return changed; } #define change_htlcs(peer, table) \ change_htlcs_((peer), (table), ARRAY_SIZE(table)) static struct commit_info *new_commit_info(const struct peer *peer, struct commit_info *prev) { struct commit_info *ci = tal(peer, struct commit_info); ci->prev = prev; ci->revoked = false; ci->counterparty_signed = false; if (prev) ci->number = prev->number + 1; else ci->number = 0; return ci; } static struct signature commit_sig(const struct commit_tx *commit_tx) { struct signature sig; sig.f = *commit_tx; return sig; } static void write_out(int fd, const void *p, size_t len) { if (!write_all(fd, p, len)) err(1, "Writing to peer"); } static void dump_htlcs(struct htlc **htlcs, const char *prefix, bool verbose, int flags_inc, int flags_exc) { size_t i, n = tal_count(htlcs); char *ctx = tal(htlcs, char); bool printed = false; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((htlcs[i]->state & flags_inc) != flags_inc) continue; if (htlcs[i]->state & flags_exc) continue; if (!htlcs[i]->id && !verbose) continue; if (!printed) { printf("%s", prefix); printed = true; } if (!htlcs[i]->id) printf(" FEE"); else printf(" %u", htlcs[i]->id); if (verbose) { printf(" (%s - %s)", htlc_statename(htlcs[i]->state), htlc_stateflags(ctx, htlcs[i]->state)); } } if (printed) printf("\n"); tal_free(ctx); } static void dump_commit_info(const struct peer *peer, const struct commit_info *ci, int local_or_remote) { struct commit_tx tx; int committed_flag = SIDE(COMMITTED, local_or_remote); tx = make_commit_tx(peer->htlcs, local_or_remote); printf(" Commit %u:\n", ci->number); dump_htlcs(peer->htlcs, " Our htlcs:", false, OURS|committed_flag, 0); dump_htlcs(peer->htlcs, " Their htlcs:", false, THEIRS|committed_flag, 0); /* Don't clutter output if fee level untouched. */ if (tx.fee) printf(" Fee level %u\n", tx.fee); dump_htlcs(peer->htlcs, "Pending unacked:", true, SIDE(PENDING, local_or_remote), committed_flag); dump_htlcs(peer->htlcs, "Pending acked:", true, OTHER_SIDE(COMMITTED, local_or_remote), committed_flag); if (ci->counterparty_signed) printf(" SIGNED\n"); if (ci->revoked) printf(" REVOKED\n"); fflush(stdout); } static void dump_peer(const struct peer *peer, bool all) { printf("LOCAL COMMIT:\n"); dump_commit_info(peer, peer->local, LOCAL_); printf("REMOTE COMMIT:\n"); dump_commit_info(peer, peer->remote, REMOTE_); if (all) dump_htlcs(peer->htlcs, "OLD HTLCs:", true, 0, LOCAL(COMMITTED)|REMOTE(COMMITTED)); } static void read_in(int fd, void *p, size_t len) { alarm(5); if (!read_all(fd, p, len)) err(1, "Reading from peer"); alarm(0); } static void read_peer(struct peer *peer, const char *str, const char *cmd) { char *p = tal_arr(peer, char, strlen(str)+1); read_in(peer->infd, p, strlen(str)); p[strlen(str)] = '\0'; if (!streq(p, str)) errx(1, "%s: Expected %s from peer, got %s", cmd, str, p); tal_free(p); } static void send_offer(struct peer *peer, unsigned int htlc) { struct htlc *h = new_htlc(peer, htlc, OURS); htlc_changestate(h, NONEXISTENT, SENT_ADD_HTLC); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "add_htlc %u", htlc); write_out(peer->outfd, "+", 1); write_out(peer->outfd, &htlc, sizeof(htlc)); } static void send_remove(struct peer *peer, unsigned int htlc) { struct htlc *h = find_htlc(peer, htlc, THEIRS); if (!h) errx(1, "send_remove: htlc %u does not exist", htlc); htlc_changestate(h, RECV_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION, SENT_REMOVE_HTLC); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "fulfill_htlc %u", htlc); write_out(peer->outfd, "-", 1); write_out(peer->outfd, &htlc, sizeof(htlc)); } static void send_feechange(struct peer *peer) { struct htlc *fee = new_htlc(peer, 0, OURS); htlc_changestate(fee, NONEXISTENT, SENT_ADD_HTLC); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "update_fee"); write_out(peer->outfd, "F", 1); } /* * We don't enforce the rule that commits have to wait for revoke response * before the next one. */ static struct commit_info *last_unrevoked(struct commit_info *ci) { struct commit_info *next = NULL; /* If this is already revoked, all are. */ if (ci->revoked) return NULL; /* Find revoked commit; one we hit before that was last unrevoked. */ for (; ci; next = ci, ci = ci->prev) { if (ci->revoked) break; } return next; } static void send_commit(struct peer *peer) { struct signature sig; struct commit_tx commit_tx; static const struct state_table changes[] = { { SENT_ADD_HTLC, SENT_ADD_COMMIT }, { SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION, SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT }, { SENT_ADD_REVOCATION, SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT}, { SENT_REMOVE_HTLC, SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT} }; /* BOLT #2: * * An implementation MAY choose not to send an `update_commit` * until it receives the `update_revocation` response to the * previous `update_commit`, so there is only ever one * unrevoked local commitment. */ if (peer->remote->prev && !peer->remote->prev->revoked) errx(1, "commit: must wait for previous commit"); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "update_commit"); /* BOLT #2: * * A node MUST NOT send an `update_commit` message which does * not include any updates. */ if (!change_htlcs(peer, changes)) errx(1, "commit: no changes to commit"); /* BOLT #2: * * A sending node MUST apply all remote acked and unacked * changes except unacked fee changes to the remote commitment * before generating `sig`. */ commit_tx = make_commit_tx(peer->htlcs, REMOTE_); peer->remote = new_commit_info(peer, peer->remote); peer->remote->counterparty_signed = true; sig = commit_sig(&commit_tx); /* Tell other side about commit and result (it should agree!) */ write_out(peer->outfd, "C", 1); write_out(peer->outfd, &sig, sizeof(sig)); } static void receive_revoke(struct peer *peer, u32 number) { static const struct state_table changes[] = { { SENT_ADD_COMMIT, RECV_ADD_REVOCATION }, { SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT, RECV_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION }, { SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT, RECV_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION }, { SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT, RECV_REMOVE_REVOCATION } }; struct commit_info *ci = last_unrevoked(peer->remote); if (!ci) errx(1, "receive_revoke: no commit to revoke"); if (ci->number != number) errx(1, "receive_revoke: revoked %u but %u is next", number, ci->number); /* This shouldn't happen if we don't allow multiple commits. */ if (ci != peer->remote->prev) errx(1, "receive_revoke: always revoke previous?"); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "<"); ci->revoked = true; if (!ci->counterparty_signed) errx(1, "receive_revoke: revoked unsigned commit?"); if (!change_htlcs(peer, changes)) errx(1, "receive_revoke: no changes?"); } /* BOLT #2: * * the receiving node MUST add the HTLC addition to the unacked * changeset for its local commitment. */ static void receive_offer(struct peer *peer, unsigned int htlc) { struct htlc *h = new_htlc(peer, htlc, THEIRS); htlc_changestate(h, NONEXISTENT, RECV_ADD_HTLC); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "<"); } /* BOLT #2: * * the receiving node MUST add the HTLC fulfill/fail to the unacked * changeset for its local commitment. */ static void receive_remove(struct peer *peer, unsigned int htlc) { struct htlc *h = find_htlc(peer, htlc, OURS); if (!h) errx(1, "recv_remove: htlc %u does not exist", htlc); htlc_changestate(h, SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION, RECV_REMOVE_HTLC); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "<"); } /* BOLT #2: * * the receiving node MUST add the fee change to the unacked changeset * for its local commitment. */ static void receive_feechange(struct peer *peer) { struct htlc *fee = new_htlc(peer, 0, THEIRS); htlc_changestate(fee, NONEXISTENT, RECV_ADD_HTLC); tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "<"); } /* Send revoke. * - Queue changes to them. */ static void send_revoke(struct peer *peer, struct commit_info *ci) { static const struct state_table changes[] = { { RECV_ADD_ACK_COMMIT, SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION }, { RECV_REMOVE_COMMIT, SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION }, { RECV_ADD_COMMIT, SENT_ADD_REVOCATION }, { RECV_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT, SENT_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION } }; tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "update_revocation"); /* We always revoke in order. */ assert(!ci->prev || ci->prev->revoked); assert(ci->counterparty_signed); assert(!ci->revoked); ci->revoked = true; if (!change_htlcs(peer, changes)) errx(1, "update_revocation: no changes?"); write_out(peer->outfd, "R", 1); write_out(peer->outfd, &ci->number, sizeof(ci->number)); } /* Receive commit: * - Apply changes to us. */ static void receive_commit(struct peer *peer, const struct signature *sig) { struct commit_tx commit_tx; struct signature oursig; static const struct state_table changes[] = { { RECV_ADD_REVOCATION, RECV_ADD_ACK_COMMIT }, { RECV_REMOVE_HTLC, RECV_REMOVE_COMMIT }, { RECV_ADD_HTLC, RECV_ADD_COMMIT }, { RECV_REMOVE_REVOCATION, RECV_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT } }; tal_append_fmt(&peer->io, "<"); /* BOLT #2: * * A node MUST NOT send an `update_commit` message which does * not include any updates. */ if (!change_htlcs(peer, changes)) errx(1, "receive_commit: no changes to commit"); commit_tx = make_commit_tx(peer->htlcs, LOCAL_); oursig = commit_sig(&commit_tx); if (!structeq(sig, &oursig)) errx(1, "Commit state %#x/%#x/%u, they gave %#x/%#x/%u", sig->f.inhtlcs, sig->f.outhtlcs, sig->f.fee, oursig.f.inhtlcs, oursig.f.outhtlcs, oursig.f.fee); peer->local = new_commit_info(peer, peer->local); peer->local->counterparty_signed = true; /* This is the one case where we send without a command. */ tal_append_fmt(&peer->text, "\n"); send_revoke(peer, peer->local->prev); } static void do_cmd(struct peer *peer) { char cmd[80]; int i; unsigned int htlc; struct commit_info *ci; struct iovec iov[2]; i = read(peer->cmdfd, cmd, sizeof(cmd)-1); if (cmd[i-1] != '\0') errx(1, "Unterminated command"); if (i == 1) { fflush(stdout); exit(0); } peer->io = tal_strdup(peer, ""); peer->text = tal_strdup(peer->io, ""); if (sscanf(cmd, "offer %u", &htlc) == 1) send_offer(peer, htlc); else if (sscanf(cmd, "remove %u", &htlc) == 1) send_remove(peer, htlc); else if (streq(cmd, "feechange")) send_feechange(peer); else if (streq(cmd, "commit")) send_commit(peer); else if (streq(cmd, "recvrevoke")) { u32 number; read_peer(peer, "R", cmd); read_in(peer->infd, &number, sizeof(number)); receive_revoke(peer, number); } else if (streq(cmd, "recvoffer")) { read_peer(peer, "+", cmd); read_in(peer->infd, &htlc, sizeof(htlc)); receive_offer(peer, htlc); } else if (streq(cmd, "recvremove")) { read_peer(peer, "-", cmd); read_in(peer->infd, &htlc, sizeof(htlc)); receive_remove(peer, htlc); } else if (streq(cmd, "recvfeechange")) { read_peer(peer, "F", cmd); receive_feechange(peer); } else if (streq(cmd, "recvcommit")) { struct signature sig; read_peer(peer, "C", cmd); read_in(peer->infd, &sig, sizeof(sig)); receive_commit(peer, &sig); } else if (streq(cmd, "checksync")) { struct commit_tx ours, theirs; ours = make_commit_tx(peer->htlcs, LOCAL_); theirs = make_commit_tx(peer->htlcs, REMOTE_); write_all(peer->cmddonefd, &ours, sizeof(ours)); write_all(peer->cmddonefd, &theirs, sizeof(theirs)); return; } else if (streq(cmd, "dump")) { dump_peer(peer, false); } else if (streq(cmd, "dumpall")) { dump_peer(peer, true); } else errx(1, "Unknown command %s", cmd); iov[0].iov_base = peer->io; iov[0].iov_len = strlen(peer->io)+1; iov[1].iov_base = peer->text; iov[1].iov_len = strlen(peer->text)+1; writev(peer->cmddonefd, iov, 2); tal_free(peer->io); /* We must always have (at least one) signed, unrevoked commit. */ for (ci = peer->local; ci; ci = ci->prev) { if (ci->counterparty_signed && !ci->revoked) { return; } } errx(1, "No signed, unrevoked commit!"); } static void new_peer(int infdpair[2], int outfdpair[2], int cmdfdpair[2], int cmddonefdpair[2]) { struct peer *peer; switch (fork()) { case 0: break; case -1: err(1, "Forking"); default: return; } close(infdpair[1]); close(outfdpair[0]); close(cmdfdpair[1]); close(cmddonefdpair[0]); peer = tal(NULL, struct peer); peer->htlcs = tal_arr(peer, struct htlc *, 0); /* Create first, signed commit info. */ peer->local = new_commit_info(peer, NULL); peer->local->counterparty_signed = true; peer->remote = new_commit_info(peer, NULL); peer->remote->counterparty_signed = true; peer->infd = infdpair[0]; peer->outfd = outfdpair[1]; peer->cmdfd = cmdfdpair[0]; peer->cmddonefd = cmddonefdpair[1]; while (1) do_cmd(peer); } struct sent { int y; const char *desc; }; static void add_sent(struct sent **sent, int y, const char *msg) { size_t n = tal_count(*sent); tal_resize(sent, n+1); (*sent)[n].y = y; (*sent)[n].desc = tal_strdup(*sent, msg); } static void draw_line(char **str, int old_x, struct sent **sent, int new_x, int new_y) { size_t n = tal_count(*sent); if (n == 0) errx(1, "Receive without send?"); tal_append_fmt(str, "\n", old_x, (*sent)[0].y - LINE_HEIGHT/2, new_x, new_y - LINE_HEIGHT/2); tal_append_fmt(str, "%s\n", (old_x + new_x) / 2, ((*sent)[0].y + new_y) / 2, (*sent)[0].desc); memmove(*sent, (*sent)+1, sizeof(**sent) * (n-1)); tal_resize(sent, n-1); } static void append_text(char **svg, bool is_a, int *y, char *text, size_t *max_chars) { char *eol; eol = strchr(text, '\n'); if (eol) *eol = '\0'; tal_append_fmt(svg, "%s", is_a ? A_TEXTX : B_TEXTX, *y, is_a ? "end" : "start", text); if (strlen(text) > *max_chars) *max_chars = strlen(text); if (eol) { *y += LINE_HEIGHT; append_text(svg, is_a, y, eol+1, max_chars); } *y += STEP_HEIGHT; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char cmd[80], output[200], *svg = tal_strdup(NULL, ""); int a_to_b[2], b_to_a[2], acmd[2], bcmd[2], adonefd[2], bdonefd[2]; int y = STEP_HEIGHT + LINE_HEIGHT; struct sent *a_sent = tal_arr(NULL, struct sent, 0), *b_sent = tal_arr(NULL, struct sent, 0); bool output_svg = false; size_t max_chars = 0; err_set_progname(argv[0]); if (argv[1] && streq(argv[1], "--svg")) output_svg = true; if (pipe(a_to_b) || pipe(b_to_a) || pipe(adonefd) || pipe(acmd)) err(1, "Creating pipes"); new_peer(a_to_b, b_to_a, acmd, adonefd); if (pipe(bdonefd) || pipe(bcmd)) err(1, "Creating pipes"); new_peer(b_to_a, a_to_b, bcmd, bdonefd); close(acmd[0]); close(bcmd[0]); close(adonefd[1]); close(bdonefd[1]); close(b_to_a[0]); close(b_to_a[1]); close(a_to_b[0]); close(a_to_b[1]); while (fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), stdin)) { int cmdfd, donefd, r; char *io, *text; if (!strends(cmd, "\n")) errx(1, "Truncated command"); cmd[strlen(cmd)-1] = '\0'; if (strstarts(cmd, "A:")) { cmdfd = acmd[1]; donefd = adonefd[0]; } else if (strstarts(cmd, "B:")) { cmdfd = bcmd[1]; donefd = bdonefd[0]; } else if (strstarts(cmd, "echo ")) { if (!output_svg) { printf("%s\n", cmd + 5); fflush(stdout); } continue; } else if (streq(cmd, "checksync")) { struct commit_tx fa_us, fa_them, fb_us, fb_them; if (!write_all(acmd[1], cmd, strlen(cmd)+1) || !write_all(bcmd[1], cmd, strlen(cmd)+1)) errx(1, "Failed writing command to peers"); alarm(5); if (!read_all(adonefd[0], &fa_us, sizeof(fa_us)) || !read_all(adonefd[0], &fa_them, sizeof(fa_them)) || !read_all(bdonefd[0], &fb_us, sizeof(fb_us)) || !read_all(bdonefd[0], &fb_them, sizeof(fb_them))) errx(1, "Failed reading status from peers"); if (!structeq(&fa_us, &fb_them) || !structeq(&fa_them, &fb_us)) errx(1, "checksync: not equal"); continue; } else if (strstarts(cmd, "#") || streq(cmd, "")) continue; else errx(1, "Unknown command %s", cmd); /* Don't dump if outputting svg. */ if (output_svg && strstarts(cmd+2, "dump")) continue; if (!write_all(cmdfd, cmd+2, strlen(cmd)-1)) errx(1, "Sending %s", cmd); alarm(5); r = read(donefd, output, sizeof(output)-2); if (r <= 0) errx(1, "Failed on cmd %s", cmd); output[r] = output[r+1] = '\0'; io = output; text = output + strlen(output) + 1; if (r != strlen(text) + strlen(io) + 2) errx(1, "Not nul-terminated: %s+%s gave %zi not %u", io, text, strlen(text) + strlen(io) + 2, r); alarm(0); /* We can recv and send for recvcommit */ if (strstarts(io, "<")) { if (strstarts(cmd, "A:")) draw_line(&svg, B_LINEX, &b_sent, A_LINEX, y); else draw_line(&svg, A_LINEX, &a_sent, B_LINEX, y); memmove(io, io+1, strlen(io)); } if (!streq(io, "")) { if (strstarts(cmd, "A:")) add_sent(&a_sent, y, io); else add_sent(&b_sent, y, io); } if (!streq(text, "") && output_svg) { append_text(&svg, strstarts(cmd, "A:"), &y, text, &max_chars); } } write_all(acmd[1], "", 1); write_all(bcmd[1], "", 1); /* Make sure they've finished */ alarm(5); if (read_all(adonefd[0], &y, 1) || read_all(bdonefd[0], &y, 1)) errx(1, "Response after sending exit command"); alarm(0); if (output_svg) printf("\n" "" "" "" "Node A\n" "Node B\n" "%s\n" "\n", B_TEXTX + max_chars*LETTER_WIDTH, y + LINE_HEIGHT, A_LINEX, STEP_HEIGHT, B_LINEX, STEP_HEIGHT, svg); return 0; }