#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lightning.pb-c.h" #include "base58.h" #include "pkt.h" #include #include /* Bitcoin nodes are allowed to be 2 hours in the future. */ #define LOCKTIME_MIN (2 * 60 * 60) static char *opt_set_bits(const char *arg, u64 *satoshi) { unsigned long long ll; char *ret = opt_set_ulonglongval_si(arg, &ll); if (ret) return ret; *satoshi = ll * 100; if (*satoshi / 100 != ll) return "Invalid number of bits"; return NULL; } static void opt_show_bits(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const u64 *bits) { unsigned long long ll = *bits / 100; opt_show_ulonglongval_si(buf, &ll); } static BitcoinOutputId *parse_anchor_input(const tal_t *ctx, const char *spec) { BitcoinOutputId *o = tal(ctx, BitcoinOutputId); struct sha256 txid; const char *slash; char *end; long l; bitcoin_output_id__init(o); slash = strchr(spec, '/'); if (!slash) errx(1, "Expected / in /"); o->output = l = strtol(slash + 1, &end, 10); if (end == slash + 1 || *end || (int64_t)o->output != (int64_t)l) errx(1, "Expected after /"); if (!hex_decode(spec, slash - spec, &txid, sizeof(txid))) errx(1, "Expected 256-bit hex txid before /"); o->txid = proto_sha256_hash(o, &txid); return o; } static u8 *pay_to_pubkey(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_address *addr) { u8 *script = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 2 + 20 + 2); script[0] = 0x76; /* OP_DUP */ script[1] = 0xA9; /* OP_HASH160 */ memcpy(script+2, addr, 20); script[22] = 0x88; /* OP_EQUALVERIFY */ script[23] = 0xAC; /* OP_CHECKSIG */ return script; } /* FIXME: This is too weak, even for us! */ static u64 weak_random64(void) { return time(NULL); } /* Simple helper to open a channel. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct sha256 seed, revocation_hash; struct bitcoin_address ouraddr; EC_KEY *privkey; struct pkt *pkt; const tal_t *ctx = tal_arr(NULL, char, 0); Anchor anchor = ANCHOR__INIT; u64 commit_tx_fee; unsigned int locktime_seconds; bool testnet; struct bitcoin_compressed_pubkey pubkey; u8 *script_to_me; size_t i; err_set_progname(argv[0]); /* Default values. */ anchor.min_confirms = 3; /* Remember, other side contributes to fee, too. */ anchor.fee = 5000; /* We only need this for involuntary close, so make it larger. */ commit_tx_fee = 100000; /* This means we have ~1 day before they can steal our money. */ locktime_seconds = LOCKTIME_MIN + 24 * 60 * 60; opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, " /...\n" "A test program to output openchannel on stdout.", "Print this message."); opt_register_arg("--min-anchor-confirms", opt_set_uintval, opt_show_uintval, &anchor.min_confirms, "Number of anchor confirmations before channel is active"); opt_register_arg("--anchor-fee=", opt_set_bits, opt_show_bits, &anchor.fee, "100's of satoshi to pay for anchor"); opt_register_arg("--commitment-fee=", opt_set_bits, opt_show_bits, &commit_tx_fee, "100's of satoshi to pay for commitment"); opt_register_arg("--locktime=", opt_set_uintval, opt_show_uintval, &locktime_seconds, "Seconds to lock out our transaction redemption"); /* FIXME: Implement change address and amount. */ opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc < 5) opt_usage_and_exit(NULL); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seed, sizeof(seed))) errx(1, "Invalid seed '%s' - need 256 hex bits", argv[1]); privkey = key_from_base58(argv[2], strlen(argv[2]), &testnet, &pubkey); if (!privkey) errx(1, "Invalid private key '%s'", argv[2]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Private key '%s' not a testnet key!", argv[2]); if (!bitcoin_from_base58(&testnet, &ouraddr, argv[3], strlen(argv[3]))) errx(1, "Invalid bitcoin address '%s'", argv[3]); if (!testnet) errx(1, "Bitcoin address '%s' not on testnet!", argv[3]); anchor.n_inputs = (argc - 4); anchor.inputs = tal_arr(ctx, BitcoinOutputId *, anchor.n_inputs); for (i = 0; i < anchor.n_inputs; i++) anchor.inputs[i] = parse_anchor_input(anchor.inputs, argv[i+4]); /* Get first revocation hash. */ shachain_from_seed(&seed, 0, &revocation_hash); /* Make simple output script to pay to my pubkey. */ script_to_me = pay_to_pubkey(ctx, &ouraddr); pkt = openchannel_pkt(ctx, weak_random64(), &revocation_hash, tal_count(script_to_me), script_to_me, commit_tx_fee, locktime_seconds, &anchor); if (!write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, pkt, sizeof(pkt->len) + le32_to_cpu(pkt->len))) err(1, "Writing out packet"); tal_free(ctx); return 0; }