lightning-bkpr-channelsapy -- Command to list stats on channel earnings ================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **bkpr-channelsapy** \[*start_time*\] \[*end_time*\] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **bkpr-channelsapy** RPC command lists stats on routing income, leasing income, and various calculated APYs for channel routed funds. The **start_time** is a UNIX timestamp (in seconds) that filters events after the provided timestamp. Defaults to zero. The **end_time** is a UNIX timestamp (in seconds) that filters events up to and at the provided timestamp. Defaults to max-int. RETURN VALUE ------------ [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-START) On success, an object containing **channels\_apy** is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains: - **account** (string): The account name. If the account is a channel, the channel_id. The 'net' entry is the rollup of all channel accounts - **routed\_out\_msat** (msat): Sats routed (outbound) - **routed\_in\_msat** (msat): Sats routed (inbound) - **lease\_fee\_paid\_msat** (msat): Sats paid for leasing inbound (liquidity ads) - **lease\_fee\_earned\_msat** (msat): Sats earned for leasing outbound (liquidity ads) - **pushed\_out\_msat** (msat): Sats pushed to peer at open - **pushed\_in\_msat** (msat): Sats pushed in from peer at open - **our\_start\_balance\_msat** (msat): Starting balance in channel at funding. Note that if our start ballance is zero, any _initial field will be omitted (can't divide by zero) - **channel\_start\_balance\_msat** (msat): Total starting balance at funding - **fees\_out\_msat** (msat): Fees earned on routed outbound - **utilization\_out** (string): Sats routed outbound / total start balance - **utilization\_in** (string): Sats routed inbound / total start balance - **apy\_out** (string): Fees earned on outbound routed payments / total start balance for the length of time this channel has been open amortized to a year (APY) - **apy\_in** (string): Fees earned on inbound routed payments / total start balance for the length of time this channel has been open amortized to a year (APY) - **apy\_total** (string): Total fees earned on routed payments / total start balance for the length of time this channel has been open amortized to a year (APY) - **fees\_in\_msat** (msat, optional): Fees earned on routed inbound - **utilization\_out\_initial** (string, optional): Sats routed outbound / our start balance - **utilization\_in\_initial** (string, optional): Sats routed inbound / our start balance - **apy\_out\_initial** (string, optional): Fees earned on outbound routed payments / our start balance for the length of time this channel has been open amortized to a year (APY) - **apy\_in\_initial** (string, optional): Fees earned on inbound routed payments / our start balance for the length of time this channel has been open amortized to a year (APY) - **apy\_total\_initial** (string, optional): Total fees earned on routed payments / our start balance for the length of time this channel has been open amortized to a year (APY) - **apy\_lease** (string, optional): Lease fees earned over total amount leased for the lease term, amortized to a year (APY). Only appears if channel was leased out by us [comment]: # (GENERATE-FROM-SCHEMA-END) AUTHOR ------ niftynei is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-bkpr-listincome(7), lightning-bkpr-listfunds(7), lightning-bkpr-listaccountevents(7), lightning-bkpr-dumpincomecsv(7), lightning-listpeers(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: [comment]: # ( SHA256STAMP:296069892023c371e26305e8ab54d04a50aefeeff37a8a465d07893a8c39e61c)