import pytest from pyln.testing.utils import DEVELOPER, EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND # This function is based upon the example of how to # "[make] test result information available in fixtures" at: # # and: # @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): # execute all other hooks to obtain the report object outcome = yield rep = outcome.get_result() # set a report attribute for each phase of a call, which can # be "setup", "call", "teardown" setattr(item, "rep_" + rep.when, rep) def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line("markers", "slow_test: slow tests aren't run under Valgrind") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "developer: only run when developer is flagged on") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "openchannel: Limit this test to only run 'v1' or 'v2' openchannel protocol") def pytest_runtest_setup(item): open_versions = [mark.args[0] for mark in item.iter_markers(name='openchannel')] if open_versions: if 'v1' not in open_versions and not EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND: pytest.skip('v2-only test, EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND=0') if 'v2' not in open_versions and EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND: pytest.skip('v1-only test, EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND=1') else: # If there's no openchannel marker, skip if EXP_DF if EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND: pytest.skip('v1-only test, EXPERIMENTAL_DUAL_FUND=1') for mark in item.iter_markers(name='developer'): if not DEVELOPER: if len(mark.args): pytest.skip('!DEVELOPER: {}'.format(mark.args[0])) else: pytest.skip('!DEVELOPER: Requires DEVELOPER=1')