from pyln.client import Gossmap, GossmapNode, GossmapNodeId import os.path import lzma def unxz_data_tmp(src, tmp_path, dst, wmode): fulldst = os.path.join(tmp_path, dst) with open(fulldst, wmode) as out: with, "data", src), "rb")as f: out.write( return fulldst def test_gossmap(tmp_path): sfile = unxz_data_tmp("gossip_store-part1.xz", tmp_path, "gossip_store", "xb") g = Gossmap(sfile) chans = len(g.channels) nodes = len(g.nodes) g.refresh() assert chans == len(g.channels) assert nodes == len(g.nodes) # Now append. unxz_data_tmp("gossip_store-part2.xz", tmp_path, "gossip_store", "ab") g.refresh() # This actually deletes a channel, which deletes a node. assert g.get_channel("686386x1093x1") is None assert g.get_node('029deaf9d2fba868fe0a124050f0a13e021519a12f41bea34f391fe7533fb3166d') is None # The other node is untouched assert g.get_node('02e0af3c70bf42343316513e54683b10c01d906c04a05dfcd9479b90d7beed9129') # It will notice the new ones. assert chans < len(g.channels) assert nodes < len(g.nodes) # Whole load at the same time gives the same results. g2 = Gossmap(sfile) assert set(g.channels.keys()) == set(g2.channels.keys()) assert set(g.nodes.keys()) == set(g2.nodes.keys()) # Check some details channel2 = g.get_channel("686200x1137x0") assert g.get_channel("686386x1093x1") is None assert channel2.satoshis == 3000000 def test_gossmap_halfchannel(tmp_path): """ this test a simple [l1->l2] gossip store that was created by the pyln-testing framework """ sfile = unxz_data_tmp("gossip_store.simple.xz", tmp_path, "gossip_store", "xb") g = Gossmap(sfile) l1id = "022d223620a359a47ff7f7ac447c85c46c923da53389221a0054c11c1e3ca31d59" l2id = "0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518" # check structure parsed correctly assert(len(g.nodes) == 2) n1 = g.get_node(l1id) n2 = g.get_node(l2id) assert n1 assert n2 chan = g.get_channel("103x1x1") assert chan assert chan.node1 == n1 assert chan.node2 == n2 half0 = chan.get_direction(0) half1 = g.get_halfchannel("103x1x1", 1) assert half0 assert half1 assert half0.direction == 0 assert half1.direction == 1 assert == chan assert == chan assert half0.source == n1 assert half0.destination == n2 assert half1.source == n2 assert half1.destination == n1 # check metadata assert half0.timestamp == 1631005020 assert half1.timestamp == 1631005020 assert half0.cltv_expiry_delta == 6 assert half1.cltv_expiry_delta == 6 assert half0.htlc_minimum_msat == 0 assert half1.htlc_minimum_msat == 0 assert half0.htlc_maximum_msat == 990000000 assert half1.htlc_maximum_msat == 990000000 assert half0.fee_base_msat == 1 assert half1.fee_base_msat == 1 assert half0.fee_proportional_millionths == 10 def test_objects(): boltz = "026165850492521f4ac8abd9bd8088123446d126f648ca35e60f88177dc149ceb2" acinq = "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f" boltz_id = GossmapNodeId(bytes.fromhex(boltz)) acinq_id = GossmapNodeId(bytes.fromhex(acinq)) assert boltz_id == GossmapNodeId(boltz) assert boltz_id < acinq_id assert acinq_id > boltz_id assert boltz_id != acinq_id assert acinq_id != boltz_id assert not boltz_id > acinq_id assert not acinq_id < boltz_id assert not boltz_id == acinq_id assert not acinq_id == boltz_id boltz_node = GossmapNode(boltz_id) acinq_node = GossmapNode(acinq_id) assert boltz_node == GossmapNode(boltz) assert boltz_node < acinq_node assert acinq_node > boltz_node assert boltz_node != acinq_node def test_mesh(tmp_path): """This gossip store is a nice mesh created with pyln-testing: l1--l2--l3 | | | l4--l5--l6 | | | l7--l8--l9 """ sfile = unxz_data_tmp("gossip_store.mesh-3x3.xz", tmp_path, "gossip_store", "xb") g = Gossmap(sfile) assert len(g.nodes) == 9 assert len(g.channels) == 12 nodeids = ['0266e4598d1d3c415f572a8488830b60f7e744ed9235eb0b1ba93283b315c03518', '022d223620a359a47ff7f7ac447c85c46c923da53389221a0054c11c1e3ca31d59', '035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d', '0382ce59ebf18be7d84677c2e35f23294b9992ceca95491fcf8a56c6cb2d9de199', '032cf15d1ad9c4a08d26eab1918f732d8ef8fdc6abb9640bf3db174372c491304e', '0265b6ab5ec860cd257865d61ef0bbf5b3339c36cbda8b26b74e7f1dca490b6518', '0269f9862c311261241e5aee7abe0ec93c88613cc8f3c5f33cb1eea90d2bc4ddb6', '03a7fd8070eea99341418fefe0b31086054d09cff64649eec3605db2340631c616', '030eeb52087b9dbb27b7aec79ca5249369f6ce7b20a5684ce38d9f4595a21c2fda'] scid12 = '103x1x0' scid14 = '105x1x1' scid23 = '107x1x1' scid25 = '109x1x1' scid36 = '111x1x0' scid45 = '113x1x0' scid47 = '115x1x1' scid56 = '117x1x1' scid58 = '119x1x0' scid69 = '121x1x1' scid78 = '123x1x1' scid89 = '125x1x1' scids = [scid12, scid14, scid23, scid25, scid36, scid45, scid47, scid56, scid58, scid69, scid78, scid89] nodes = [g.get_node(nid) for nid in nodeids] # check all nodes are there for nodeid in nodeids: node = g.get_node(nodeid) assert node assert str(node.node_id) == nodeid for channel in node.channels: assert str(channel.scid) in scids # assert all channels are there for scid in scids: channel = g.get_channel(scid) assert channel assert str(channel.scid) == scid assert channel.half_channels[0] assert channel.half_channels[1] # check basic relations # get_neighbors l5 in the middle depth=0 returns just that node result = g.get_neighbors(source=nodeids[4]) assert len(result) == 1 assert str(next(iter(result)).node_id) == nodeids[4] result = g.get_neighbors(source=nodeids[4], depth=1) assert len(result) == 5 # on depth=1 the cross l2, l4, l5, l6, l8 must be returned assert nodes[1] in result assert nodes[3] in result assert nodes[4] in result assert nodes[5] in result assert nodes[7] in result # on depth>=2 all nodes must be returned as we visited the whole graph for d in range(2, 4): result = g.get_neighbors(source=nodeids[4], depth=d) assert len(result) == 9 for node in nodes: assert node in result # get_neighbors on l9 with depth=3 must return all but l1 result = g.get_neighbors(nodeids[8], depth=3) assert len(result) == 8 assert nodes[0] not in result # get_neighbors on l9 with depth=4 and excludes l5 must return all but l5 result = g.get_neighbors(nodeids[8], depth=4, excludes=[nodes[4]]) assert len(result) == 8 assert nodes[4] not in result # get_neighbors_hc l5 in the middle expect: 25, 45, 65 and 85 result = g.get_neighbors_hc(source=nodeids[4]) exp_ids = [nodeids[1], nodeids[3], nodeids[5], nodeids[7]] exp_scidds = [scid25 + '/1', scid45 + '/0', scid56 + '/1', scid58 + '/0'] assert len(result) == len(exp_ids) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan.source.node_id) == nodeids[4] assert str(halfchan.destination.node_id) in exp_ids assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # same but other direction result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[4]) exp_ids = [nodeids[1], nodeids[3], nodeids[5], nodeids[7]] exp_scidds = [scid25 + '/0', scid45 + '/1', scid56 + '/0', scid58 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_ids) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan.destination.node_id) == nodeids[4] assert str(halfchan.source.node_id) in exp_ids assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # get all channels which have l1 as destination result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[0]) exp_ids = [nodeids[1], nodeids[3]] exp_scidds = [scid12 + '/0', scid14 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_ids) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan.destination.node_id) == nodeids[0] assert str(halfchan.source.node_id) in exp_ids assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # l5 as destination in the middle but depth=1, so the outer ring # epxect: 12, 14, 32, 36, 74, 78, 98, 96 result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[4], depth=1) exp_scidds = [scid12 + '/1', scid14 + '/0', scid23 + '/1', scid36 + '/1', scid47 + '/0', scid69 + '/1', scid78 + '/0', scid89 + '/0'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # same but other direction result = g.get_neighbors_hc(source=nodeids[4], depth=1) exp_scidds = [scid12 + '/0', scid14 + '/1', scid23 + '/0', scid36 + '/0', scid47 + '/1', scid69 + '/0', scid78 + '/1', scid89 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # l9 as destination and depth=2 expect: 23 25 45 47 result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[8], depth=2) exp_scidds = [scid23 + '/0', scid25 + '/0', scid45 + '/1', scid47 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # l9 as destination depth=2 exclude=[l7] expect: 23 25 45 result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[8], depth=2, excludes=[nodes[6]]) exp_scidds = [scid23 + '/0', scid25 + '/0', scid45 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # same as above, but excludes halfchannels of l7 expect: 23 25 45 hcs = [c.half_channels[0] for c in nodes[6].channels] hcs += [c.half_channels[1] for c in nodes[6].channels] result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[8], depth=2, excludes=hcs) exp_scidds = [scid23 + '/0', scid25 + '/0', scid45 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # again, same as above, but excludes channels of l7 expect: 23 25 45 chs = [c for c in nodes[6].channels] result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[8], depth=2, excludes=chs) exp_scidds = [scid23 + '/0', scid25 + '/0', scid45 + '/1'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # l9 as destination and depth=3 expect: 12 14 result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[8], depth=3) exp_scidds = [scid12 + '/1', scid14 + '/0'] assert len(result) == len(exp_scidds) for halfchan in result: assert str(halfchan) in exp_scidds # l9 as destination and depth>=4 expect: empty set for d in range(4, 6): result = g.get_neighbors_hc(destination=nodeids[8], depth=d) assert len(result) == 0