lightning-setpsbtversion -- Command for setting PSBT version ============================================================ SYNOPSIS -------- **setpsbtversion** *psbt* *version* DESCRIPTION ----------- The **setpsbtversion** RPC command converts the provided PSBT to the given version, and returns the base64 result of the conversion. Returns an error if version is invalid. - *psbt*: The PSBT to change versions. - *version*: The version to set. EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST ------------ ```json { "id": 82, "method": "setpsbtversion", "params": { "psbt": "cHNidP8BAAoCAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==", "version": "2" } } ``` RETURN VALUE ------------ If successful the command returns a converted PSBT of the requested version. On failure, an error is returned. The following error codes may occur: - -32602: Parameter missed or malformed; EXAMPLE JSON RESPONSE ----- ```json { "psbt": "cHNidP8BAgQCAAAAAQQBAAEFAQABBgEDAfsEAgAAAAA=" } ``` AUTHOR ------ Gregory Sanders <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-fundpsbt(7), lightning-utxopsbt(7), lightning-signpsbt(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: