lightning-getlog -- Command to show logs. ========================================= SYNOPSIS -------- **getlog** \[*level*\] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **getlog** the RPC command to show logs, with optional log *level*. - *level*: A string that represents the log level (*broken*, *unusual*, *info*, *debug*, or *io*). The default is *info*. EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST -------------------- ```json { "id": 82, "method": "getlog", "params": { "level": "debug" } } ``` RETURN VALUE ------------ On success, a object will be return with the following parameters: - *created_at*: An floating point value that represents the UNIX timestamp when logging began. - *bytes_used*: A string that represents the dimension in bytes of the log file. - *bytes_max*: An integer that represents the max dimension in bytes of log file. - *log*: An array of objects where each element contains the following proprieties: - *type*: A string that represents the log level. The propriety can have an value equal to SKIPPED to indicate the existence of omitted entries. - *time*: A floating point value that represents the time since *created_at*. - *source*: A string that represents the source of line. - *log*: A string that represents the content of line. - *num_skipped*: An integer that it is present only if the log level is equal to SKIPPED. On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned: - -32602: Error in given parameters. EXAMPLE JSON RESPONSE --------------------- ```json { "created_at": "1598192543.820753463", "bytes_used": 89285843, "bytes_max": 104857600, "log": [ { "type": "SKIPPED", "num_skipped": 45 }, { "type": "INFO", "time": "0.453627568", "source": "", "log": "RPC method 'autopilot-run-once' does not have a docstring." } ] } ``` AUTHOR ------ Vincenzo Palazzo <> wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command. RESOURCES --------- Main web site: