
115 lines
3.1 KiB

.\" -*- mode: troff; coding: utf-8 -*-
.TH "LIGHTNING-OPENCHANNEL_UPDATE" "7" "" "Core Lightning 0.12.1" ""
lightning-openchannel_update -- Command to update a collab channel open
\fBopenchannel_update\fR \fIchannel_id\fR \fIpsbt\fR
\fCopenchannel_update\fR is a low level RPC command which continues an open
channel, as specified by \fIchannel_id\fR. An updated \fIpsbt\fR is passed in; any
changes from the PSBT last returned (either from \fCopenchannel_init\fR or
a previous call to \fCopenchannel_update\fR) will be communicated to the peer.
Must be called after \fCopenchannel_init\fR and before \fCopenchannel_signed\fR.
Must be called until \fIcommitments_secured\fR is returned as true, at which point
\fCopenchannel_signed\fR should be called with a signed version of the PSBT
returned by the last call to \fCopenchannel_update\fR.
\fIchannel_id\fR is the id of the channel.
\fIpsbt\fR is the updated PSBT to be sent to the peer. May be identical to
the PSBT last returned by either \fCopenchannel_init\fR or \fCopenchannel_update\fR.
On success, an object is returned, containing:
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBchannel_id\fR (hex): the channel id of the channel (always 64 characters)
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBpsbt\fR (string): the PSBT of the funding transaction
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBcommitments_secured\fR (boolean): whether the \fIpsbt\fR is complete (if true, sign \fIpsbt\fR and call \fCopenchannel_signed\fR to complete the channel open)
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBfunding_outnum\fR (u32): The index of the funding output in the psbt
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBclose_to\fR (hex, optional): scriptPubkey which we have to close to if we mutual close
If \fIcommitments_secured\fR is true, will also return:
- The derived \fIchannel_id\fR.
- A \fIclose_to\fR script, iff a \fCclose_to\fR address was provided to
\fCopenchannel_init\fR and the peer supports \fCoption_upfront_shutdownscript\fR.
- The \fIfunding_outnum\fR, the index of the funding output for this channel
in the funding transaction.
.IP "\(bu" 2
-32602: If the given parameters are wrong.
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
-1: Catchall nonspecific error.
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
305: Peer is not connected.
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
309: PSBT missing required fields
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
311: Unknown channel id.
.if n \
.sp -1
.if t \
.sp -0.25v
.IP "\(bu" 2
312: Channel in an invalid state
lightning-openchannel_init(7), lightning-openchannel_signed(7),
lightning-openchannel_bump(7), lightning-openchannel_abort(7),
lightning-fundchannel_start(7), lightning-fundchannel_complete(7),
lightning-fundchannel(7), lightning-fundpsbt(7), lightning-utxopsbt(7),
@niftynei <\fIniftynei@gmail.com\fR> is mainly responsible.
Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR
\" SHA256STAMP:7778e05c179a54e7eea93dd8e20cce50eeda8d9162b99e18eda439b792138cd6