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Keys supported by the Arti key store

The key manager will need to be able to generate all the keys documented here.

Here is a description of the security levels referenced in this document:

Security lvl Description
0 extremely sensitive, should ideally be stored offline; used for long-term identity keys
1 sensitive, should ideally be stored offline; used for medium-term keys that can only be abused for a limited time if leaked, and that can be rotated
2 sensitive, cannot be stored offline; used for keys that must be stored online, but that have limited validity or can be revoked
3 not sensitive

Onion service keys

Key Type Dependencies Description Managed by key manager? Expected lifetime Security lvl
hs_id ed25519 none long-term identity key yes long-term/never rotated 0
hs_blind_id ed25519 hs_id blinded signing key (derived from hs_id) yes 1 time period 1
hs_desc_sign ed25519 none descriptor signing key yes 1 time period 2
hs_desc_sign_cert ed25519 hs_blind_id, hs_desc_sign descriptor signing certificate (hs_desc_sign signed by hs_blind_id) no short-term (54h) 3
hsc_desc_enc x25519 none the client's counterpart to hss_desc_enc yes long-term/until the client rotates it/service revokes the client's access 2
hsc_intro_auth ed25519 none client auth key for use in the introduction protocol yes long-term/until the client rotates it/service revokes the client's access 2

(NOTE: The key names from the Key column are the formal key names from rend-spec-v3 with the KS_ prefix removed)

Note: hss_desc_enc (used by hidden services to encrypt the inner part of their descriptors when client auth is enabled) is not listed here, because it is the public part of the (KP_hss_desc_enc, KS_hss_desc_enc) keypair, and Arti key stores do not store public keys.

That being said, when generating client auth keys, the key management CLI will need to provide a convenient way to extract the corresponding hss_desc_enc key, both in C Tor's authorized_clients format, and in the SSH key format used by Arti. For example, the command for generating a new descriptor encryption key might look like this:

arti keymgr generate desc_enc_key --keystore <KEYSTORE_ID> \
                                  # plus any other flags we might need
                                  --client <CLIENT_NAME>   \
                                  --service <HSID.ONION>   \
                                  --pubkey <OUT_DIR>

In addition to generating hsc_desc_enc in the specified key store, this would also create the corresponding public key entries in OUT_DIR:

├── <CLIENT_NAME>.auth          # for C Tor
└── <CLIENT_NAME>.x25519_public # for Arti

Relay keys

Key Type Dependencies Description Managed by key manager? Expected lifetime Security lvl
relayid_rsa 1024-bit RSA none long-term identity key yes long-term/never rotated 0
onion_tap 1024-bit RSA none medium-term TAP onion key yes at least 1 week; see 2.1.1. Server descriptor format (dir-spec.txt) 2
conn_tls 1024-bit RSA none short-term connection key for negotiating TLS connections yes at most 1 day; see 1.1 Keys and names (tor-spec.txt) 2
ntor x25519 none medium-term onion key for handling onion key handshakes yes at least 1 week; see 2.1.1. Server descriptor format (dir-spec.txt) 2
relayid_ed ed25519 none long-term identity key yes long-term/never rotated 0
relaysign_ed ed25519 none medium-term signing key yes medium-term/rotated periodically 2
relaysign_ed_cert ed25519 relayid_ed, relaysign_ed relaysign_ed signed by relayid_ed no same lifetime as relaysign_ed 3
link_ed ed25519 none short-term link auth key, used to authenticate the link handshake maybe regenerated "frequently" 2
link_ed_cert ed25519 relaysign_ed, link_ed link_ed signed by relaysign_ed no same lifetime as link_ed 3

(NOTE: The key names from the Key column are the formal key names from tor-spec with the KS_ prefix removed)

Directory authority keys


Key Dependencies Description
dirauth_id(?) long-term authority identity key
dirauth_sign(?) directory server's public signing key