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Adding Bridges and Pluggable Transports to Arti

This document will go over the general issues that we face when building client-side support for bridges and pluggable transports in Arti.

Tor's anticensorship features: a lower-level perspective

Here's what you need to know about bridges.

Fundamentally, a "Bridge" is a relay that we use as the first hop for our circuits because it is configured by the user, not because it is listed in the main network directory.1

A "Bridge" can either be reached by the regular Tor (cells over TLS) protocol, or by some different censorship-resistant "transport" protocol.2

Users configure a single bridge by listing some of the following:

  • A set of supported transports that can be used. If this set is empty, the client just uses the default transport.
  • A set of IP:Port addresses that can be used to reach the bridge. (With some transports, the transport itself figures out how to contact the bridge, and this set is empty or ignored.)
  • A set of identities to expect for the bridge. (Note that C Tor allows this set to be empty; Arti will not, since it tends to create severe implementation headaches.)
  • For each transport, a set of transport-specific parameters. (These might, for example, be additional protocol-specific authentication keys.)

Users can turn bridge usage on and off. This is a single boolean that does not require deleting their entire list of bridges.

Users can configure a large number of bridges; if they do, then we want to pick randomly from among them and favor just a few, in the same way that we do when choosing guard relays. We want to reuse our GuardMgr code for this. (Doing so, however, may require a bit of refactoring, since the current GuardMgr selects Relays from a NetDir, and we'll have to select Bridges from some kind of underlying BridgeSet.)

Since bridges are not listed in the main network directory, we can't use the directory to look up their onion keys (the ones we use to build multihop circuits). Instead, we have to connect to the bridge and ask the bridge for a router descriptor—a self-signed document describing the bridge and its supported keys. Descriptors are only valid for a while.

Some transports are implemented as external processes, using a "managed pluggable transport" mechanism. In this design, the Tor client program is responsible for launching and monitoring external binaries that provide transports over SOCKS4 or SOCKS5. The protocol for communicating with these binaries uses stdin, stdout, and the environment. To use these binaries as transports, the client treats them as SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxies, and encodes per-connection arguments in the authentication fields of the SOCKS handshakes.

A single managed PT binary can implement multiple transports: if it does, each one gets its own local proxy address.

Architectural implications

With those issues in mind, let's go through the parts of the implementation that are simple.

We'll need to extend the definition of ChanTarget to include the additional information that bridges need: which protocol to use, and protocol-specific information. We might want a separate trait for ChanTargets that can have this information, since relays will never want to look at it, and in fact will require that it is absent.

We'll want to extend the tor-chanmgr crate to know about more ways to launch channels. It will probably have a registry of known transport mechanisms (including the default transport) and know how to connect to each one.

We'll need to implement tor-ptmgr crate that launches and monitors managed pluggable transport binaries. It should have the ability to launch and shut down PTs on demand, not just because they are configured. (In other words, if no bridge wants a given transport, we shouldn't run that transport.)

We'll need to teach tor-guardmgr to be able to take its input from a configured set of bridges rather than from a NetDir. This needs to be a separate "guard selection", since we want to be able to switch back and forth between using bridges and not using bridges.

In ChanMgr and GuardMgr, we'll need a way to identify bridges. This will be interesting, since bridges can be configured only with a single identity that is not their Ed25519 identity. (In GuardMgr, we might have as little as an RsaIdentity. In ChanMgr, we will have more identity information, but only after the channel handshake is successful.) If the same identity is listed twice with different addresses and transports, we may need to treat them as different bridges.3 We may need to assign configured bridges a local unique ID, and use that identify which bridge is which in ChanMgr. We may need a flexible matching approach in our GuardMgr code to see which remembered guard is equivalent to which configured bridge.

We'll need to download and cache bridge's router descriptors as needed. This is different from downloading regular directory information in several ways:

  • We can only download a bridge's descriptor from that bridge.
  • We need to be able to download a bridge's descriptor even when we have no directory.
  • When using bridges, we only use bridges as our directory caches: never fallback directories.

Let's try to, to the extent possible, to put all of the client-side bridge and pluggable transport code behind Cargo features (bridge-client and pt-client, maybe), so that we can disable them for Relays and for resource-constrained clients that don't want them.

Challenges with implementing anticensorship in Arti

Now that we've been through all of that, here are some of the challenges and open questions that we need to solve as we implement these anticensorship features in Arti.

Problem 1: The directory infrastructure and logic

Our existing directory code doesn't know about bridges. We'll need to think carefully about the logic that drives guard selection and directory downloads.

We'll need an additional directory state where we try to make sure we fetch bridge descriptors. This has to happen after bridges are selected. There needs to be feedback between the GuardMgr and the DirMgr here: the GuardMgr can't hand out bridges for multi-hop circuits until it knows descriptors for them; the DirMgr can't fetch any bridge descriptors until it knows what the GuardMgr wants.

(The DirMgr also needs to keep bridge descriptors separate from regular relays, to avoid leaking whether we've used a given bridge when using it as a relay, and vice versa.)

Problem 2: Circuits through bridges

Our CircMgr can build one-hop directory circuits through any kind of ChanTarget. But right now it can only build multihop circuits by first looking up the Relay object for the first hop in the NetDir.

Here we have two options: We can make bridges with known descriptors into Relays, or we can adjust CircMgr so that any CircTarget can start a multihop circuit.

We'll also want a meaningful way to know if a bridge is in the same family as a Relay, which presents its own challenges.

Problem 3: Discarding unused channels and circuits

When a user turns bridges on and off, or changes the set of configured bridges, we can easily have the ChanMgr and the CircMgr drop all of their existing channels and circuits. That will cause these channels and circuits to close once there are no longer any streams using them, which is all well and good.

But the user may want channels and circuits to close sooner! People sometimes get worried when an they flip a "anticensorship" switch and their non-resistant channels and circuits don't close immediately.

That's a challenge in our current ChanMgr/CircMgr API, since we don't actually keep track of the channels and circuits that we no longer track in those managers. We might instead need to keep weak references to deprecated channels and circuits. But doing that might require new WeakChannel and WeakCircuit types in tor-proto.

Problem 4: Channel equivalency, bridge identity

If a bridge's configured addresses or transports are changed, then existing channels to that bridge may no longer be used.

If a bridge has multiple transports, we might need to remember which ones work and which ones don't.

What's more, we might not always know an Ed25519 identity for a bridge: this will mess with our guard and channel code, both of which assume that all known relays have an Ed25519 identity.

Problem 5: Tuning, tuning, tuning

Our existing code has some constants and consensus values that are tuned for the main network. We'll need to revisit them for bridges. Notably, we'll need to reconsider our required guard parallelism, our recommended guard parallelism, our willingness to retry a guard that seems not to be working, our timeouts, our happy-eyeballs parameters, and more.

Problem 6: Existing bridge-line format

We would like to have backward compatibility with Tor's current bridge configuration mechanism, which uses a line format something like this:

[TransportId] RsaIdentity [Param1=Val1] [Param2=Val2] ...

We need to support this indefinitely, though it has a number of design problems, since its usage is established basically everywhere. Nonetheless, we may want to look into alternatives, so that we could:

  • Have more identity types
  • Make addesses optional
  • Use a type better suited for encoding binary data.

APIs to design

These are some APIs to sketch out as next steps.

  • Extended ChanTarget/CircTarget API

  • Protocol or TransportId API

  • Revised GuardMgr interfaces

  • TransportRegistry (part of ChanMgr, knows how to connect via different protocols. Takes an ExtendedChanTarget; returns a Result<Channel>)

  • PtMgr (handles managed pluggable transports)

  • Whatever the heck is going on inside DirMgr and between DirMgr/GuardMgr now.

  1. In fact, bridges are typically not listed in the main network directory: if they were, a censor could easily block their IP addresses. ↩︎

  2. In practice, all of our transports are implemented as extra layers over which we tunnel our regular cells-over-TLS protocol. This is a deliberate choice: Even when the transport provides authenticity and and confidentiality on its own ↩︎

  3. This is an uncommon case in C Tor, and we might not want to support it. ↩︎