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lightning-listinvoices -- Command for querying invoice status


listinvoices [label] [invstring] [payment_hash] [offer_id] [index [start] [limit]]


The listinvoices RPC command gets the status of a specific invoice, if it exists, or the status of all invoices if given no argument.

A specific invoice can be queried by providing either the label provided when creating the invoice, the invstring string representing the invoice, the payment_hash of the invoice, or the local offer_id this invoice was issued for. Only one of the query parameters can be used at once.

index controls ordering, by created (default) or updated. If index is specified, start may be specified to start from that value, which is generally returned from lightning-wait(7), and limit can be used to specify the maximum number of entries to return.


On success, an object containing invoices is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains:

  • label (string): unique label supplied at invoice creation
  • payment_hash (hash): the hash of the payment_preimage which will prove payment
  • status (string): Whether it's paid, unpaid or unpayable (one of "unpaid", "paid", "expired")
  • expires_at (u64): UNIX timestamp of when it will become / became unpayable
  • created_index (u64): 1-based index indicating order this invoice was created in (added v23.08)
  • description (string, optional): description used in the invoice
  • amount_msat (msat, optional): the amount required to pay this invoice
  • bolt11 (string, optional): the BOLT11 string (always present unless bolt12 is)
  • bolt12 (string, optional): the BOLT12 string (always present unless bolt11 is)
  • local_offer_id (hash, optional): the id of our offer which created this invoice (experimental-offers only).
  • invreq_payer_note (string, optional): the optional invreq_payer_note from invoice_request which created this invoice (experimental-offers only).
  • updated_index (u64, optional): 1-based index indicating order this invoice was changed (only present if it has changed since creation) (added v23.08)

If status is "paid":

  • pay_index (u64): Unique incrementing index for this payment
  • amount_received_msat (msat): the amount actually received (could be slightly greater than amount_msat, since clients may overpay)
  • paid_at (u64): UNIX timestamp of when it was paid
  • payment_preimage (secret): proof of payment
  • paid_outpoint (object, optional): Outpoint this invoice was paid with (added v23.11):
    • txid (txid): ID of the transaction that paid the invoice (added v23.11)
    • outnum (u32): The 0-based output number of the transaction that paid the invoice (added v23.11)


Rusty Russell <rusty@rustcorp.com.au> is mainly responsible.


lightning-waitinvoice(7), lightning-delinvoice(7), lightning-invoice(7).


Main web site: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning