
22 KiB

lightning-sql -- Command to do complex queries on list commands


sql query


The sql RPC command runs the given query across a sqlite3 database created from various list commands.

When tables are accessed, it calls the above commands, so it's no faster than any other local access (though it goes to great length to cache listnodes and listchannels) which then processes the results.

It is, however faster for remote access if the result of the query is much smaller than the list commands would be.

Note that queries like "SELECT *" are fragile, as columns will change across releases; see lightning-listsqlschemas(7).


The following types are supported in schemas, and this shows how they are presented in the database. This matters: a JSON boolean is represented as an integer in the database, so a query will return 0 or 1, not true or false.

  • hex. A hex string.

    • JSON: a string
    • sqlite3: BLOB
  • hash/secret/pubkey/txid: just like hex.

  • msat/integer/u64/u32/u16/u8. Normal numbers.

    • JSON: an unsigned integer
    • sqlite3: INTEGER
  • boolean. True or false.

    • JSON: literal true or false
    • sqlite3: INTEGER
  • number. A floating point number (used for times in some places).

    • JSON: number
    • sqlite3: REAL
  • string. Text.

    • JSON: string
    • sqlite3: TEXT
  • short_channel_id. A short-channel-id of form 1x2x3.

    • JSON: string
    • sqlite3: TEXT


Writing to the database is not permitted, and limits are placed on various other query parameters.

Additionally, only the following functions are allowed:

  • abs
  • avg
  • coalesce
  • count
  • hex
  • quote
  • length
  • like
  • lower
  • upper
  • min
  • max
  • sum
  • total


Note that the first column of every table is a unique integer called rowid: this is used for related tables to refer to specific rows in their parent. sqlite3 usually has this as an implicit column, but we make it explicit as the implicit version is not allowed to be used as a foreign key.

The following tables are currently supported:

  • bkpr_accountevents (see lightning-bkpr-listaccountevents(7))

    • account (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • type (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • tag (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • credit_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • debit_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • currency (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • timestamp (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • outpoint (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • blockheight (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • origin (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • payment_id (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
    • txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • description (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • fees_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • is_rebalance (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • part_id (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
  • bkpr_income (see lightning-bkpr-listincome(7))

    • account (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • tag (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • credit_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • debit_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • currency (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • timestamp (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • description (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • outpoint (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • payment_id (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
  • channels indexed by short_channel_id (see lightning-listchannels(7))

    • source (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • destination (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • short_channel_id (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT)
    • direction (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • public (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • amount_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • message_flags (type u8, sqltype INTEGER)
    • channel_flags (type u8, sqltype INTEGER)
    • active (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • last_update (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • base_fee_millisatoshi (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • fee_per_millionth (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • delay (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • htlc_minimum_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • htlc_maximum_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • features (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
  • closedchannels (see lightning-listclosedchannels(7))

    • peer_id (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • channel_id (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • short_channel_id (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT)
    • alias_local (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT, from JSON object alias)
    • alias_remote (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT, from JSON object alias)
    • opener (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • closer (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • private (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table closedchannels_channel_type_bits, from JSON object channel_type
      • row (reference to closedchannels_channel_type.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • bits (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table closedchannels_channel_type_names, from JSON object channel_type
      • row (reference to closedchannels_channel_type.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • names (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • total_local_commitments (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • total_remote_commitments (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • total_htlcs_sent (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • funding_txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • funding_outnum (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • leased (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • funding_fee_paid_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • funding_fee_rcvd_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • funding_pushed_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • total_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • final_to_us_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • min_to_us_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • max_to_us_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • last_commitment_txid (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • last_commitment_fee_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • close_cause (type string, sqltype TEXT)
  • forwards indexed by in_channel and in_htlc_id (see lightning-listforwards(7))

    • created_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • in_channel (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT)
    • in_htlc_id (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • in_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • status (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • received_time (type number, sqltype REAL)
    • out_channel (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT)
    • out_htlc_id (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • updated_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • style (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • fee_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • out_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • resolved_time (type number, sqltype REAL)
    • failcode (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • failreason (type string, sqltype TEXT)
  • htlcs indexed by short_channel_id and id (see lightning-listhtlcs(7))

    • short_channel_id (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT)
    • id (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • expiry (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • amount_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • direction (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • payment_hash (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • state (type string, sqltype TEXT)
  • invoices indexed by payment_hash (see lightning-listinvoices(7))

    • label (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • description (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • payment_hash (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • status (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • expires_at (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • amount_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • bolt11 (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • bolt12 (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • local_offer_id (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • invreq_payer_note (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • created_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • updated_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • pay_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • amount_received_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • paid_at (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • paid_outpoint_txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB, from JSON object paid_outpoint)
    • paid_outpoint_outnum (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object paid_outpoint)
    • payment_preimage (type secret, sqltype BLOB)
  • nodes indexed by nodeid (see lightning-listnodes(7))

    • nodeid (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • last_timestamp (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • alias (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • color (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
    • features (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
    • related table nodes_addresses
      • row (reference to nodes.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • type (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • port (type u16, sqltype INTEGER)
      • address (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • option_will_fund_lease_fee_base_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object option_will_fund)
    • option_will_fund_lease_fee_basis (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object option_will_fund)
    • option_will_fund_funding_weight (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object option_will_fund)
    • option_will_fund_channel_fee_max_base_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object option_will_fund)
    • option_will_fund_channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object option_will_fund)
    • option_will_fund_compact_lease (type hex, sqltype BLOB, from JSON object option_will_fund)
  • offers indexed by offer_id (see lightning-listoffers(7))

    • offer_id (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • active (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • single_use (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • bolt12 (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • used (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • label (type string, sqltype TEXT)
  • peerchannels indexed by peer_id (see lightning-listpeerchannels(7))

    • peer_id (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • peer_connected (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • state (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • scratch_txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • related table peerchannels_channel_type_bits, from JSON object channel_type
      • row (reference to peerchannels_channel_type.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • bits (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table peerchannels_channel_type_names, from JSON object channel_type
      • row (reference to peerchannels_channel_type.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • names (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • ignore_fee_limits (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • feerate_perkw (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object feerate)
    • feerate_perkb (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object feerate)
    • owner (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • short_channel_id (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT)
    • channel_id (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • funding_txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • funding_outnum (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • initial_feerate (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • last_feerate (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • next_feerate (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • next_fee_step (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table peerchannels_inflight
      • row (reference to peerchannels.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • funding_txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
      • funding_outnum (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
      • feerate (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • total_funding_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
      • splice_amount (type integer, sqltype INTEGER)
      • our_funding_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
      • scratch_txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • close_to (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
    • private (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • opener (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • closer (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • related table peerchannels_features
      • row (reference to peerchannels.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • features (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • funding_pushed_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object funding)
    • funding_local_funds_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object funding)
    • funding_remote_funds_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object funding)
    • funding_fee_paid_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object funding)
    • funding_fee_rcvd_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON object funding)
    • to_us_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • min_to_us_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • max_to_us_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • total_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • fee_base_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • fee_proportional_millionths (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • dust_limit_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • max_total_htlc_in_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • their_reserve_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • our_reserve_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • spendable_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • receivable_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • minimum_htlc_in_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • minimum_htlc_out_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • maximum_htlc_out_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • their_to_self_delay (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • our_to_self_delay (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • max_accepted_htlcs (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • alias_local (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT, from JSON object alias)
    • alias_remote (type short_channel_id, sqltype TEXT, from JSON object alias)
    • related table peerchannels_state_changes
      • row (reference to peerchannels.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • timestamp (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • old_state (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • new_state (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • cause (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • message (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • related table peerchannels_status
      • row (reference to peerchannels.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • status (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • in_payments_offered (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • in_offered_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • in_payments_fulfilled (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • in_fulfilled_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • out_payments_offered (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • out_offered_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • out_payments_fulfilled (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • out_fulfilled_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table peerchannels_htlcs
      • row (reference to peerchannels.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • direction (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • id (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
      • amount_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
      • expiry (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
      • payment_hash (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
      • local_trimmed (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
      • status (type string, sqltype TEXT)
      • state (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • close_to_addr (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • last_tx_fee_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • direction (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
  • peers indexed by id (see lightning-listpeers(7))

    • id (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • connected (type boolean, sqltype INTEGER)
    • num_channels (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table peers_netaddr
      • row (reference to peers.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • netaddr (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • remote_addr (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • features (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
  • sendpays indexed by payment_hash (see lightning-listsendpays(7))

    • created_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • id (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • groupid (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • partid (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • payment_hash (type hash, sqltype BLOB)
    • updated_index (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • status (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • amount_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • destination (type pubkey, sqltype BLOB)
    • created_at (type u64, sqltype INTEGER)
    • amount_sent_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
    • label (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • bolt11 (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • description (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • bolt12 (type string, sqltype TEXT)
    • payment_preimage (type secret, sqltype BLOB)
    • erroronion (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
  • transactions indexed by hash (see lightning-listtransactions(7))

    • hash (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
    • rawtx (type hex, sqltype BLOB)
    • blockheight (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • txindex (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • locktime (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • version (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table transactions_inputs
      • row (reference to transactions.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • txid (type txid, sqltype BLOB)
      • idx (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON field index)
      • sequence (type u32, sqltype INTEGER)
    • related table transactions_outputs
      • row (reference to transactions.rowid, sqltype INTEGER)
      • arrindex (index within array, sqltype INTEGER)
      • idx (type u32, sqltype INTEGER, from JSON field index)
      • amount_msat (type msat, sqltype INTEGER)
      • scriptPubKey (type hex, sqltype BLOB)


On success, an object containing rows is returned. It is an array. Each array entry contains an array of values, each an integer, real number, string or null, depending on the sqlite3 type.

The object may contain warning_db_failure if the database fails partway through its operation.

On failure, an error is returned.


Here are some example using lightning-cli. Note that you may need to use -o if you use queries which contain = (which make lightning-cli(1) default to keyword style):

A simple peer selection query:

$ lightning-cli sql "SELECT id FROM peers"
   "rows": [

A statement containing using = needs -o:

$ lightning-cli sql -o "SELECT node_id,last_timestamp FROM nodes WHERE last_timestamp>=1669578892"
   "rows": [

If you want to compare a BLOB column, x'hex' or X'hex' are needed:

$ lightning-cli sql -o "SELECT nodeid FROM nodes WHERE nodeid != x'03c9d25b6c0ce4bde5ad97d7ab83f00ae8bd3800a98ccbee36f3c3205315147de1';"
   "rows": [
$ lightning-cli sql -o "SELECT nodeid FROM nodes WHERE nodeid IN (x'03c9d25b6c0ce4bde5ad97d7ab83f00ae8bd3800a98ccbee36f3c3205315147de1', x'02ba9965e3db660385bd1dd2c09dd032e0f2179a94fc5db8917b60adf0b363da00')"
   "rows": [

Related tables are usually referenced by JOIN:

$ lightning-cli sql -o "SELECT nodeid, alias, nodes_addresses.type, nodes_addresses.port, nodes_addresses.address FROM nodes INNER JOIN nodes_addresses ON nodes_addresses.row = nodes.rowid"
   "rows": [

Simple function usage, in this case COUNT. Strings inside arrays need ", and ' to protect them from the shell:

$ lightning-cli sql 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nodes"
   "rows": [


Rusty Russell <rusty@rustcorp.com.au> is mainly responsible.


lightning-listtransactions(7), lightning-listchannels(7), lightning-listpeers(7), lightning-listnodes(7), lightning-listforwards(7).


Main web site: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning comment: # ( SHA256STAMP:f1434805992a6d428e96c93e2acde932d99da9cfbc91c9b543b3553b1af39c9b)